Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 770

"Hmm?" Lin Yumo took Lingbao\'s "Shengjiao".

The remaining temperature in the hand still exists, with a trace of different feeling.

Lin Yu Mo\'s beautiful eyes suddenly brightened. He immediately took out the Lingbao "Shengjiao" he had refined and compared the two.

"Feel it?" Lin Feng smiled.

His heart beat faster. Lin Yu Mo looked at the two different Lingbao "Shengjiao" in his hands. Their shapes were very different. One is darker, the other is lighter, one is wider and thicker, and the other is more refined, especially the ripple above, which is refined by Lin Feng——

Clearer and more powerful!

It\'s like a real dragon!

The most important thing is that the two Lingbao "Shengjiao" have different breath!

"Wow!" Lin Yumo instantly opened the Lingbao "rise Jiao".

It\'s like the sound of a dragon leaping to the ear. Around the body, a bright shadow is formed, incomparably bright. The extreme color, accompanied by the deep ripples, appears one by one, bringing a completely different feeling.

"Really, it\'s really an eight star treasure." Lin Yumo couldn\'t believe it.

"What a strong defensive smell."

Four eyes looked at each other and saw from each other\'s eyes that they were ecstatic and excited.

They, will seven star Lingbao, complete innovation refining!

Achieve eight star Lingbao!

It\'s amazing!

"It\'s done!" the four palms roared.

Lin Feng and Lin Yumo are extremely happy.

This feeling is indescribable, surging and open, full of a sense of achievement.

Although the quality has dropped a grade, it is an eight star Lingbao, completely surpassing the existence of Seven Star Lingbao, which is a full grade! Just the first refining, the first innovation, has achieved such success, how can we not be excited and happy!

"If you write the refining method into a \'tool refining guide book\' and give it to the family..." Lin Yumo gently covered his mouth and was very happy.

This is an eight star treasure. Its value is completely different from that of the Seven Star treasure.

Suddenly, Lin Yumo was stunned and shook his head.

"What\'s the matter, Yumo?" Lin Feng said strangely. "Although I refined it, we have discussed all the details carefully. You should know very well that you can\'t write a \'tool refining guide\'?"

"Lin Feng, you are not a member of the Lin family." Lin Yumo shook his head and said, "if I do this, it will be unfair to you."

Lin Feng smiled and clearly knew Yu Mo\'s concerns.

The same set of "tool refining guide book" falls into the hands of families and individuals, which has completely different effects.

"Take it. It\'s my tuition." Lin Feng smiled. "I don\'t need this\' tool refining guide book \'."

Staring at Lin Feng, Lin Yu\'s beautiful eyes twinkled. "Although the value of the defense Lingbao is not high, it is the \'tool refining guide book\' of the eight star Lingbao, and it is a unique existence in the whole zhuquezhou. Lin Feng, do you know how much it is worth?"

Lin Feng smiled, "I remember Yumo you said that the value of Lingbao in the eight star defense system is about 10 million fighting spirit coins, which depends on the price of refining materials."

It\'s a little cheaper than Yanling mansion. After all, there are many weapon refiners in Jiuzhou, and there are naturally many Lingbao that can be refined.

The price of Lingbao depends more on refining materials.

"The tool refining guide book is different." Lin Yumo said softly, "with the guide book, the tool refiner family can produce this eight star Lingbao in large quantities. As long as there are enough materials, the profits will continue, and Lin Feng, you forget an important thing."

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised and curious.

Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes are shining. "It is refined from the material of Seven Star Lingbao, and the profit is quite rich."

"Can\'t it be sold at a low price and occupy the eight star Lingbao market?" Lin Feng reacted instantly.

The land of Jiuzhou is different from Yanling mansion after all. There are few apprentices of tool refiners in Yanling mansion, but there are many human level tool refiners in Jiuzhou.

"That\'s not good." Lin Yumo shook his head with a smile. "This new" Shengjiao "requires too much of a craftsman\'s foundation. The craftsman apprentice can\'t master it at all. Even if it\'s a human level craftsman, I\'m afraid it\'s a little difficult to master it."

Lin Feng nodded and understood instantly.

Indeed, because of the continuous reduction steps, the difficulty for the smelter is increasing.

Is it so easy to refine?

"However, the price of the eight star Lingbao is not much different from that of the nine star treasure, but the profit is more generous." Lin Yumo smiled. "If it is written as a \'tool refining guide book\' and auctioned in the auction house, the price should also be several billion doling coins."

"Unfortunately, it\'s just the defense system, and only has\' medium \'quality." Lin Yumo said lightly.

Both reduce a lot of value, especially the latter.

Perfect refining is only "medium". Isn\'t imperfect only "inferior"?

However, the specific value will not be known until it has been identified.

"No, it should achieve \'superior\' quality." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Hmm?" Lin Yumo was lightly surprised.

"I just thought for a long time and finally came up with the most critical point." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. "The steps of the whole refining process are constantly refined and meticulous. There should be no room for mistakes. Only in the end, the Seven Star Lingbao transformed into eight star Lingbao, which was unexpected, and here is where the mistakes were."

Four eyes relative, Lin Yumo momentarily covered his small mouth, "I see, it\'s a strange animal crystal!"

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded, "finally, we should use eight star alien crystals, not seven stars."

The key!

The difference of one star of the alien crystal is enough to determine the final quality of Lingbao.

"I\'ll try it once." Lin Yu ink finch wants to try.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Half an hour later.

"Peng!" precise fusion.

After two failures, Lin Yumo just mastered the secret and successfully refined it.

This time, it was clear that the dragon was soaring and domineering. In particular, the eyes of the dragon were bright and trembling. The "instrument elephant" of the eight star Lingbao was much stronger than the Seven Star Lingbao. Lin Yumo shook his fist excitedly.

Great success!

If Lin Feng\'s first refining success is to lay the foundation.

So this time, it\'s perfect.

The real "guide book for refining utensils", according to the precise and perfect refining written in the guide book, must be of high quality.

"I immediately wrote the \'tool refining guide book\'." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed and jumped with great joy. "The high quality and the special of this eight star Lingbao set the price above 10 billion doling coins. After careful evaluation, I believe the family will not be inferior to you."

Lin Yumo knows very well that the key point is not this "tool refining guide book".

What she wants to tell the family is that she has found a real talent with more terrible potential than the Pang Yan, who is known as the "demon genius" of the Ponzi family.

Lin Feng!

A young warrior from the wilderness.

"OK." Lin Feng smiled.

Looking at Lin Yumo, who is writing with a quick pen, as if afraid of forgetting, Lin Feng\'s eyes are light and bright.

I naturally know the value of this eight star Lingbao \'tool refining guide book\'. In the land of Jiuzhou, the value of eight star Lingbao is equivalent to nine star treasure, which can be imagined! Because the nine star Lingbao\'s "tool refining guide book" is very rare, and there are not many in the whole zhuquezhou, the eight star Lingbao naturally plays an important role.

But this is a key.

It is the best key to enter the "Lin family".

How much benefit you can get is still the second. I believe after this\' tool refining guide book \'

Their own goals can advance a lot.

Lin family.

"Lin Lao," Lin zhe said slowly, "did you find it?"

"My Lord, there\'s nothing suspicious about the investigation." Lin Lao bowed respectfully. "This\' Lin Feng \'came from Yanling house. Speaking of it, Lin Feng is well-known in Yanling house. He is known as the first strong man in Yanling house, and even killed the star master level witch clan."

"Oh?" Lin Zhe\'s eyes were bright.

"Here is a video, sir. Please watch it." Lin Lao flicked a few buttons.

In an instant, the light screen showed the picture of the battle between Lin Feng and the star master level xuanming witch family on that day, which was a widely circulated video in Yanling mansion.

Lin Lao played with his finger and looked at it with great interest.


"Dad!" a blue figure suddenly appeared.

A young man with short hair entered with a smile. His bronze skin, thin face, slightly pointed chin and perfect body shape were very handsome. Those eyes twinkled with fierce luster. It was Lin fan, the two new stars of the Lin family, who was as famous as Lin Yumo.

"Oh, what is this?" Lin Fan looked at the light screen curiously.

"Wow, it\'s the witch clan, Dad. This monster should be what you call the xuanming witch clan?" Lin Fan said excitedly and frowned, "but why is the strength so poor?"

"The intelligence is not open, the strength is naturally poor." Lin zhe gently pulled his finger and said calmly, "these single witch families outside the witch family are like savages. Few have superior strength. Only after the star master level, the intelligence will gradually mature and become stronger."

"I see." Lin Fan nodded thoughtfully.

"By the way, fan\'er, what do you think of him?" Lin zhe said, pointing to Lin Feng on the light screen.

"He?" Lin Fan was stunned and said with a quick smile, "Dad, didn\'t you say that there are mole ants under the star master level? When did you start to care about these mole ants?"

"Mole ants?" Lin Ying smiled. "Maybe it\'s a very special mole ant."

"No matter how special it is, he is also a mole ant." Lin Fan proudly raised his head, glanced at the forest wind on the light screen, and brushed his lips with disdain. "I don\'t need to move this kind of mole ant, which can break him to pieces." it\'s not a big talk. With Lin Fan\'s strength, he does have this capital.

The existence of Xinghai level peak is really like a mole ant to him.

"Pa." turning off the light screen, Lin slowly closed his eyes and whispered, "I should be suspicious."

"What did you say, dad?" Lin Fan was surprised.

"Nothing, let\'s go." Lin Zhen stood up with his eyes shining. "How did you practice the \'Bai Mu Tong\' I taught you last time?"

"Great progress in strength, Dad!" Lin fanxi said, "teach me to the next level."

"Well, let\'s go."

(go on, fourth shift! ~)