Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 562

Another newcomer challenges the "hundred domains.".

The news soon spread in the center of District 9 and became a joke after dinner.

However, no one knows who Lin Feng is.

How many of the more than two million newcomers can be remembered?

Besides, Lin Feng is not the only one who does "stupid things". Baiyu has been challenged 35 times!

Newcomers have the arrogance that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Moreover, many newcomers are not inferior in their own strength. They only play poorly in the trials, or meet strong opponents in advance, so they lose their qualification for promotion.

"Have you heard that Shui Linglong took the initiative to enter the outer door for trial."

"Ha, Xiaoqiang, your news is too backward. It came three days ago."

"That is, Shui Linglong won the first challenge cleanly, No. 997."

"True or false, so powerful?"

Number, representing region.

Perhaps one of the martial arts is not necessarily the real strength is equivalent to the number, but the gap will not be too large.

"Wow, it\'s too long for our newcomers. Shui Linglong should be the first newcomer to get a three digit number?"

"Silly, didn\'t you look at the ranking list? The first one to get a three digit number is fierce fire, number 999."

"No, why are these inner door strongmen here?!"


The central area of District 9 is bustling.

In fact, what happens every day in District 9 is basically no secret here.

The ranking list lists the numbers of all martial artists, whether they are 1-100 or 6-7 million. The number of the original fighters in the outer gate of District 9, plus more than two million new people, has approached 8 million.

This shows the fierce competition.

Not to mention getting a three digit number, it\'s not easy to get a four digit number.

In fact, the newcomers outside the ninth district have the best results, and their number is far beyond five digits.

As for Lin Feng

No one paid attention to the position listed in the middle and rear section.

Returning to the area numbered 5755508, Lin Feng continued to practice.

Holding a gun with one hand, he carefully sensed every detail and key point of fighting with Fei Jin.

Compared with himself, Lin Feng kept feeling. The seeds in his heart sprouted slowly. What Lin Feng realized has made great progress compared with ten days ago. However, if you want to start a new level of marksmanship, you can\'t finish it in three or two days.

This is a long process.

"What is it?"

"What is it!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were blurred and gently waved the ember magic gun.

Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, or soft or just fierce, as if trying something.

The feeling already exists, but it\'s just a feeling.

It\'s not easy to catch it.

Day after day.

Lin Feng\'s world is boring and simple.

Stubborn, stubborn.

Lin Feng is obsessed with the understanding of the realm of marksmanship. There are only two ways to go.

One is to fully understand, the other is to continue to understand.

Ten days, ten days.

During this period, Lin Feng went to "steal the teacher" again without any obstacles.

However, there is still a thick barrier from the sixth realm of marksmanship.

Ji Xia and Qian Qian have been here, but they didn\'t bother to see Lin Feng practicing.

In the twinkling of an eye, it has been a month since Lin Feng came to liyanmen.

This month, it seems that there is no progress in strength, but

"I have a deeper understanding of the gun." Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning.

"Although we have not yet understood the sixth realm of marksmanship, the exertion and power of marksmanship have been significantly improved."

No matter how small mosquitoes are, they are also meat. No one will be too much to improve their strength.

"It seems that elder Fei was a little suspicious yesterday." Lin Feng smiled calmly and thought of Fei Jin\'s suspicious eyes. But so what? It\'s not easy to win a battle between martial artists. It\'s not easy to lose

"Elder Fei\'s shooting is really powerful. It\'s not inferior to my Jiujiao shooting."

"It should be part of the \'gun execution\' left by gun rock."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and thoughtful.


"Wait!" Lin Feng\'s face coagulated.

"Artistic conception cannot be imitated. Why don\'t I imitate gun moves?!"

"Elder Fei\'s gun move is driven by the sixth artistic conception of shooting. If I can imitate his gun move 100%, maybe..."

"I can feel a different sixth Artistic Conception!"

"Yes, that\'s it!"

Lin Feng was so excited that he did it when he thought of it.

The ember magic gun in his hand shook slightly, as if he felt the owner\'s war intention and roared.

Close your eyes, Lin Feng\'s mind comes up with scenes of his battle with Fei Jin, clear and free.

Four times!

I fought with Fei Jin four times!

He knows all his tricks.

"Let\'s start!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.


Liyan gate, inner gate.

"Hehe, Lin Feng is really a gun maniac." Sima Feng Fuxu said with a smile.

"Brother Lin has amazing understanding. He can understand the artistic conception of shooting from the battle of Fei gun king." Ji Xia sighed.

"It goes without saying that brother Lin is the best!" Qin Qianqian was full of pride when he mentioned his sweetheart.

"But..." Sima Feng paused. "It\'s not so easy for intermediate people to get started. Guns are easy to learn but difficult to master. It takes longer than swords and swords. Understanding weapons is one thing, but more important is familiarity with weapons. Lin Feng\'s age..."

"No matter how savvy he is, it will take him three to five years."

"Ah!" Qin Qianqian covered his mouth and was surprised. "Isn\'t brother Lin going to waste a lot of time?"

"No." Ji Xia\'s eyes are bright. "In my opinion, brother Lin will understand it in three months!"

As soon as they said this, Sima Feng and Qin Qianqian immediately brightened their eyes, "why did Xia Er say this?"

"This month, I went to see brother Lin every ten days, and his shooting artistic conception has improved obviously." Ji Xia zhengse said, "although I haven\'t reached the \'intermediate sword integration\', I haven\'t eaten pork and I\'ve seen pigs running, but I have this feeling."

"Well, I also believe brother Lin will understand it soon!" Qin Qianqian firmly believes in Lin Feng as always.

Sima Feng nodded slightly, "if so, this year\'s Yanling Zunfu will be interesting."

The central area of the outer gate of zone 9.

"Extra, extra!"

"Shuilinglong won again. Now it\'s number 277!"

"That\'s great. Sister Bai is invincible. She won each of the three challenges."

"Yes, it\'s much better than fierce fire and less flowers. Fierce fire stopped at number 578 and less flowers stopped at number 890. The third challenge failed."

All the new people cheered and were happy. The stronger the water was, the more excited they felt.

After all, being born in the same "talent competition" naturally has a sense of belonging and face.

Since Shui Linglong started, many of the "geniuses" who have been promoted to the inner door are airborne outside the door, constantly challenging to hone their strength and skills. However, few people have really succeeded in obtaining a three digit number, and only shuilinglong has a reputation.

Lin Feng, still in No. 5755508, unknown.

However, in the central area, a person called a "fool" is becoming more and more famous.

This fool will challenge \'number 12\' every ten days——

Gun rock.

"Chi!" "Chi!"

Like thunder and lightning, photoelectric strike.

It\'s amazing. It\'s deeply awe inspiring and domineering. It\'s fast and ruthless. One blow is fatal!

Boom! The gun exploded.

Just seven days.

Lin Feng perfectly simulated Fei Jin\'s shooting method.

"It\'s a little subtle, but the artistic conception of shooting is still not understood."

"But this is the right way."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright, and he firmly believes in it.

You can\'t make a wrong decision.

"Although it took a long time and wasted seven days, but..."

"Worth it!" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

In seven days, he mastered most of Fei Jin\'s gun skills for thousands of years.

Lin Feng doesn\'t think it takes too long.

If Fei Jin knows, I\'m afraid he\'ll spit blood angrily.

"Start practicing!"

"There are three days left to master all gun skills!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright with an ember magic gun in his hand.

Every moment and every detail of his fight with Fei Jin came to mind and began to imitate.

This is very important. If you can duel with Fei Jin\'s marksmanship in three days, the difference will be very obvious compared with the same marksmanship.

It\'s very useful for you to understand the realm of marksmanship!

Three days later.

Outside the gun rock, the head surged.

The name of a fool has spread slowly, and everyone is very interested in this "fool".

Tens of thousands of martial artists were gathered to see the true face of the "fool".

"Time is coming."

"That fool won\'t lose. Don\'t you come?"

"Cut, he\'s sure to come. Why don\'t we bet?"



It was in the midst of gossip that the people suddenly——

"Coming, coming!" I don\'t know who shouted, and everyone\'s eyes lit up immediately.

I saw a flash of light and shadow in the distance. The forest wind came like an arrow through the clouds. It arrived in an instant.

Step! Lin Feng fell down.

"Huh?" he said softly. Looking around, Lin Feng felt strange.

There are many martial artists around!

But I have never met him in the past few times.

Having never been to the central area, Lin Feng naturally doesn\'t know that he is quite famous now.

Of course, it is "negative" fame.

"So he is the fool."

"Cut, just like him, still want to win Fei gun king? What a daydream!"


People talked about it one after another. Most people saw Lin Feng for the first time.

From Lin Feng, I really can\'t feel too much strong breath, but no wonder people think so.

What\'s more, Lin Feng is really just a candidate disciple of the outer gate.

"I seem to be the target of public criticism?" Lin Feng smiled helplessly.

Feeling thousands of eyes all focused on himself, there was a whisper in his ears. Lin Feng knew what had happened. But it\'s one thing to know and another to do.

"Whatever they want."

Lin Feng gently closed his eyes, but it didn\'t matter.

I never change anything because of such meaningless gossip.

Not far away.

A man and a woman stand side by side.

The man is gentle and elegant, and the woman is as beautiful as a picture scroll, like a pair of fairy lovers.

"He is the Lin Feng you have always mentioned?" the beautiful woman breathed out like orchid, gentle and graceful.

"I didn\'t expect that it would really be him..." the man\'s eyes were bright, but he was straight and unbelievable.