Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 815

"Hahaha, Yumo, you really love joking." the laughter rang out.

In this noisy sound, it seems quite "harsh", covering up other sounds around.

It shows that the strength of the newcomer is far better than that of other martial artists around him.

Lin Feng looked back. It was a young man like a cheetah, dressed in black armor and wearing a feather crown that seemed to be an identity symbol. The dark pupils flash bright light, the bronze skin is strong, and the muscles are solid and dense.

It\'s very imposing.

"Such a little guy, can you get the \'ember magic armor\'?" the young man didn\'t even look at Lin Feng, and said lightly.

As if he did it intentionally, the black armored youth stood beside Lin Feng, emitting a majestic momentum, half a head higher than Lin Feng\'s feet, and his swollen muscles instantly compared Lin Feng. Behind him, there were men in the same armor and feather crowns, each with dark skin, strong and powerful.

Black armored youth, obviously, has a good identity.

"Look, it\'s extraordinary!"

"The young master of the Wu family in qianluo district has heard that he proposed marriage to the Lin family several times."

"He\'s the star master\'s top power. He is known as the No. 1 power in the future in qianluo district. He and Yumo are made for each other by nature, which is much stronger than this Lin Feng."


The surrounding voices fell into his ears, and Lin Feng\'s heart was faint.

It seems that her sister "Yumo", the name of the first beauty in Shiluo County, has attracted many wild bees and butterflies.

Master Yan Qing\'s Apprentice Anlu is one, and Lin fan, one of the family\'s twin stars, is one. It is obvious that the "Wu extraordinary" at the peak of the star master level is also one.

"Wu family, I heard Yumo mention it."

"In the ninety-nine central district and qianluo District of Shiluo County, the Lin family is a well deserved dragon head, but if it comes to force..."

"It should be the Wu family that inherits the blood of the \'Indian sign\'."

"However, I haven\'t heard her mention Wu Bufan. It seems that this young man, like Lin fan, is also single lovesickness."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and smiled lightly.

Unconsciously, he entered the role of "big brother" and worried about Yu Mo blindly.

His eyes suddenly looked away. Yu Mo was smiling at him. He immediately came and gently took up his arm. Lin Feng was stunned. He immediately felt a great murderous spirit coming from his side. You don\'t have to look at it. You know it was emitted by "Wu extraordinary".

"Oh..." Lin Feng didn\'t mind when he was clear in his heart.

It doesn\'t matter if you are the eldest brother and shield your sister several times.

Anyway, now in Shiluo County, it has long been hyped.

"Thump! Thump!" the heart beat very fast. Lin Yumo seemed calm, but his heart was a mess that had never been seen before. There is an inexhaustible relationship between Lin Feng and him. He is the object of her marriage and the "murderer" who indirectly killed her family, but now he treats her meticulously

Is it good? Is it bad?

What do you feel in your heart?

In fact, Yumo can\'t figure it out now.

Just now, it was just a temporary intention. It\'s not just an extraordinary heart, but also to tell everyone

She has a crush on Yumo.

All along, she has been extremely worried. There are too many young talents pursuing her, including Wu Bufan and Lin fan. But now she just wants to revitalize the family and doesn\'t want to consider love, but the trouble comes one by one.

"You owe me." Yu Mo said, gently pursing his lips.

Holding Lin Feng\'s arm, he was confused and had an unspeakable feeling.

"Let\'s go." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Completely ignoring the little master of the Wu family, he went away.

It doesn\'t matter whether to test the "load-bearing capacity". At present, it\'s just to go less into muddy water.


"Stop!" Wu Bufan drank violently, his eyes cold and bright.

Suddenly, the Wu family surrounded Lin Feng and Lin Yumo.

"Young master Wu?" Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed and spoke faintly. "Don\'t forget that this is the Lin family, not your Wu family."

Shua! The figure flashed.

Wu Bufan suddenly appeared in front of him, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The violent wind pressure brings strong airflow fluctuations.

"What a fast speed!"

"His explosive power is amazing."

His figure was half as big as his own, but the black armored youth in front of him was not limited at all.

The Wu family, inheriting the blood of the "Indian sign", is indeed worthy of being one of the two "God of war" constellations in the south.

"I\'m not interfering with you, Yumo." Wu Bufan glanced at Lin Feng coldly and said in a deep voice, "but you\'ll spoil yourself by choosing this kind of loser." with a murderous intention in your eyes, the cold light was fierce, "I can kill ten people like him in one blow!"

The momentum of the star master\'s peak overwhelms Lin Feng.

Wu Bufan\'s powerful murderous spirit surges and spreads out. It seems that it is deliberately done. All the martial arts around look ugly.


Lin Feng, but it is easy.

"Hmm?" Lin Yumo glanced at Lin Feng and was quite surprised.

With Lin Feng on his wrist, it can be said that every detail of Lin Feng\'s every move is close at hand, but now Lin Feng is calm and unaffected.

He\'s really mysterious.

"What\'s the use of relying only on his mouth." Lin Feng opened his mouth calmly, and his eyes met Wu extraordinary.

For a moment, with a "Ding" sound, the pupil of the star dome in the left eye was fiercely bright. It was the sound of Yu Miao\'s light movement. With the bright pupil of the star sky, Lin Feng\'s two pupils became extremely terrible in an instant. Wu Bufan\'s face suddenly changed, and his eyes seemed to flash through countless staggered spaces, as if he fell into a dreamland.


"Broken!" shouted angrily.

Wu Bufan\'s face turned red and his eyes suddenly returned to light.

But at this time, there was silence around, and everyone\'s eyes were full of shock.

Wu Bufan, he retreated by three big steps!

Lin Feng pushed back with his eyes!


A terrible shock.

They stared at Lin Feng, who was still calm and calm, as if nothing had happened. But the scene just now was very clearly printed into everyone\'s eyes - four eyes on each other, Wu extraordinary, straight back three steps and lost the battle!

The most surprised is Lin Yumo.

The beautiful eyes are like the blue waves of autumn water, flashing brightly.

Lin Feng became more and more mysterious in her heart. Holding his hand, inexplicably

She felt a sense of security.

Never felt before.

"You, you!!" Wu Bufan blushed and trembled.

Staring at Lin Feng closely, he looked like a cheetah with deep anger. Wu Bufan clenched his teeth and said, "OK, boy, you have seed!"

Just now, in a hurry, he completely forgot that the Lin family has a tradition of "pupil art". If one doesn\'t check, he will suffer a dark loss. At this time, even if he has strong strength, he has no place to play. It\'s like hanging the old longevity star to make trouble here.

"I know you, Lin Feng." Wu Bufan\'s eyes are cold and sharp, "I\'ll see you in the rosefinch challenge!"

Then he waved and shouted, "go!"

Leading the Wu family, Wu Bufan walked proudly with anger on his face.

This time, I ate a big flat!

"Is that pupil technique?" Lin Feng moved lightly in his heart.

"After merging Yumiao, I have a much stronger sense and control over the star dome pupil. Just now..."

Lin Feng was also surprised. Just now he just focused his eyes and looked. The pupil of the star dome was a spontaneous attack, as if he had performed magic.

But I didn\'t master any attack skills at all.

"Follow your heart, and so is every \'copy\'."


Lin Feng brushed lightly at the corner of his mouth and didn\'t care much.

At least for now, I have another "skill" to attack.

"Sorry, Lin Feng." Lin Yumo\'s voice was slight and he felt sorry.

Originally, he just wanted to use the "potential" to get rid of those annoying things, but he didn\'t want to cause a big trouble for Lin Feng. Lin Yumo felt very guilty.

Like a small hand like congealed fat, he unconsciously let go, Yumo gently bit his lips and lowered his head.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed slightly.

Feel the subtle movement changes of Yumo and know what he thinks.

Little girl, I seem very guilty.

"It\'s just a small matter." Lin Feng smiled and rubbed Yumo\'s small head with his right hand. In full view of the public, he hugged Yumo\'s shoulder and said, "let\'s go." the latter\'s body was stiff and petrified for a moment, and his beautiful face turned red like a picture scroll. For a moment, he only heard his heartbeat.

But she can\'t resist at all!

Behind them, there are a group of shocked warriors.

Lin Xiong led his men. He was confident and planned to find Lin Feng trouble, but he didn\'t want to see such a tongue tied scene.

With a dull face, Lin Xiong was a little confused.

He, was he right?

"Lin Feng, driving back Wu Bufan?" Lin Xiong murmured.

"How is this possible!"

The strongest young generation in qianluo District, the young master of the Wu family, is extraordinary. It\'s the peak of the star master level!!

How could he be pushed back by Lin Feng in front of him?

Lin Xiong\'s face was very ugly at this time. With so many subordinates watching, he came to Lin Feng for trouble. If he retreated so much, wouldn\'t he be a shrinking turtle? But he wants to trouble Lin Feng in the past. At that time, he will be hit by Lin Feng\'s\' pupil technique \'

I\'m afraid it\'s even more humiliating!

"Damn it, how could this guy use his\' pupil technique \'!" Lin Xiong gnashed his teeth.

Now, he is in a dilemma.

"Ah, ah!!" suddenly, someone behind him opened his eyes and pointed to Lin Feng, "young master, he is Lin Feng!!"

"I know him. He blinded young master Lin fan!"

Instantaneous time——

"Hiss ~ ~" took a breath of air-conditioning. All the people behind Lin Xiong were pale and their legs trembled.

Who is Lin fan?

One of the double stars of the Lin family, the only son of the deputy head of the Lin family!

With a second-class "Bai Mu Tong", he is a talented young generation of top experts trained by the family.

Lin Fan\'s pupil technique is quite sharp.


Blinded by Lin Feng?!

You\'re kidding!

Lin Xiong felt his back cold and his mouth twitched. He looked at Lin Feng in horror and felt that his crotch was a little wet.

This forest wind is sacred!

(second change ~ ~)