Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 620

"This is the eight star Lingbao!"

"If only I could have the snowstorm one day."

"It\'s beautiful to have your spring and autumn dream. The vice captain\'s Lingbao is only borrowed."

People in black gathered around and talked about it one after another.

It\'s dark. The rest of the 25 teams led by Wan kugu are here. The plan has been discovered by Li Yanmen. Instead of wasting manpower, it\'s better to gather together. Even if you fight with a clear knife and a clear gun, you can at least take advantage of the number of people.

Different from Li Yanmen, each of the five hundred people brought out by the ten thousand families of Yanling is the strong one in the family.

There is no potential warrior. They came here to complete the task!

"This is the legendary eight star treasure?" Fei Luming\'s eyes were bright.

"Yanling ten thousand families are indeed rich and powerful." Zhong Bai said with envy.

"Domain Lingbao is independent of Yanling\'s house. Lin Feng is dead." the golden cicada scratched at the corner of her mouth and sneered.

The place where the three eyes gathered was a land of snow mist, forming a huge snowflake mask, thick and bright. You can\'t see what\'s happening inside from the outside. It\'s an independent \'domain\', where the independent space is.


WOW! Snowflakes splashed everywhere and the powerful smell burst.

All the people of the ten thousand families of the Yanling stand back, and Fei Luming\'s three eyes are also shining.

Because they know that ten thousand dead bones are about to appear.


Put away Lingbao. Why is there so much movement?

No one knows, because people have never seen the use of "Storm Snow area", and even Wan withered bones are used for the first time.

Peng! Airflow collapse.

The energy breath is very strong and shiny.

All the people of Yanling Wan nationality focused on the snow filled place, waiting for WAN withered bones to appear. He hesitated and was about to salute, but he didn\'t see anyone. Just as the light of the snowflakes slowly faded down, suddenly——

Whoosh! A light and shadow broke through the crowd.

Everyone was stunned.

Fei Luming three people stared at the figure and left. Suddenly their face was very ugly.

"Am I right?"

"He, he is not a dead bone!"

"It\'s Lin Feng!!!"

Fei deer roared fiercely, and his eyes showed cold light.

In an instant, it was like a cloud breaking arrow, straight through and roaring towards the forest wind.

At this time, the people of Yanling 10000 families gathered around finally woke up. Although they didn\'t know what had happened, they obviously couldn\'t let Lin Feng escape like this! Hundreds of strong people completely surrounded this area and suddenly boiling.

Crazy gallop.

Run away with all your strength.

Lin Feng\'s eyes showed a strong firmness, but he was a little weak at the moment.

The star power is exhausted.

"This is a big trouble."

"How many of them!"

Lin Feng thought to himself and felt a deep crisis.

There are many martial arts around. At the moment, they are attacking him quickly and completely blocking all paths.

The most important thing is that you will lose a lot if you fight with thousands of withered bones!

The star power is exhausted, and the left throat wheel can no longer be used.

Even the Seven Star Lingbao "moon glass" is the end of a powerful crossbow, and the life soul of the secret separation has not recovered from the collision with thousands of withered bones.

There is not much you can use.

"Can you really only leave?"

"But if I leave, I\'m afraid the martial brothers of Yanling\'s house..."

"It\'s hard to escape."

Lin Feng hesitated, but he knew that he didn\'t have much time to think about it at the moment.

There are too many enemies, like leeches everywhere. Once surrounded by them, even if you have three heads and six arms, you can\'t escape. The immediate situation was extremely critical. Lin Feng relaxed quickly, and a cold sweat flashed on his forehead.


There is no time.

"There\'s no way."


Lin Feng made a painful choice in his heart. If he lost his life here, everything would be in vain.

If you keep the green mountains, you won\'t be afraid of no firewood.

This revenge can only be avenged in the future!

At this time, all the warriors of Yanling 10000 families have entered the range of attacking Lin Feng. With the roar of roaring and the bombardment of various original energy, Lin Feng seems to be trapped in a thousand troops and horses, and there is no way out. However, Lin Feng\'s eyes are still bright and his faith is firm.

"Good bye." Lin Feng said softly.

Just about to leave Yanling\'s house, the rest of his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a thin and unreachable light in the sky, and Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed.

"Is that?!" Lin Feng was shocked.

It\'s Starland!

And it is an extremely rare \'Purple Star territory\'!

The subtle purple light, flashing with bright brilliance, is like a seed sprouting and growing up slowly.

The starlight is getting stronger and stronger. The appearance of purple Starland is a great coincidence. Each appearance has only a very short time and will soon disappear. Every time a martial artist enters the Yanling mansion, he has no chance of meeting the purple star!

However, the difference between star and cloud is——

The Starland is extremely dangerous!

In particular, the rare star territory of higher education has rich rewards, and the risk is increasing step by step!

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple star territory can be imagined!


"Have a fight!" Lin Feng made a decision in an instant.

In fact, at present, I have no way out. Either I leave Yanling\'s house immediately, or I have to enter the purple star realm.

Only one chance!

"Is this the answer God gave me?"

Lin Feng scratched lightly at the corner of his mouth, and there was no hesitation in his eyes.

For myself, danger and opportunity coexist, and now is the only avenue.

If you don\'t want to go, go——

Enter the star!

First of all, we have to remove all obstacles to entering this Avenue!



All kinds of original energy roared wildly, and hundreds of Yanling thousands of martial artists launched a fierce attack on Lin Feng. Dozens of heavenly spirit masters bombed together. If such power is hard connected, any Xinghai level warrior may have no way to survive.


Lin Feng!

"Want to kill me?"

"Then pay the price!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened instantly, but the ember magic gun in the scabbard behind him did not come out of the scabbard.

But Lin Feng\'s hands flashed fierce fire. Two different lights condensed in both hands, and the limits of the two flames increased, like the pride of heaven. The devoured fire condenses to the extreme, and the power of the reborn fire is precisely controlled.

The body, like a Libra, balances the two.

"You don\'t need to keep your hands."

"With my current constitution, I can fully support it."

"The most extreme magnetic explosion!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and clear about his own strength.

Even if there is no star light to protect the body, the remaining power of the Seven Star Lingbao "moon glass" can still protect its own body. After weakening, it will not "play with fire and burn itself".

"Come on."

"The more you come, the better!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed crazy, and the flame in his hand was more and more bright.

烀! 烀! The fire is dense and strong, just like Lin Feng\'s heart, firm and persistent.

"Close!" Lin Feng drank.

The two flames merge violently and accumulate madly!

It is the purest force that forms the most terrible combination and burst, but the opposite forces condense together, instantly——

Like the earth falling apart.

"Boom!!" the fire boils.

The power of magnetic explosion forms the most terrible power.

The light covers all the light, and the power swallows all the attacks.

All kinds of original energy, like a paper plane hitting a stone, are completely uncontrolled. All the heavenly masters were frightened, and their eyes were protruding. The nearest God of war and God of martial arts were stunned. They looked at the fierce fire shining and roaring in their eyes, and lost consciousness in an instant.

If a monster opens its big mouth, it will swallow everyone.

Including Lin Feng himself!

Peng!! Earth shaking explosion.

The situation was so tragic that it seemed to blow the land to ashes.


"I\'ll come back."

In the fire light of the play, Lin Feng stands like a fire phoenix.

Dragging the seriously injured body, it was like a phoenix bathing in blood. Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed firm light, his hands covered his broken chest, and the whole body was full of blood.

The injury is very serious!

For others, it\'s definitely fatal.

But Lin Feng did not fall.

But slowly galloped to the place where the purple stars twinkled. At this time, the purple star territory has gradually begun to "shrink". Its emergence is a coincidence, a destiny, or... An opportunity.

WOW! The moment before the purple star disappeared, Lin Feng finally arrived.

Looking back, those eyes stared at every figure remaining in the sea of fire, flashing continuously.

Soon, the forest wind disappeared into the purple light.

Pop! The purple star disappeared in an instant.

As if it had never appeared.

the corpses lie all over the countryside.

This time, Yanling million people were killed and injured badly.

In order to kill Lin Feng, hundreds of strong people launched a huge encirclement.

But I didn\'t expect Lin Feng to have such power!

Devour everything!

Those gods of war and martial arts close to the forest wind have long been burned to ashes. Those who can get away with it are those martial artists who are far away. The heavenly spirit masters are much weaker than the God of war and the God of martial arts in terms of physique, not to mention the heavenly soul masters.

Sixty one people died!

Half dead and half wounded!

Many of them were injured and suffered heavy losses.

"This, this is too terrible." the golden cicada was completely confused and a little stunned.

"Shit, Lin Feng is really a monster. He has the power to burn jade and stone when he is dying." Zhong Bai said in horror.

"Ha ha! Ha ha!" Fei Luming laughed reluctantly, but he was also frightened by Lin Feng\'s last attack just now. Fortunately, we didn\'t take the lead just now. Otherwise, I\'m afraid we\'ll be buried with Lin Feng at this time. "

The three looked at each other and laughed.

This time, they narrowly escaped death!

"As soon as Lin Feng dies, no one knows our identity." Fei Luming\'s eyes showed a sharp light.

"Yes, take this opportunity to make a big profit and kill those fools of Li Yanmen one by one. At that time, the master will be rewarded." Zhong Bai showed a greedy look.

"What are you waiting for, elder martial brother?" the golden cicada laughed coldly.

The three people forgot the pain when they got rid of the scar, and had long forgotten what they had just experienced.

They are already greedy for profit.