Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 407

Human beings, after birth, will change with the change of environment.

A pair of twin brothers, growing up in different environments, will have different personalities.

The birth and maturity of wisdom will change with various factors.

Mu Ling, the same is true.

Plants absorb the essence of heaven and earth, or blossom and bear fruit. Or go against the sky to achieve wood spirit. Unlike Warcraft, Mu Ling\'s intelligence is very slow to open. No, it should be said to be quite slow.

The transformed Warcraft is at the star level, and its intelligence must be fully mature.

But plants can absorb the essence of heaven and earth and reach the Xinghe stage before they can really be called "wood spirit".

Only a very small number of "wood spirits" have spiritual intelligence at the star river level. Even if they are just like children, the probability is less than one in ten thousand. In fact, there are very few "wood spirits" at the star sea level who have wisdom. In the real sense, only those who can be called "wood spirits" can reach the "star master" level.

At that time, it is the opening of true wisdom.


This wood spirit is special.

Its spiritual opening is not formed naturally, but through "swallowing".

In addition to the rare pitcher plant, most of the "wood spirits" of the cannibal flower category cannot produce intelligence by "swallowing".

In fact, Mu Ling is not so cruel.

"Change!" Lin Feng thought.

Wood spirits are the most united existence. Even different kinds of wood spirits will get along very friendly. In the forest, once a wood spirit is hurt, the other wood spirits will flock and never die. This is why wood spirits can survive, because they are the most united race.

However, the wood spirit is completely different.

From the beginning of variation, the superior and inferior Amoy, and finally kill the other nine Biyi flowers before they survive.

In a way, it\'s more like the way of life of Warcraft.

"What a pity." Lin Feng sighed.

The human warrior swallowed by the wood spirit is a timid and cunning warrior, which also makes the "Enlightenment" of the wood spirit become so.

Although not 100% similar, it is deeply affected.

However, the knife has two sides. Many things are two-sided.

Although the wood spirit is timid and afraid of death, it will surrender because of this. This kind of thing

Can ordinary wood spirits do it?

Lin Feng was reading and couldn\'t help smiling slightly.

It is also a kind of "Providence.".

Cheap yourself.

"No wonder it knows the language of the fighting spirit world."

"No wonder I know so many human customs..."

Lin Feng felt a little funny. Thinking of what Mu Ling had just said, he asked himself, "isn\'t it very enjoyable \'

A way of speaking like a local ruffian.

"It\'s interesting." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

At this time, refining was almost over, and Lin Feng felt a strange hot breath in his heart.

Although his strength is still at the seventh level of Xinghe level, the life soul is integrated with the Yang life chart, and has reached the Xinghai level long ago.

"Oh?!" Mu Ling was also surprised.

But I didn\'t expect that his "wooden spirit heart" was refined so quickly. You know, according to the level of strength, he reached level 6 of Xinghai level, almost a whole level higher than this human being! Normally speaking, it can\'t be refined in a few hours.

But right now

Less than half a incense burning time, it is almost finished.


"Also, if you can beat me, how can you have few brushes."

Mu Ling thought in his heart.

Think about it, whether this human is strong or weak, everything is doomed.

"Sad, there will be no freedom in the future." Mu Ling felt a loss.

But what can I do?

No surrender is a dead end.

Refining and refining will soon come to an end.

The strong energy of heaven and earth wraps the whole body, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are very bright.

In an instant——

WOW!! With the last touch of soul force pouring in, there was a roar in my mind and the life soul trembled slightly. The wooden spirit in front of us seemed to disappear like a bubble phantom. The Phoenix Tower was very bright, and the huge flame star suddenly appeared before the sun.

"How did you come here?" Lin Feng was surprised.

According to the theory, under normal circumstances, the successful refining and fusion of "the heart of wood spirit" lies at this time——

It should be the soul sea.

But now

"I almost forgot that my soul had changed." Lin Feng suddenly realized.

Although I have a soul sea, at this time, because of the sleep of the "star dome pupil", it is like a land without a master.

The original soul has been completely changed because of the integration with the Phoenix chart.

"Soul sea, flame star..." Lin Feng whispered softly. In a moment, his eyes were very bright. Lin Feng reacted fiercely, "it turns out that this\' flame star \'is my\' soul sea \'! No wonder, no wonder..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright. In a moment, many doubts were easily solved and completely clear.

At this time, you can feel the existence of this wood spirit in the astral body. You need to be careful in mustard, as if you were living in it.

The feeling is very clear. Mu Ling seems to be "happier" than expected.

"Wow, boss, you\'re so big!"

"Good abundant aura. Practice here. Ha, I\'m expected to break through the star sea level!"

Mu Ling\'s joyful voice sounded in his mind, but it brightened Lin Feng\'s eyes.

Breakthrough star sea level?

Although this mu Ling\'s character doesn\'t dare to compliment, his strength is first-class!

Xinghai level 6 is not a joke.

But it took a lot of effort to win.

But it was also a coincidence.

If you fight head-on, you will lose.

Although Mu Ling is very difficult to cultivate, she pays every penny and gains every penny. Compared with the powerful witch nationality, Mu Ling silk is no inferior. Especially in the area of defense and life recovery, the wood spirit is even stronger. Once it breaks through the star sea level, it will become the existence of the star master level.

At that time, I will have an ace!

"By the way, what\'s your name?" Lin Feng asked.

In the future, they will be companions, and they will not treat this mu Ling as a slave.

"Eh?" Mu Ling was stunned.

In response, Mu Ling couldn\'t help but say, "I don\'t know, boss, the man in the past seems to call himself \'brother Jie\'."


Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

Why don\'t you call this wood spirit like that in the future?

It\'s too awkward

"Since your predecessor was\' Biyi flower \', I\'ll call you\' Yi \'later." Lin Feng mused.

"Wing?" Mu Ling said softly, "yes, I like the name."

"That\'s it, boss." wing Yue said.

"OK." Lin Feng smiled.

I have more companions in the future.

An unbreakable relationship is good for yourself.

A star sea level six level thug

"Tut." the corners of Lin Feng\'s mouth began to scratch lightly, quite satisfied.

Entering the chaotic swamp, perhaps the \'wing\' is their biggest harvest.

The real tiger adds wings!

Outside the cave.

Sitting on the fiery shuttle, Wei Xuan couldn\'t help but poke her head and waited anxiously.

Lin Feng has been in for a long time.

"Brother Lin must be in danger after a few big shocks." Wei Xuan pursed her lips and her eyes were full of worry.

Looking at his legs, he was still numb and couldn\'t move at all. Wei Xuan\'s heart was tightly screwed together and she felt deep remorse. It was because of herself that brother Lin went deep into the danger and risked his life to find an antidote for her.

I can not help brother Lin, but also drag him down.

"Sorry, brother Lin." Wei Xuan bit her lips.

After this battle, she finally realized how weak and useless she was. Without brother Lin, I\'m afraid she\'s already exposed in the wilderness.

People, only experienced, will become mature.

"Xuaner will work hard."

"Next time, I will never be brother Lin\'s burden again!"

Wei xuanmei\'s eyes were shining and kept talking to herself.

All along, she has been like a little princess, loved by her father at home and spoiled by her uncle in fengyanggu.

I have never tasted hardship and walked a dangerous road.


In fact, this is not a good thing.

Until now, Wei Xuan deeply understood and woke up.

"Brother Lin, don\'t let anything happen to you." Wei Xuan\'s tears kept turning. If something happened to Lin Feng, she was really disappointed. "Brother Lin, if something happened to you, Xuaner will come down to accompany you and never make you lonely."

"What are you talking about?" a joking voice came from the dark cave.

Naked, Lin Feng crossed a whirlwind and suddenly appeared in front of Xuaner. Looking at the familiar face, he couldn\'t help laughing.

"Brother Lin!" Wei Xuan\'s eyes looked moist. "It\'s really good that you\'re all right."

"Silly girl!" Lin Feng gently rubbed Wei Xuan\'s small head, took out a few stems and leaves from his arms and gently put them into Xuaner\'s mouth. "It doesn\'t taste very good. Chew and swallow it, and the toxin on you will be removed soon."

Wei Xuan\'s eyes lit up and nodded again and again.

Although these stems and leaves are bitter, they are not difficult to swallow.


A cool breath spread from the heart and lungs and spread all over the body. Lin Feng looks at Xuaner\'s feet and sees that the black skin of her legs is falling off one by one. The new skin is shining, and Xuaner\'s face is getting better and better.

Ruddy and shiny.

The crisis is finally over.

"It\'s all right." Lin Feng smiled.

"Well, thank you, brother Lin." Xuaner said with a sweet smile.

Look at each other. After this battle, the relationship between the two has taken a step further and

Add a bit of ambiguity.

"Qi Yang, Qi Yue, I\'m afraid I\'m so anxious." Lin Feng suddenly opened his mouth.

"Ah?!" xuan\'er was surprised and looked at Lin Feng\'s naked upper body and the clothes he was wearing. She blushed to her neck and couldn\'t lift her head shyly. If Qi Yang and Qi Yue see this, they don\'t know what they will think.

Lin Feng smiled and wondered what Xuaner was thinking.

However, it must be faced sooner or later.

"Let\'s go." Lin Feng smiled calmly and walked slowly.

... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Qidian. Com. Your support is my greatest motivation.)