Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 409

Only Xuaner\'s beautiful eyes changed slightly, but she "smelled" a smell of deja vu and

The faint red and green light.

"Brother Lin, this is..." xuan\'er was surprised.

"Mu Ling\'s\' wing \'." Lin Feng smiled and looked at Qi Yang and Qi Yue with a nervous face. "Don\'t worry, he is my companion and won\'t hurt everyone." minghun completely controlled the\' wing \', and his every move is under his control.


"Wow!" the branches of the wings spread all over the sky.

There are less than ten branches left, and the black winged beetle drills out of the flower bud and directly enters the mud. Even in that "bud", there are many winged insects, numerous and unclear. But the two girls were frightened, especially Qi Yue. The company that was afraid was hanging in the air, with fear in her eyes.

"Silk ~!" Lin Feng\'s mind suddenly swelled.

The paraptera can see clearly by itself, as if it had hundreds of pairs of eyes.

Taking oneself as the center, everything around you is like a dark map, which suddenly opens and shines brightly.

The fog faded away, and every corner was clearly observed.

"What a strong exploration ability." Lin Feng exclaimed.

If you want to find something, it is very convenient.

And this is just the wing of "great vitality". If it is a complete form, peak form and exploration ability, I\'m afraid it will be more terrible!

Tens of thousands of winged insects appear together. It\'s terrible just to think about it.

You know, just one winged insect can kill Xuaner!

Now, I seem to have mastered an army.

Can kill the strong army of Xinghe class!

"No wonder these \'winged insects\' can break Xuaner\'s defense." Lin Feng nodded gently. The existence of winged insects has a great relationship with wing. Obviously, the stronger the wing, the stronger these "winged insects" are, which is in direct proportion.

The pictures in my mind are more and more clear.

Sharing the vision of hundreds of winged insects, Lin Feng sees more and more pictures.

This requires a strong brain processing ability.

"Well..." Lin Feng stood quietly, and the \'wings\' beside him twinkled with bright red and green light, forming a coquettish and beautiful picture. Qi Yang and Qi Yue looked at Lin Feng with awe and curiosity. The more I understand Lin Feng, the more I deeply feel his mystery, just like a calm and rippling lake.

Deep bottomless!

"This wood spirit\'s\' wing \', the smell is very similar to that in the cave, and the red and green light......" Wei Xuan\'s beautiful eyes are shining.

"Is it... The wood spirit that brother Lin just \'accepted\'?"

"How awesome!"

Wei Xuan sat on the Jihuo shuttle and stared at Lin Feng. Her eyes were full of worship.

Brother Lin seems to be omnipotent. Any complicated things can be easily solved in front of him.

Make the impossible possible!

"I\'m sure I can find my senior brother." Wei Xuan nodded with confidence.

Because she believes in brother Lin.


Time, minute by minute.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered continuously, and the exploration scope of paraptera expanded step by step.


"Is that?!" Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly and suddenly exclaimed.

The sudden change surprised everyone. Wei Xuan looked surprised. "Did you find it, brother Lin?"

Lin Feng frowned tightly, and a deep worry flashed in his eyes. He shook his right fist slowly and nodded gently, "let\'s go." without a second sentence, Lin Feng stepped away, and the atmosphere was very heavy, with a bleak breath.

Qi Yang and Qi Yue looked at each other and felt a "clatter" in their hearts.

Look at Lin Feng\'s expression, obviously

It\'s not a good thing.

Soon, people came to a familiar area.

"Here is?!" Qi Yang was stunned, and Qi Yue was surprised to cover her mouth. "Isn\'t this the place where we left separately?"

Location, very close!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, but he didn\'t expect that he would return to the origin after looking for so long! The body moved slightly and passed through a piece of grass. The eyes suddenly opened and the pupils were enlarged.

"Senior brother!"

"Senior brother Wang!!!"

Qi Yang and Qi Yue looked frightened, and Wei Xuan covered her mouth.

Everyone\'s heart is heavy.


"Brother Wang." Lin Feng tightly pursed his lips and stepped forward. Seeing Wang Feng\'s body with your own eyes is clearer and more realistic than that of a winged insect. Although I have been prepared, when I really see it, I still have angina pectoris.

There is some friendship between each other.

"Dead." Lin Feng\'s voice was sad.

Everyone was silent and sad, especially Qi Yue and xuan\'er, whose tears couldn\'t stop falling.

Among the younger generation of fengyanggu, although Wang Feng is not the strongest, he is the best one for younger martial brothers and sisters.

Atmosphere, very sad.

"Alas." Lin Feng sighed and couldn\'t feel Wang Feng\'s breath. In fact, it was very clear. Even if Xuaner hid in such a hidden cave, she could feel it. Even if the breath is weak, his life soul still feels clear.

I can\'t feel it. There\'s only one possibility——

That\'s death.


Lin Feng\'s eyebrows sank.

This is the place where I met the Jumang witch family. How did brother Wang die?

It doesn\'t make sense!

Lin Feng squatted down with his eyes shining. Although this swamp is extremely corrosive, Wang Feng is the strong one at the top of the Star River after all. It is not difficult to keep the body intact in a short time. His right hand gently brushed Wang Feng\'s body. Lin Feng finally stopped on the wound in his lower abdomen, with bright eyes.

It\'s a sword wound!

"Brother Wang, die in the hands of human warriors?!" Lin Feng\'s face changed continuously.

"There are other martial artists here besides us!"

"And I... didn\'t find it?"

Lin Feng was shocked. At this time, Qi Yang also noticed the difference of Lin Feng. He looked down Lin Feng\'s eyes, and suddenly his eyes flashed, startled and said, "senior brother, he..."

"It was killed." Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

The announcement of the answer immediately made both women stunned.

I always thought Wang Feng died in an accident, but I didn\'t think there was something strange about the cause of death!

"Brother Lin, look!" Wei Xuan\'s eyes were very sharp and her finger pointed to Wang Feng\'s right hand. Everyone\'s eyes immediately converged. Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and saw that Wang Feng\'s index finger originally wearing a "storage ring" had mysteriously disappeared!

"The neat wound is cut off by the sword." Qi Yang said in a deep voice, with grief and anger.

"The murderer... Is for money?" Lin Feng\'s heart moved suddenly, vaguely, as if he understood something.

Four star fairy fruit, Bodhi flower!

"The murderer came prepared!" Qi Yang clenched his teeth and said.

"Yes, otherwise why did you choose elder martial brother Wang instead of us?" Qi Yue was also very clever.

"But..." Wei Xuan hesitated. "If there is an enemy approaching, brother Lin can\'t feel it?"

Qi Yang frowned, "the strength of the murderer may be far better than Lin Feng."

Qi Yue glanced. "If you are really so strong, why do you need to sneak? You know we have \'Bodhi flowers\', just grab them directly."

Qi Yang nodded thoughtfully, but so did his sister.

Very strange!

The atmosphere was quite dignified, and everyone felt depressed and strange. The whole thing seemed simple, but there were many doubts, so it was difficult to unite completely. It\'s like a jigsaw puzzle. I know its original shape, but it\'s difficult to piece it together. There\'s always something missing

"Brother Lin, do you have a clue?" Wei Xuan glanced at Lin Feng, who seemed to understand something.

Qi Yang and Qi Yue also looked back and were very curious to know the answer.

Lin Feng sighed slightly.

I do have an answer.


"Come on, Lin Feng." Qi Yang seemed to understand something.

"Yes, brother Lin, how did the elder martial brother die?" Qi Yue looked confused.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and said slowly, "you... Seem to forget that there is still one less person here."

When the two women were surprised, Qi Yang looked very dignified.

"This man not only knows that Wang Feng has four-star fairy fruit \'Bodhi flower\', but also can get close to us without being found." Lin Feng whispered. Although he didn\'t want to admit it, all kinds of evidence show that his speculation is at least 80% possible.

"Moreover, it\'s easy for him to kill the weak Wang Feng!" Lin Feng nodded.

The answer is ready.

If you can\'t even guess this, the two women are really stupid.

"Elder martial brother Li?!" Qi Yue and Wei Xuan said in unison, and their faces were full of surprise.

"Li Ming did it." Qi Yang repressed his anger and said in a deep voice, "he has been peeping at the position of the leader. Taking this opportunity, he can not only remove his strong enemies, but also take the \'Bodhi flower\' as his own. The fighting spirit coins needed to break through the star sea level can be complete and kill two birds with one stone!"

"Elder martial brother li... He won\'t do that?" Wei Xuan covered her mouth and couldn\'t believe it. "We are the same door..."

"For the sake of interests, you can kill all your relatives, not to mention your fellow disciples." Qi Yue sighed lightly, "Xuaner, you are too simple to know the ugliness of the people."

"Qi Yue is right." Lin Feng said positively, "Li Ming is narrow-minded and has a strong jealousy. It is very possible to do such things for his own self-interest." after a pause, Lin Feng frowned slightly, "the only thing he doesn\'t understand is that he can get out of here by killing Wang Feng?"

This is my biggest confusion!

Kill Wang Feng and die in a chaotic swamp. Isn\'t it a waste of water in a bamboo basket?

With Li Ming\'s scheming, he should not do such things.

They also looked at each other and shook their heads.

Who wants to stay here if there\'s a way out?

"Don\'t think so much, it\'s already clear." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and nodded, "if the murderer is really Li Ming, he must have a way to return to fengyanggu. Therefore, if we go back to fengyanggu to see him, then..."

"He is the murderer!" Lin Feng fell to the ground.

"But what if I don\'t see him?" Wei Xuan bit her lips.

"That\'s more simple, it means he has died in the chaotic swamp." Lin Feng\'s voice was very calm.

Indeed, there is no need to think about it.

Completely clear.

(it\'s close to the explosion of seal push on the 15th, quietly saving your character @@) (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly votes at Qidian. Com. Your support is my biggest motivation.)