Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 427

"I really should get lost." Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

It is only 30000 Li from fengyanggu to Lvyan City, but I have expanded the distance of 30000 Li to 50000 Li.

It\'s really embarrassing.

"It should be that you pay too much attention when you understand the meaning of the gun." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

I\'ve not only passed through green smoke City, but also traveled more than 50000 miles. If I don\'t get lost, it\'s a strange thing.

Fortunately, I met caifeizong and his party. Although there was a misunderstanding, they got along well with each other. Of course, except Peihong.

"Brother Lin Feng, look, we\'re almost there!" Xiao Lu said excitedly, pointing to the huge building group in front.

"HMM." Lin Feng answered softly and looked forward with burning eyes, but he had already seen a group of antique buildings for many years. There was a light and miscellaneous voice in my ears. From a distance, I could feel the bustle of people in the green smoke city.

I finally came to the first human gathering place in the fighting spirit world.

South Yanling mansion, green smoke city!

"Elder sister, where do we live?" Pei Qing asked.

"Didn\'t the meeting arrange a place for us?" Peihong said curiously.

Pei Qing smiled bitterly, "but it\'s just a small single room less than ten square meters assigned to the contestants."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly, but he heard that Xuaner once said that although the fighting spirit world is huge, the population is very large and dense. In particular, the witch nationality occupies more than 90% of the land, which makes the Terran land like gold. Yanling mansion is not under the jurisdiction of the nine continents in the southern region, in other words——

There is no "guarantee".

The warrior once counted the habits of the witch nationality. The witch nationality advocates nature. In their region, they may allow human existence, but it does not mean that they can tolerate it completely.

Like a room, if there is an ant nest, the owner may not care, but what happens to ten ant nests and a hundred ant nests?

A \'degree\' problem.

Green smoke city can "survive" for so long, which shows that the occupied area is in the "tolerance range" of the witch family.

But if we expand again, we don\'t know.

Green smoke city is such a big place. When the population is more and more dense, the city will become crowded and every inch of land is like gold.

"No, just a few days, just a squeeze." Peihong pursed her lips and frowned.

"This..." Pei Qing and others are reluctant, but since Pei Hong said so, they have no objection. Lei Dao suddenly said, "it doesn\'t matter. I\'ll just watch outside." three women and one man are really inconvenient, even if Lei Dao is just a teenager.

Pei Hong sighed alone, "there\'s no way. Our money is limited. It coincides with this annual event. The prices of all restaurants and hotels in green smoke city have increased, ranging from five to ten times. Even the most ordinary guest room needs nearly 2 or 30 green smoke coins every day. If you stay for 4 or 5 days, it\'s 100 green smoke coins, equivalent to 1 Yanling coin."

Green smoke coin can only be used in green smoke city. 100 green smoke coins are equivalent to 1 Yanling coin.

The Yanling coin can be used in all cities of the whole Yanling mansion. 100 Yanling coins are equivalent to 1 Douling coin.

In the doling world, doling coin is the most basic currency.

Pei Qing and others couldn\'t help shouting, but they were a little frightened by the "expensive" price and stopped talking.

The financial situation varies with the size of the clan. Looking at the faces of the people, Lin Feng knew that the "caifei sect" was not a rich sect, or even quite "poor", which can be seen from the scale of the caifei sect.

At the annual elite martial arts competition, the number of forces of hundreds of sects in green smoke city is unequal.

The largest number of participants is 10, such as the two families of LV family and Fang family, who are in power in green smoke city; Generally, the number of participants is determined by the size of the zongmen and previous achievements. For example, there were four places last year, but only three this year.

As for the minimum number of places, there is only one guaranteed minimum.

For example, caifei sect takes the bottom round every year.

These "Secret Histories" were revealed by Xiao Lu as early as on the way.

"Here, here!" a happy voice sounded, and Xiao Lu pointed forward happily. Lin Feng looked at the spacious Avenue in front of him. Countless martial artists were pouring into green smoke city. Green smoke city has no gates, let alone guards. The city walls are dilapidated and full of "traces" of years.

Yanling mansion was established by Yanling clan and split after more than 100000 years of glory.

Every city was robbed first, the heroes rose together, and civil strife continued. Green smoke city has changed its owners several times, which has formed the present "situation".

There was a roar of voices and came one after another.

Just look at the number of people entering the green smoke City, we can see the prosperity of the green smoke city.

Here is the gathering place of human beings.

"Thank you very much." Lin Feng stopped and smiled.

At this time, the people of caifei sect also stopped. Peihong glanced away and didn\'t look at Lin Feng. In fact, it goes without saying that now we all know that Lin Feng\'s words are not empty. It was Peihong\'s "fault" at that time, but Peihong\'s character is also very stubborn and always refuses to admit her fault.

It seems that... It has something to do with being defeated by Lin Feng in public.

"Brother Lin Feng, are you leaving?" Xiao Lu took Lin Feng\'s hand and was a little reluctant.

"Nice to meet you, brother Lin Feng. See you later." Pei Qing smiled slightly.

"I will go to the mountain of chaos in the future." Lei Dao\'s eyes glowed.

Looking at the people of caifei sect, Lin Feng smiled and nodded, "well, it\'s time to say goodbye."

Everyone was reluctant to say goodbye.

Although we don\'t spend much time with each other, we can talk and get along very well.

Even Pei Hong\'s eyes flashed a hesitation, but

But still quite stubborn.

"Goodbye, Pei Hong." Lin Feng walked in front of Pei Hong, smiled and nodded.

If you are a big man, you will not be so petty and angry with a woman.

Pei Hong pursed her lips and tooted gently. She seemed to move, but there was no sound. But Lin Feng\'s ears are so sensitive that he can tell from the weak air fluctuations that Pei Hong\'s words are "goodbye" that no one has heard.

However, he smiled lightly. Lin Feng stepped forward, as if he thought of something, and his steps gave him a slight meal.

He took out three shining lights from his arms. Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Pei Qing. His right hand shook slightly. For a moment, the three shining lights crossed a bright arc in the air and fell directly into Peiqing\'s hands. The technique was light and accurate.

"This is your reward for leading the way. It doesn\'t mean a little respect." Lin Feng smiled and walked into the crowd immediately.

For myself, this little money is nothing, but for the people of caifei sect, the help should not be small.

Acquaintance is fate, not to mention, I don\'t want to owe a favor.

Pei Qing, Xiao Lu and Lei Dao looked at the small round light spot in their hands with a bright fine awn and painted strange patterns. One by one, they looked at each other, but they were all at a loss and looked inexplicably puzzled.

The reward for leading the way?

"This is not a green cigarette coin." Xiao Lu looked left and right, and said.

"It\'s not Yanling coin either." Pei Qing pinched it gently and frowned.

Lei Dao looked left and right. With curiosity, he put it in his mouth and took two bites.

"Hum, you don\'t have to look. It must be the currency of other cities of Yanling mansion." Peihong glanced away and was a little unhappy. Lin Feng gave Peiqing one, but they missed her. But I didn\'t know whether it was intentional or not, so I couldn\'t help humming.

"This material is very hard." Lei Dao suddenly said, "harder than Yanling coin."

Pei Hong frowned and looked at the small round light spots in the hands of the three people, with a similar feeling.

After a short time, three steps turned into two steps. Peihong came to Peiqing, picked up the round light spot, pinched it and turned it up and down. Staring at the strange pattern on the light spot carefully, his face changed in time, with surprise and disbelief in his eyes.

"Impossible, impossible." Pei Hong kept whispering.

"Sister, what is impossible?" Pei Qing said strangely.

Xiao Lu and Lei Dao looked at Peihong suspiciously.


Pei Hong\'s right hand shone fiercely, and the strong air of heaven and earth rushed in instantaneously. The moment that the round small light point touched the air of heaven and earth, it bloomed bright and glittering. Pei Qing was surprised and his eyes lit up.

At this time, many martial artists looked at him and whispered.

It immediately caused a great commotion.

Pei Hong was a little stunned. She still didn\'t react, but Pei Qing patted her gently. "Sister, sister, everyone is looking at us!" in an instant, Pei Hong reacted and looked around vigilantly. Her complexion even changed. With panic and fear, her face flushed. It was obvious that Xiao Lu and Lei Dao were still holding the round light spot in their hands. Peihong hurriedly "robbed" them.

"Let\'s go, let\'s go!" Pei Hong immediately took the three small round light spots into her arms.

Pei Qing and the three of them were stunned for a while, but they also knew that this was not the time. They even crowded into the crowd with Pei Qing and entered the green smoke city.

A moment later.

"Hoo, Hoo ~ ~" gasping, Peihong and his party found a quiet edge of the city wall and wiped the sweat on their forehead.

"What\'s the matter, sister?" Pei Qing looked at Peihong with a puzzled face. "Is there a problem with the thing brother Lin Feng gave us?"

"Yes, elder martial sister Hong, why did we run just now?" Xiao Lu opened her eyes.

Pei Hong\'s complexion changed constantly, and Lin Feng\'s appearance appeared in her mind. She was very shocked. "Gulu" swallowed her saliva, covered her mouth and whispered, "do you know what you took just now?"

Pei Qing shook his head.

"It\'s a duel coin!" Pei Hong looked very complicated in her eyes.

Dooling coin?!

Pei Qing\'s eyes widened and they were completely stunned.

Brother Lin Feng gave them the "reward for leading the way", which was actually a doling coin worth 100 Yanling coins!

Moreover, there are still three!

My God?

(second change ~ ~ continue!) (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Your support is my biggest motivation.)