Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 424

The polar Phoenix world is full of mystery and unknown.

Looking at the \'super fire hole\' and feeling the powerful power, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Although I have been practicing in it for a long time and the promotion of rebirth fire is amazing, I feel like standing on an island in the boundless ocean and can\'t peep at the mystery. One point of strength, one point of insight, one\'s current strength

Still too weak.

"The cultivation of rebirth fire seems to have reached the bottleneck."

"At present, the cultivation speed becomes very slow. The last promotion took nearly two months."

Lin Feng nodded gently. He knew clearly that the more the fire of rebirth came to the back, the more difficult it would be to cultivate.

The next promotion, even if uninterrupted at any time, will take at least more than three months.

And if these three months can be used to practice \'devouring fire\'

The effect will be amazing.

Just like the fire of rebirth at the beginning of cultivation, the early cultivation will be very fast and there will be a huge increase. Most importantly, with the improvement of devouring fire, the combined power of the two flames will be more terrible, with a fourfold increase. The attack is enough to compare with the sixth level strong star sea!

And this is just a "preliminary" integration!

"Fusion must have skills, but I haven\'t mastered the method yet."

"If you can really master this skill perfectly, the power of flame explosion will be improved again!"

Lin Feng said secretly in his heart. He looked at the extreme Phoenix world, took a breath, and immediately——

Step in.

"Wow!" the light was shining in front of me.

Trapped in an endless void, there is chaos in front of us, and endless stars dot the sky.

Dense, like a star compass, in an instant, a bright red sky appeared, and the seven colored lights reflected the chaos. The huge and incredible Phoenix appeared again. The beautiful wings wrapped the whole body and the sound of singing shook. Every appearance shocked Lin Feng.

The fire of swallowing and the fire of rebirth are intertwined like close brothers.

"Hoo ~ ~ it\'s terrible." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Before that, I was only surprised, but now... I feel deeply shocked!

How much flame control does this require?

With this shock, soon——

Lin Feng then entered the familiar flame channel, the ultimate flame burning, full of hot breath. The rebirth fire in the body is completely condensed and surging around the body, forming a thick red awn. Slowly, Lin Fengchang exhaled.

There are still two channels in front of us.

Without much hesitation, he chose one of them, and Lin Feng immediately stepped into it.

Each channel represents a different "extreme path". The cultivation methods are different, but one is the same.

Can increase the flame intensity.

"Zi ~ Zi!!" the flame spits out like a poisonous snake, fast as lightning.

Fierce flames are constantly moving around, "baking" your body, and the reborn fire comes out at your heart to resist the strong flame in an instant. Lin Feng\'s eyes are light and bright, and the corners of his mouth are indifferent. "It\'s this\' extreme road \'."

In the Phoenix realm of Jilu, the "Jilu" is different every time.

There are ten choices and ten extreme paths for every ten weights. Sometimes it depends on luck to enter one. After all, you are not the only one practicing here.

"The burden of this\' extreme road \'is not big. It\'s just right to test the cultivation of\' devouring fire \'." Lin Feng thought secretly.

The surging fire of rebirth boils around the body to resist the fire snake rushing in a hurry. Lin Feng\'s body is very calm. The movement frequency of the flame snake where he is now is not high. With their own strength, they can move forward a lot before they reach their bearing limit.


It is not necessary now.

This time, what I practiced was not the fire of rebirth.

"Start!" Lin Feng breathed heavily.

For a moment, he gave a violent drink, and the fire of rebirth drained from his body.

All the fire snakes around were pushed back three feet in an instant, forming a short moment of vacuum.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s eyes changed dramatically.

In a short moment, from the life soul into the human soul!

With the transformation of body control, the flame has undergone fundamental changes.

The soul of life controls the fire of rebirth; The human soul controls the fire of swallowing!

"Jiong!!" in the blink of an eye, the devouring fire is vented, and the fifth light spot of the Phoenix chart in the body shines impressively - the fire chart! The root of the rebirth fire is in the Yang life chart, while the root of the devouring fire is in the fire life chart!

WOW! The retreated flame snake attacks again in an instant!

Just like ferocious beasts, they open their teeth and claws one by one. They want to devour Lin Feng.

In an instant, the devoured fire is swallowed, turned into a bright fire point, directly into the body and returned to the fire life chart.

In an instant, the second wave of devouring fire reappeared, but it was also hard to escape "bad luck".

The rapid consumption of power has brought great pressure to Lin Feng. Every time the devouring fire disappears, there will be a moment of "vacuum gap". That is because the devouring fire has no time to release. During this period, the crazy flame erodes the body and brings great pain!

Tear the heart and crack the lung!

It is a great test of will.


"Can bear it!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth tightly, and his will was very strong.

The cremation of phagocytosis returns to the fire life chart as waves of light points, and takes the "absorption and fusion" flame snake energy, fusion evolution, fusion and re evolution to form a cycle of flame ascension. In this extreme way of cultivating the fire of rebirth, the speed of cultivation is almost calculated by speed.

Totally different.

Compared with the rebirth fire cultivation of the same level, the speed is ten times faster!

"Unbelievable!" Lin Feng\'s face changed continuously, and his eyes kept shining. The fire life chart is like a high-speed machine, rapidly improving the purity and power of the devouring fire. Originally, according to normal, the promotion of devouring fire was step by step, but now

But the speed of rebirth fire is soaring!

How can we not be shocked by the extent of this increase?!

As for the pain they suffered

How about ten times more?

A incense burning time.

A quarter of an hour.

An hour.

Lin Feng\'s face changed continuously, but it was full of surprises.

This speed of cultivation has never been tried before. Lin Feng is full of excitement and excitement.

The devouring fire, which was far behind the rebirth fire, is now catching up like a whip.

In just three hours, I experienced a full nine promotions!

Thirty first, thirty second, thirty third

Although each promotion is not big, you can fully feel the change of devouring fire. It is like climbing stairs. You have climbed nine of the ten stairs on this floor, and the tenth... Is close at hand. Just take a step by yourself.

"Pa!" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

Devouring fire, advanced!

With complete promotion, the whole fire life chart emits a very bright brilliance.

Bright and bright, Lin Feng felt a movement of heart.

I can\'t believe it until now.

It\'s like a dream!

In less than four hours, his devouring fire was directly promoted from the 30th weight to the 40th weight?!

Are you kidding

"Jiong!!" the devouring fire in both hands rises in an instant.

It\'s like a giant beast roaring fiercely. The ferocious fire awn is full of strong power. Lin Feng can fully feel the sharp terror. From the 30th to the 40th, it\'s like a tiger cub becomes a real tiger. It\'s totally different.

"It\'s getting close to the fire of rebirth." Lin Feng felt a little happy

Compared with the fire of rebirth, their own devouring fire is far away.

However, after being promoted to the 40th weight, it seems to be on the same level. Although it is still very far away, it is already visible to the eyes!

"My rebirth fire is either the 42nd or the 52nd weight." Lin Feng whispered in his heart, "but now the devouring fire is the 40th weight. When the devouring fire reaches the 42nd weight, it is still impossible to catch up with the rebirth fire. In other words... My rebirth fire should be the 52nd weight now!"

Finally clear!

Lin Feng showed a light smile.

Another question in my heart was solved and I felt relaxed and happy.

"Strike the iron in the heat, come again!" Lin Feng scratched a smile at the corner of his mouth, and his cultivation heart was completely mobilized.

I can\'t wait to fully devote myself to such cultivation speed. My strength is soaring every minute and every second.

Instantaneous time——

The fire of swallowing is lit again!

A whole day of practice.

"Hoo ~ ~" Lin Fengchang breathed out, his eyes shining.

After the devouring fire reached the fortieth weight, it climbed three more times to reach the 43rd weight!

"After the fortieth weight, the speed slowed down completely." Lin Feng thought, and it was his practice across the grade. In other words, the cultivation speed of reborn fire is improving the devoured fire. If it is calculated according to the normal cultivation speed, it can be imagined.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, but he was quite satisfied.

In just one day, the devouring fire increased from the 30th weight to the 43rd weight. The speed of cultivation is amazing.


"Sure enough, the fire of rebirth should be the 52nd weight." Lin Feng said softly.

This time, I am completely sure that there is still a considerable gap between the 43rd devouring fire and the rebirth fire. You know, in terms of attack power, the fire of swallowing is better than the fire of rebirth! Of course, this refers to the same order.

From the fortieth to the forty third, there was not much improvement.

It seems that under the fiftieth weight, every tenth weight is a real leap forward.

"Time is almost up, but I don\'t know when to practice again." Lin Feng nodded.

Every time I practice, I will forget the time. Unconsciously, another day passes, delaying my journey.

"In two days, the elite competition will begin."

"If you miss this time, it will be difficult to meet Master Hai."

Lin Feng thought secretly that the cultivation can continue at any time, and he was not in a hurry.

At the moment, business matters.

(the third change ~ ~ continue!) (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Your support is my greatest motivation.)