Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 812

In the garden house.

"Well..." Lin Feng shook his head.

Put down the star treasure staff, but the integration still failed.

Even if you use up the most star power, the Xingbao staff still doesn\'t feel like a "green cloud chain".

"Star power is not strong enough."

"I can\'t imagine that this humble wooden staff is such a precious star treasure."

Lin Feng said in his heart.

I didn\'t care at first when I thought of what I got from the "hundred waterfalls" at that time. I didn\'t expect that it would be a star treasure beyond the four grades.

"In addition to the thousands of \'tears of time and space\', what we get from the hundred waterfalls is the existence of Xingbao level."

"The hundred waterfalls are really mysterious and far beyond imagination. They are one of the \'four Jedi\' in tianwu continent. The secret of the hundred waterfalls is really not simple."


Lin Feng was stunned.

Since the most accessible waterfall among the four Jedi has such power, aren\'t the other three Jedi more terrible?

"There are all kinds of energy instruments, ancient civilization instruments."

"What is the secret of tianwu mainland?"

Lin Feng\'s heart murmured.

"However, it\'s useless to know. It\'s hard to come to the fighting spirit world. I want to go back..."

"I\'m afraid it\'s even more difficult."

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Lin Feng sighed gently.

Not feeling, but missing.

"I don\'t know what happened to my mother, brother and sister. How are you doing in tianwu mainland?"

"How did the kingdom of hunting develop after the war?"

"And the brothers and sisters of shou..."

His eyes were blurred, and Lin Feng missed it very much.

I have left tianwu mainland for several years, where I grew up.

It\'s a lie to say you don\'t miss home.


Gain, lose.

For father, ziyao and Duoduo, I have to go this way. Moreover, pursuing the peak of martial arts and becoming a strong star is also one of my wishes. Do not want to live a poor life, do not want to be controlled by others, only to become stronger and stronger!

This is the belief that has always supported itself.

"I hope to become a saint as soon as possible."

"At that time, there must be a way to return to tianwu."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart, and his blurred eyes gradually became clear.

I will never waver in my determination.

"Wow!" put the green cloud chain into the Jizi ring.

Looking at the extremely \'full\' Jizi ring, Lin Feng suddenly smiled.

It\'s time to replace your storage space, because you don\'t need to put too many things. Although jizijie is a Lingbao, it\'s barely enough. However, with the improvement of their own strength, all kinds of star treasures, stars and pills have to be put in, which is undoubtedly too difficult to be a Jizi ring.

"It\'s mainly reluctant." a heartache flashed in Lin Feng\'s eyes.

The Zhuo purple ring is a love thing between himself and ziyao. One by one, wearing the Zhuo purple ring is like ziyao accompanying himself.

Gently turn over the "sundries" in the storage space, but there are everything, most of which are obtained from Yanling mansion.

Including all kinds of Xingguo, Xingli spring, miscellaneous books and so on, as well as many broken doling coins.

But here, it doesn\'t seem to be of much use.


"Hmm?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

Take out an earring from it, which is in the shape of water droplets and glitters with bright luster.

This is

"By the way, it was a gift from water Linglong at that time." Lin Feng remembered.

On the same day, he saved Shui Linglong at the outer gate of area 9 of liyanmen. The latter gave this earring to him. At that time, he was forced to accept it and put it into the Jizi ring. Now take it out again, and the memory of the past suddenly surged up.

At that time, I felt the strong energy of water in the earrings.

It is very similar to the water energy in the hundred waterfalls. It can trigger the \'water life chart\' in your body!

"This is not an ordinary \'earring\'." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"It\'s not a Lingbao."

Gently touch the surface of the earrings, just feel the material, and you can make a clear judgment.

Now as a tool refiner, I can\'t compare with before.

"Is it Xingbao?" Lin Feng whispered softly.

Look left and right, Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling and moving.

"What a delicate structure."

"What a perfect refining method."

"If this is a star treasure, it must be something extraordinary."

It feels completely different.

Lin Feng\'s heart vibrates gently.

"It\'s better to have a try." Lin Feng\'s curiosity suddenly surged up after his heart read.

Think of it and do it. The strong star power suddenly surged out and went straight into the earrings, but it seemed to encounter a wall and be blocked out. Lin Feng\'s eyes were light and bright. In a moment, his life soul turned sharply, and there was a lot of star power, just like a tide.

The fourth-order star power of the star master level erupts in an instant!

"Boom! ~" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Star force, punch the earrings to the wall, and the chest fluctuates.


"I feel it."

"Seems to break through!"

Lin Feng\'s heart is touched, and the star power is constantly released.

The strong stellar force equivalent to the sixth order of the star master level, sprint after sprint, constantly breaking down the defense line of this strange earring. However, his star power is like entering a bottomless abyss and is constantly absorbed, which makes Lin Feng shocked and abnormal in his heart.

"It\'s not a star treasure." Lin Feng judged it in an instant.

To recognize the Lord\'s star treasure, star power is very important, but if "quality" is not good, no matter how much is useless.

But right now

and be not so.

"It\'s weird." Lin Feng\'s eyes moved gently.

I feel curious in my heart, but I don\'t want to give up. I feel that I can break through this barrier with star power.

However, the required stellar force is quite "much".

But it doesn\'t matter.

The most wind in the forest is the power of constellations.

As for Lin Feng, there is no word "Exhaustion" in the star power. As long as there is enough time, the star power can be recovered quickly, and the amount of recovery increases with the improvement of strength.

Time passes slowly.

Lin Feng is also a stubborn temper, but he is also consumed.

Anyway, being idle is also idle. Now there are still a few days before the qualification of the rosefinch challenge. It\'s not too urgent.

"I\'d like to see how much it can absorb." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

Forget it, three seven twenty-one, spell it again!

In fact, if yu Mo is here at the moment, he will tell Lin Feng.

In fact, Every warrior at the star master level knows this way of absorption

That\'s the fusion of star tools.

Time passed quickly.

Lin family, all martial arts are hesitant for preparation.

It is getting closer and closer to the opening of the qualification of the rosefinch challenge.

Three days.

Two days.

One day!

"See the notice? The patriarch made a hero this time!"

"See, hey, as long as you pass the qualifying competition, the family will give you a very expensive reward! If you can even pass the qualifying competition, wow, that\'s great. In addition to the reward that the conference itself can receive, the family reward is more than three times more than the conference reward!"

"Of course, we Lin family never lack money."

"Shit, I\'m fighting this time! If I want to enter the preliminary competition, I can enter the inner city and become the fourth level \'sub branch Warrior\'!"

"Me too. It\'s a dragon or a snake. Whether I can shine on the lintel depends on this time!"


Status, money, women.

The Lin family has paid a lot of money this time.

There has never been a rich reward, enough to make every ethnic group crazy.

"Ha ha, ha ha!!" Lin Fan laughed loudly. Although his eyes were covered with gauze, it could not offset his good mood.

"What my father said is true. What do men do when they become important?" Lin Fan\'s cloudy mood has never been so beautiful. "As long as I can pass the qualification and peripheral competitions and enter the preliminaries, I can ask the patriarch to marry Yu Mo!"

"Lin Feng, it\'s a fart!"

With his fists clenched, Lin Fan\'s fighting spirit was high.

It\'s not just the Lin family.

The whole Shiluo County, and even the whole zhuquezhou, is now boiling.

All the restaurants and teahouses in the streets are discussing the most popular "rosefinch challenge" at present. Every martial artist is rubbing his hands and sparrows want to try. For them, this is not only an opportunity to make a reputation, but also a great opportunity for fish to leap over the dragon\'s gate!

How can I miss it!

At this time, in the garden house.

Lin Feng, who spent three days and three nights with an earring, finally ushered in an opportunity.

The barrier and defense of earrings are getting thinner and thinner. It\'s like a wall, constantly digging, and now it\'s on the verge of collapse. The feeling in his heart is more and more comfortable. Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, and the star power of his hands is constantly instilled. He is frantically breaking down the dam like a flood.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Again and again, the birds in the heart of the forest wind moved.



Boom!! With the last impulse of starpower, the earring\'s "defense" was finally broken.

The strong instillation of star power leads to the hidden power in the earrings. For a moment, the light was shining, and the strong starlight lit up the whole garden house. Lin Feng only felt the abnormal acceleration of his heart at this time, a feeling that he had never felt before.

"What a strong force."

"Good familiar feeling and authority."

The body seems to vibrate, and the power of earrings is full of pressure.

In an instant——

"Wow!" the strange light of the left eye flickered, and the pupil of the star dome seemed to be attracted, shining brightly.

Soul quiver!

Heart, violent shock.

Lin Feng felt incredible, a little confused and a little confused.

But in an instant, it reacts completely.

"Not Xingbao!!!"

"It is merging with my \'soul\'."

Lin Feng was shocked and said, "this earring is... A soul weapon?!"

Own, have a double life soul.

One of them is the "auxiliary soul" given by the left eye - the star dome pupil.

At the moment, the combination with this earring seems to fit perfectly. I seem to have entered a wonderful space with stars. It feels strange and bright. In my mind, countless information poured into my mind. At this moment, the star dome pupil changed perfectly, and my heart was full of unspeakable feelings.

Abnormal touch!

"God, this is..." Lin Feng was shocked.

My heart beat faster and my eyes showed incomparable surprise.

(second change ~ ~)