Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 825

WOW! Lin Feng has a Blue Necklace in his hand.

The light luster flickers. It doesn\'t look strange. It\'s very simple.

Compared with his own ember magic armor, Yumiao, this cyan necklace is undoubtedly inferior to a big step, even if it is the \'heart of glass\'. Just like ordinary people standing in the crowd, there is no special, belonging to the "public face".

Qingyun chain, five star treasure.

Grade: medium.

"Qingyun chain is a star treasure of the defense system, with a value of about 3 billion doling coins."

"The price of the tool refining guide book fluctuates greatly, but at least it is more than 100 times. Theoretically, the price of the \'tool refining guide book\' of Qingyun chain is at least more than 300 billion doling coins."

"But this is the lowest price. Selling at this price may break the head."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and clear, and he understood in his heart.

Because Xingbao doesn\'t have a ground level tool refining guide book at all, the higher the human level tool refining guide book, the higher the price.

Wupin Xingbao has reached a fairly "high" level.

"The \'refining\' of Qingyun chain is basically familiar to me. Although its product level is better than \'the heart of glass II\', it is not difficult to refine."

"After all, it is the action and process described in the \'tool refining guide book\', which does not need the understanding of \'Tao\'."

"The only trouble now..."


Lin Feng frowned slightly and knew it clearly in his heart.

To refine the "Qingyun chain", the cost of materials is between 1-2 billion. If you want to test it, you need at least tens of billions of doling coins.

"While refining the \'heart of glass\' to make money, while buying materials to test the refining of Qingyun chain, that\'s it."

"If you can contact master Yanqing during this period, it is the best. If you can\'t contact..."

"Just follow the third method."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and made the final decision in his heart.

Relying on yourself is more reliable than relying on others.

The next morning.

When the trading space opened, Lin Feng smiled.

After six hours of refining, plus the ten glazed hearts refined last night, the money in his Phoenix silver card is more than 10 billion doling coins.

"Tool refiner, the speed of making money is really terrible." Lin Feng smiled.

Now, I can earn more than 10 billion doling coins twelve hours a day!

Among the human level weapon refiners, they are almost few.

No, it should be said to be the top existence!


Lin Feng\'s familiar selection of materials soon cleaned up the 10.594 billion doling coins.

There are less than eight million left.

However, there is no pain at all.

There are gains and losses.

What you spend today will be ten times and a hundred times back the next day!

When Lin Feng stepped out of the trading space calmly, he began a new round of "making money" the next day. Now refining the "heart of colored glass" is already familiar, and there is no difficulty. It\'s just that intermittent refining is difficult to maintain the state, and the sub perfect grade is no doubt difficult to achieve miracles.

"It doesn\'t matter."

"At least for now, the top grade is better."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t care.

The sub perfect product level is hot now.

One day passed quickly.

It was also transported from 23 newly refined top grades\' the heart of glass\', earning 103.5 Dou Ling coins.

Not only that, the purchased materials also arrive.

Lin Feng smiled slightly and was not in a hurry to spend Dou Ling coins for the moment. Now

Experiment first!

"I\'m not sure. These materials can refine the \'green cloud chain\'." Lin Feng smiled.

Xinran\'s pace has no pressure, but he knows that the possibility is quite weak. But there\'s nothing to worry about. For other refiners, spending tens of billions of duel coins to test is a great luxury, but for themselves, it\'s just a day\'s work.

Thousands of gold scattered and came back.

on the third day.

the forth day.

The Fifth Day.

Time goes by slowly.

The opening of the rosefinch challenge made the whole Shiluo county pay special attention. In the qianluo District, the Wu family, the dragon club, the Qingyun house, and the Lin family compete secretly. After all, Jiang is old and spicy. After five days of competition, he is still the sole leader of Wu family. The number of martial artists who pass the qualification competition is more than that of the dragon club and Qingyun building.

Although Lin Yumo took the lead and opened the opportunity, the foundation of the Lin family is still not strong enough.

Qingyun tower is slightly better than the dragon club this time, and the Lin family is still ranked fourth.

I\'m not reconciled, but the strength of the family martial arts surpasses

It will never happen overnight.

In the hall.

"Tut, it\'s still the fourth place." Lin Zhen shook her head helplessly.

"At least there has been progress." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and narrowed his eyes. "It has improved a lot compared with the results of the previous session. The number of people who passed the previous five days exceeded 20 percent."

Lin Zhen smiled brightly: "I\'m still too anxious."

Lin Yan was calm. "The patriarch is concerned about the family. If he wants his son to become a dragon, he can understand his mood."

His fists were slightly clenched, and Lin Zhen\'s eyes lit up like a bright star. "There are thousands of people of the Lin family, and the foundation of our ancestors has grown stronger and stronger. However, my zhuquezhou pulse can\'t even step out of the small Shiluo County, which really makes people anxious."

Lin Yan sighed: "it is always difficult to unite."

Lin Zhen shook her head and said, "if there is competition and pressure, there will be progress."

Lin Yan stroked his long beard: "there are real talents in splitting the land, but his ambition is too big. Water can carry a boat and capsize a boat. It may not be a good thing to walk too fast." after a light pause, Lin Yan\'s eyes flashed a little nostalgia, "if he took over the position of vice patriarch that day, maybe at this time..."

"There is no if." Lin Zhen interrupted with a straight face. "It has become a fact. It\'s useless to review it again."

Lin Yan apologized, "sorry, clan leader."

Lin Zhen\'s eyes flashed away and sighed: "in his position, many things are actually involuntarily, if you can..."

"No if, clan leader." Lin Yan narrowed his eyes and returned the other body in the other way.

They looked at each other and laughed in an instant.

The slightly dignified atmosphere vanished in an instant.

Garden house, basement.

烀! 烀! The flames darted up like dragons dancing.

Crazy dance, with the rapid fluctuation of Lin Feng\'s hands, the cyan light gradually reveals its original face like a shy girl. When you look closely, it is 80% similar to the "Qingyun chain".

"That\'s right."

"That\'s the rhythm!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled with joy, and his eyes were bright.

The experiment for four consecutive days cost a total of 50 billion doling coins, which can be described as the ultimate use of "power".

Pay, there will be harvest.

Although it costs more money than expected.

But now it is the end.

"Only the last step is left." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"The last \'mulingyuan species\' depends on whether to use\' Qinglan wood \'or\' green secluded grass\'."

"No time, any one."

The Qingyun chain in his hand has taken shape, but Lin Feng doesn\'t have much time to think.

Since there is a word "green" in his name, Lin Feng intuitively likes "green Lanmu", even if he took it.

With bright eyes and strong hope, Lin Feng\'s heart is calm to the extreme.

A smelter must keep his best condition anytime, anywhere!

Whatever is appropriate, the mind must not waver.

"Zi ~ Zi! ~" the fire was fierce.

It seems that the embryo grows from the mother\'s body to birth.

Now, there\'s only one last step left!

"Boom! ~" burst heavily.

The sound is very heavy, far from being as light as when refining the heart of glass.

But the corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth was slightly scratched, and his eyes looked straight ahead. It was a hazy mist, flashing a faint cyan light. The astrology of the Qingyun chain is not obvious, but this is what you want, a medium-grade "Qingyun chain".

There are no obvious features, let alone a sense of vitality.

But it\'s important.

"Pa!" Lin Feng took the Qingyun chain with light residual temperature, and then took the Qingyun chain won by his gambling fight on the refining platform.

His eyes are like two sharp arrows. He can distinguish two green cloud chains with the standard eyes of a tool refiner.

One second, five seconds, ten seconds!

"Ha ha! ~" Lin Feng laughed loudly.

Laughter rings around the whole refining room, full of comfort and comfort.

I finally succeeded!

Except that the two green cloud chains are slightly "old and new", there is no difference in other places. In essence, as like as two peas, they are exactly alike. Lin Feng\'s mouth is raising a faint smile, and his heart is full of joy.

A kind of affirmation.

Affirmation of one\'s own \'ability\'.

"In the future, I can buy other \'medium grade\' Xingbao."

"Then come back and copy and disassemble, and then..."

"Make a guide book for refining utensils!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and his heart beat faster.

After awakening from his star pupil, this road has undoubtedly become a broad road.

A light!

A day later.

"Almost." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

In front of me, the "tool refining guide book" drawn by myself lay quietly on the tool refining platform.

Beside it, ten as like as two peas of green chain lay on the side, as if the green leaves were reflecting flowers, reflecting the book of "Lian Jian guidebook". With a noble and mysterious color, no one knows what the value of this "tool refining guide book" is.

Including Lin Feng himself.

"30 million fighting coins?" Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

The minimum price is more than 500 billion doling coins.

However, the final price depends on the attitude of the Lin family and their desire for this "tool refining guide book".

"There are some cards that I didn\'t want to expose."

"However, in order to obtain greater benefits, there is no way."

Lin Feng nodded gently and felt helpless.

To tell the truth, I don\'t want to be exposed so quickly.

But after waiting for six days, there was still no response from master Yan Qing. Obviously, he was quite "busy" at this time.

And I can\'t wait.

"Only one step can count as one step."

"Let\'s go for a while."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, and his heart did not show a burden.

I really want to know how the patriarch will look when he sees this "Qingyun chain" tool refining guide book.

Before that, the "guide book for refining utensils" at the highest level of the family was the six star treasure.