Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 433

Qiang! Qiang~

The sound of weapons ringing constantly.

Lin Feng holds an ember magic gun and is practicing with Peihong.

"Whew!" "whew!!" Pei Hong\'s whip is extremely flexible, and the attack range is all over every corner.

Quick, accurate, cruel!

At first glance, Pei Hong has the upper hand.

The dance of a whip is airtight, and the whip is sharp and sharp. Lin Feng\'s ember magic gun is not so flexible. It is constantly entangled with the whip, but it has less "soft strength". It is more than strong, but it is not enough to change. For a time, he was completely in a passive position.


Looking closely, they had no intention of killing, and even Lien Chan\'s intention was very meager.

There was no fluctuation of vigorous Qi at all.

Neither Pei Hong\'s fiery vigorous Qi nor Lin Feng\'s Shun Huang\'s vigorous Qi was displayed. Obviously, the two were just friendly "duels".

"Pa!" "Pa Pa!!" the long whip looks like a sensitive poisonous snake. It bypasses the defense of the ember magic gun and constantly beats the naked upper body of the forest wind. The deep whip marks bring blood dripping, and it looks sad. But Lin Feng felt nothing like a wooden man, and the wound healed in the blink of an eye, which made Peihong stare in horror.


"The essence of the second gun lies in the word \'entanglement\'

"A minute of softness and strength, but it is no worse than \'strength\', and the meaning of the gun is profound."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are constantly changing. He feels the most incisive \'entanglement\' strength in Peihong\'s whip, and there is a faint feeling in his heart. A second form of wood carving appeared in my mind, as if I could feel the artistic conception contained in the wood carving, but it did not "fit" with Ding Hong\'s tricks.

Almost what

Lin Feng\'s gun shadow is vertical and horizontal, and constantly finely imitates Ding Hong\'s gun.

Again and again, again and again.

Keep practicing!

Three hours later.

"I\'m so tired." Pei Hong walked out of the martial arts hall sweating.

"Come out, sister." Pei Qing smiled. She was as beautiful as water when she changed back to women\'s clothes, and her short hair was more heroic.

"Eh, why didn\'t you see brother Lin?" Xiao Lu said curiously with her chin in her hand.

Pei Hong glanced at the back of her eyes, shook her head and said, "this pervert is still practicing. I whipped him hundreds of times. It\'s like nothing. It\'s a monster." then, the battle of the past three hours came to mind, and Pei Hong raised an arc inexplicably at the corner of her mouth.

It\'s great. Everything\'s out!

Lin Feng seemed to be beaten by her on purpose, and made no resistance at all.

It\'s unreasonable to slow out the gun and compare the softness with her whip, but

"Seems a little progress?" Pei Hong thought in her heart, shrugged her shoulders, but she didn\'t understand the shooting method.

"Brother Lin is really diligent." Xiaolu\'s eyes showed admiration.

"What\'s the use of diligence." Pei Hong snorted, "the opponent in the first game is the butcher of the dish knife door. He has very strong actual combat ability. Last year, only Xinghe level 6 almost reached the top 100. This year... Xinghe level 7, his strength has more than doubled!"

"Brother Ke Lin is also a star river level seven." Xiao Lu was surprised.

"He?" Pei Hong said with disdain, "hum, he can\'t even beat me."

Looking at the eyes of the two women, Pei Hong blushed and said in a hurry, "I just lost inexperienced that time. I will never lose to him again!" seeing that the two women were still smiling, Pei Hong stamped her feet, "ignore you, hum, I\'ll take a bath."

Then he ran away.

There are all kinds of facilities in the most expensive seven-star suite in the inverted studio.

Including a huge and spacious martial arts training hall, training room and so on, not to mention the most common bathroom.

"Elder martial sister Qing, do you think elder brother Lin Feng can win the butcher?" Xiao Lu asked anxiously, biting her lips.

"I don\'t know either." Pei Qing shook his head, "I hope."

Time passes slowly.

Lin Feng practiced alone in the martial arts training hall. The understanding of gun meaning can not be completed in a moment.

Just like the "first shot" of that day, even if the shape of the gun and the meaning of the gun were fully realized, it took a full three days. From the perfect reproduction of Wang Feng\'s gun shape, we can slowly speculate and understand the "gun meaning", but it is much less difficult than now. You know, Ding Hong only used "one shot" that day, not like Wang Feng who used the whole set of Longyang shots at that time.

The difficulty is more than ten times and a hundred times!

If not, why should Pei Hong help?

The coincidence of gun intention and gun shape is very important.

The meaning of the gun requires the shape of the gun to show the "power" perfectly, and the shape of the gun also needs the "leadership" of the meaning of the gun.

Just like the relationship between generals and soldiers on the battlefield, it is inseparable!


"It doesn\'t feel right at all."

At this time, Lin Feng stopped practicing and sat on the ground, frowning and sinking into meditation.

Relying on Ding Hong\'s only shot in his mind, it\'s too difficult to figure out the whole meaning of the gun.

I just feel an artistic conception, but this artistic conception has countless forks, each of which is different. Maybe... It\'s all a dead end.


"In the end how to \'entangle\'."

"Well... What a headache."

Lin Feng sighed and fell into a difficult problem. It was like getting a incomplete secret script, but a very important link was missing.

In my mind, I inexplicably remembered Pei Hong\'s whip, like a shadow, like a strange poisonous snake everywhere. Excellent flexibility and tenacity, and exert the word "entanglement" to the utmost. Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up, and he stood up in an instant, as if he were possessed by a devil. The "killing" sound of the ember magic gun vibrated and danced.

Based on the eighteen movements in the gun, there are soft and powerful applications such as entanglement, circle, dance flower and so on.

Although guns and whips are completely different, one is rigid and the other is Yin and soft, it seems that something is involved between them.

Lin Feng seemed to be possessed by the devil. The dance of the gun shadow was strange and completely trapped in it.

With a gun, drive the whip?!

It\'s fantastic!


Many things seem impossible, but they are not really impossible.

There are two words in the world, called \'miracle\'.


Green smoke City, more and more martial artists have entered.

As the "elite martial arts competition" is about to begin, the strong forces of all major sects arrive one by one.

The annual event, all restaurants and hotels are full of customers. All shops and exchanges are full of profits. Wait for this day in the year!

But the most lively thing is undoubtedly the "Kowloon martial arts arena".

In order to occupy the position, many people even entered the venue one day in advance, waiting for the opening of the conference. Looking at it, there are more than ten fighting fields on the ground floor, and there is darkness everywhere in the audience. It\'s true that we can\'t find a place to live anyway. It\'s better to come in advance.

Quite lively!

On the top floor of Jiulong douwu arena, in a luxurious box.

At this time, a middle-aged man and an old man in Brown are looking down at the crowd below through the brown reinforced glass.

"Ten years later, it\'s still so lively." the old man in brown smiled. Although he was old, his hair and beard were as black as possible. He was strong and didn\'t look old.

"Martial uncle, please forgive me for the poor reception." the middle-aged man respectfully said that he was in his prime of life with a dragon shaped tiger body, bright eyes and a sense of bullying. Behind him, many martial artists stood aside as if they were escorts, but each martial artist

It\'s all star sea!

How noble is the identity of a middle-aged man! It was one of the people in power in Lvyan City, the head of the LV family——

Lu wax!

"Ha ha." the old man in brown smiled lightly, "it\'s too strange, little wax."

"I originally took my two incompetent disciples to travel around and see the world. I just came to green smoke city and coincided with the opening of the \'elite martial arts competition\'. My two disciples were itchy and wanted to try a few kilograms, so..." the old man in brown smiled slightly.

"These are two identity cards. Please take them, martial uncle." Lv wax respectfully handed over two thin metal cards.

"Very good." the old man in brown nodded with satisfaction and accepted the identity card. "I\'ll give you two identity tokens of \'Yanling Zunfu\' at that time."

The identity token of Yanling\'s distinguished residence can only be obtained by the champion and runner up of the elite martial arts competition.

How confident the old man in brown!


He is really qualified!

Not for anything else, just three words - Li Yanmen!

It governs the 15 cities south of Yanling mansion, second only to the 18 cities of Yanling 10000 families.

In Yanling mansion, Li Yanmen is one of the best in terms of fame and strength, and is on a par with Yanling 10000 families!

The old man in Brown has a great background. It is Li Yanmen\'s Dharma protector \'Sima Feng\'!

Lu Min smiled. "It\'s very kind of you, martial uncle. Xiao Min has an invitation. I wonder if you can do me a little favor?" he cut in every nook and cranny. It\'s not necessary to be a fool. Lu Min has a great chance to catch the old fox.

"Say it." the old man in Brown \'Sima Feng\' said faintly.

"The dog, LV Bao, has been longing for Li Yanmen for a long time." Lv Minggong said in a voice, "can you say something nice in front of the leader and become an inner disciple?"

Inner disciples and outer disciples are far different in status and treatment.

That\'s a real elite. You must be completely loyal to the \'Li Yanmen\'.

Lu Bao, on the other hand, obviously lacks some "qualifications.".

Sima Feng frowned slightly, thought a little, and said in a deep voice, "try your best. I\'ll ask the little apprentice to record the battle video and present it to the leader. Then I\'ll give you some good words. But if... My nephew is not strong enough, I can\'t help him."

"Thank you, martial uncle!" Lv wax was overjoyed.

"That\'s it." Sima Feng waved his sleeve and turned back to leave.

Soon, it disappeared.

Leaving the fine light shining in LV min\'s eyes, he clenched his right fist and shouted with deep joy, "Lv Zhen!"

"Subordinates are here." in the guard group, a strong Eagle man stepped out.

"Go and call my unworthy son!" Lu wax frowned deeply.

"Yes, clan leader." Lv Zhen took orders.

"It\'s rare that Shibo is willing to help. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity must not be missed!" Lv\'s tiger eyes looked down at the dense crowd below, burning with God.

It has always been his wish to let his son enter liyanmen and become an inner disciple.

Which parents don\'t want their children to be successful!!

(make up for the fourth watch yesterday ~ ~ I watched the finals in the morning. Ha ha, I\'ll break out today and update the minimum three watch.) (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly votes at Qidian. Com. Your support is my greatest motivation.)