Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 411

What you see——

It was full of white giant ants.

It comes from all directions, drilling out of the soil from time to time, and diving into the soil from time to time.

About the size of a fist, it looks like a mouse, but it\'s completely ant like.

An arthropod shaped body in three segments. The snow-white shell presents black spots, bright and transparent, and looks very hard. The developed upper jaw shows sharp fine teeth, and the antennae are shining with black light, which seems to be similar!

"Poisonous!" Lin Feng reacted instantly.

It has a very similar feeling to the winged beetle released by \'wing\'.

Especially the "shell as like as two peas", but one is black and the other is white.

"By the way, in the memory of \'wing\', after the \'swamp riot\', it was eroded by unknown objects and mutated."

"Are these giant ants the same?"

His heart throbbed, and Lin Feng\'s head was very clear.

Because these \'giant ants\' are very unusual!

The body not only has the smell of Warcraft, but also has the smell of \'insects\'!

It is a very special life energy, as if it were integrated with giant ants to completely change it.

These giant ants have the breath of star power!


But it didn\'t take shape.

The most important thing is that there are at least tens of thousands of "giant ants" at a glance!


"What kind of Warcraft is this? How can it be so powerful!"

Qi Yang and Qi Yue\'s faces changed continuously. They looked at the giant ant the size of their fist and felt the power breath of the star river. They were flustered. One on one is not afraid of nature, but the number is thousands. Once rushed, it is enough to swallow two people.

Quantity, too terrible!

They thought that Warcraft was no more than the "first star" strength, but they didn\'t expect

"These giant ants have mutated," Lin Feng said.

The faces of the people were as gray as death.

Don\'t say that people are only seven levels of Xinghe level. Even if they break through Xinghe level and become Xinghai level, they will be useless in front of this amazing and terrible number!

"How to do?" Qi Yue\'s face was pale.

"Fight with them!" Qi Yang clenched his teeth. "Kill as many as you want!"

The words are full of enthusiasm, but they are a little weak.

How many can you kill?

Wei Xuan looked at Lin Feng and didn\'t speak. Despite this situation, brother Lin\'s expression hasn\'t changed. The calm face is like the calm lake, even if the sky falls, it can bear it.

This is confidence!

It can kill the bad guys of qingbrown sect, resist the terrible witch clan, and accept the powerful wood spirit

Wei Xuan believes that this time, brother Lin will also have a way!

"Don\'t worry." Lin Feng\'s voice sounded slowly.

It fell in the ears of everyone, like a wisp of clear spring flowing through, which shocked everyone\'s heart.

Qi Yang and Qi Yue cast their eyes and suddenly saw the light burning flame in Lin Feng\'s hand and felt the hot breath. They opened their eyes and their bodies trembled slightly.

Lin Feng is really a "martial god"!

Fire is a martial god!

But... No matter how strong the forest wind is, we have to face thousands of "giant ants". Can we really resist it?

What\'s more, such a dense existence inevitably takes care of one thing and loses the other. Maybe Lin Feng can save his life, but what about them?

People\'s thoughts flash away.

Because all the questions disappeared in an instant as the crazy burning flame covered the whole sky.


The flames burst into the sky.

"The fire of rebirth!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright, and the Phoenix chart in his body was very bright. The fluctuation of the soul of life brings the flame burning. Centered on the body, a huge fire wall spreads in an instant, blooming like a fire Lotus!

"What a powerful vitality."

"Sure enough, it is far better than ordinary Warcraft."

Lin Feng deeply felt the power of these "giant ants" with the crazy release of the rebirth fire.

As like as two peas, the "giant ant" has the same strong and resilience as the wing wing released by the wing.

Extremely difficult to kill!


"After all, it\'s just a \'Star River level\'." Lin Feng secretly said that he was lucky.

If these mutated "giant ants" exist at the star sea level, with their number and sprint speed, their rebirth fire may not be able to resist.

But now, it\'s more than enough!

烀! 烀!!

The sharp burning of the flame, with the scream of "giant ants", made people creepy, as if those evil spirits were burning in hell. Xuaner only felt a palpitation, but her pretty face was full of excitement, and her eyes were wide open.

This is brother Lin\'s real strength!

What a powerful flame!!

"Brother Lin, it\'s really powerful..." xuan\'er bit her lips with bright eyes.

In this swamp full of crisis and terror, brother Lin saved her again and again.

It\'s like a patron saint, protecting her from harm.

In fact, Qi Yang and Qi Yue were really shocked.

They have big eyes, small eyes and big mouths, which are very funny.

The heart beat very fast, as if it was about to jump out of the chest. Looking at the overwhelming flame, there was a fiery red in front of me. I can vaguely see the giant ants\' roasted \'in the fire. They are ferocious and unwilling, but they turn into nothingness in the fire.

No other sound, no other color.

The terrible "giant ant colony" just now no longer exists.

"My God." Qi Yang couldn\'t close his mouth at all. His open hand paused in the air, like a statue.

Qi Yue\'s beautiful eyes are shining, her pretty face is very red, her fingers are crossed, and she holds them tightly.

This is