Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 405

"The breath is Xinghai."

"It\'s much stronger than the yumang witch family just now! At least reach Xinghai level above level 5!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and the feeling of life soul was very clear and knew it like the back of his hand!

Mu Ling has extremely strong vitality, stronger defense than the witch family, and a wide range of attacks. It\'s very difficult. Once you get into it, there will be no good fruit to eat. Especially in the forest, angering any wood spirit will cause all wood spirits to chase and kill!

But here

Only one \'wood spirit\' exists!

Like a lonely king, living in this dark and humid cave without seeing the sun.

"I\'ve always wanted to try how strong wood spirit is."

"Just in time, I fulfilled my wish."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning. If he is on weekdays, he will stay away from it. He can\'t fight for a "wood spirit heart".

But now, I have to do this!

The only answer is to expel the toxin for Xuaner and let her recover——

This is the "wood spirit" in front of us!

"The fire of rebirth!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were like electricity, and the Phoenix\'s life chart was bright.

The hot flame condensed into a huge fireball, and the forest wind roared out, just like a fire meteor, crazy!

The air seemed to be burned to ashes wherever it passed.

Instantaneous time——

The earth shook violently, and Lin Feng could feel Mu Ling\'s anger, as if the king\'s position had been provoked.

A mere star level human warrior dares to fight it. He simply doesn\'t know how to live or die!

"Chi!" "Chi! ~"

The branches like snakes soared up in an instant.

With the extremely strong wind, it is like hundreds of highly poisonous snakes, opening their bloody mouths at the same time.

"Boom!" the fireball burst.

The power of wood spirit is really powerful.

The strength of the branches alone can resist the power of the rebirth fire!

"So strong!" Lin Feng\'s eyebrows flashed. This mu Ling was much stronger than he imagined!

Only one percent of the hundreds of "poisonous snakes" were destroyed by the fireball, and the remaining 99% hit quickly! If it were an ordinary martial artist, there would be nothing to do at this time, but Lin Feng was not in a hurry. His hands coagulated impressively. The feeling of rebirth fire in his body was very clear and instant——

"Wow!" the strong fire shone.

In front of the body, a boiling flame barrier was rising, completely covering the body.

Rebirth fire, control freely!

"Pa!" "pa!" with the crazy impact, Mu Ling was completely angered by Lin Feng, and the branches continued to bend and spread, forming a huge oval cover, trying to block Lin Feng heavily. However, the forest wind\'s barrier composed of reborn fire is not exposed, and there is no gap.

烀!! The fire of rebirth keeps burning.

Although the strength is slightly inferior, but

But it\'s endless!

"Just like you!" Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

The vitality of the wood spirit is ten times and a hundred times stronger than that of the witch family, but its own rebirth fire can afford to consume!

Strong against strong!

The strongest side of both sides, fierce collision!

The mud kept shaking, and Mu Ling was very angry, but Lin Feng was like an egg without gaps. Not to mention that the branches could not enter and attack, it was also the beetles in the "flower bud" in the branches that could not enter.

Real total defense!

"There is only one way to break through my defense..." Lin Feng suddenly smiled.

With the purest power, directly burst!

Defense has limits.

Although his rebirth fire is beyond the Xinghai level, it is far from the star master level. A witch clan of the same level as Mu Ling can directly break its own fire defense, but mu Ling has strong vitality and defense, but attack

no way.

Wood spirit\'s attack is strong in "entanglement" and strong in "consumption".

This time, it was a perfect match.

"Consumption is also my strong point." Lin Fengwei smiled.

Under the attack of wood spirit, his rebirth fire was constantly broken and dissipated, but it was in an instant——

Crazy growth!

Just like the water, a big stone fell and burst through one of the water.

But in the blink of an eye, the "concave surface" blasted down by the big stone was quickly filled up.

Explosive power is not wood spirit\'s strength.

The attack continued.

Although the fire consumption rate of Lin Feng\'s rebirth is much faster than that of Mu Ling, the branches of Mu Ling, like a poisonous snake, are slowly weakening.

Branches, less!

While attacking the rebirth fire, the wood spirit is also reduced in strength.

Maybe it\'s only one fifth or even one tenth of the fire of rebirth, but... It\'s a real consumption!

"After another incense, the situation will be completely reversed." Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep and controlled the fire of rebirth, and he was very clear about the power consumption of Mu Ling. As the situation continues, after a incense burning time, the wood spirit will no longer be sustainable!

A incense stick, is it long?

"Too relaxed." Lin Feng smiled without any pressure.

I don\'t even feel the consumption of my rebirth fire.

In terms of consumption, I really surpass Mu Ling, but in terms of total amount, there is a gap between mu Ling and myself

More than ten million times!

"Patter!" patter ~ "

From a storm like attack to a downpour, and then from a downpour to a shower.

Up to now, only sporadic drizzle remains.

Mu Ling, I\'m tired.

The wet mud no longer vibrates. Feeling Mu Ling\'s "Exhaustion", Lin Feng scratched a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. There are less than 60 seconds left from the time of a incense stick. Mu Ling\'s fatigue is much faster than he imagined!

"Finally... It\'s my turn." Lin Feng said softly.

In an instant——

Bright eyes, clear induction of Phoenix\'s life chart in the body, and the fire of rebirth appears like a burst!

It\'s like a calm sea, suddenly the waves rise one after another!

"Wow ~" one stone aroused thousands of waves!

Silence for a long time, waiting for a long time, the forest wind finally broke out!

The fire of rebirth sprang up like layers of waves, and in an instant swallowed up the "stubborn" wood spirit branches. In terms of quality, their own acquisition is really inferior, but in terms of quantity

But it is completely beyond!

"Boom!" "boom!!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are very bright.

The huge fireball with both hands crossed the extremely strong wind and roared straight at the "terrified" wood spirit.

The sound of "Zizi" is so powerful that it completely fills up the small caves. The bright red light is far better than the red and green light of Muling. After a long time of consumption, Lin Feng finally reversed the situation and firmly grasped the initiative in his own hands!

"Hiss! Hiss!!" the red and green branches hit again.

Although the wood spirit is weak, it does not mean that it is exhausted. It still has the power of defense and is quite difficult to resist.

However, originally there were hundreds of branches, but now there are only dozens of branches.

The number has plummeted!

"No matter how strong the vitality is, there is always a limit." Lin Fengwei smiled.

In terms of vitality, the energy possessed by this wood spirit is less than one-third of the ten Jumang witch families he killed not long ago.


It is, after all, a living thing.

There are boundaries between vitality and enhancement.

Just look at yourself, can you force it to a desperate situation!

"Let\'s go!" Lin Feng\'s hands quickly condensed the flame again, and the hot fireballs were like a meteorite rain. In the anger of Mu linghysteria, he launched the second round of fierce consumption, and this time, he took the initiative——

No more wood spirit.

Time goes by.

The victorious Libra gradually tilts towards the forest wind.

From hundreds of branches to dozens, and now

There are only a few branches left.

Mu Ling\'s red and green light is extremely dim. It\'s like a exhausted warrior. It has no strength and vitality. The original "dense" branches and leaves have now become abandoned branches and leaves. The leaves fall to the ground. Although new "buds" appear on the trunk, but

Can these buds attack?

"It\'s almost over." Lin Feng looked very calm.

The thrilling process was not unexpected.

From the beginning, Mu Ling couldn\'t break his defense. The result of this war was doomed.

Winning is inevitable.

What is uncertain is just how much time and energy it takes.

"Boom!" the fire of rebirth burst again. This time, the three branches of Mu Ling were completely irresistible and turned into ashes in an instant. With the weakening of Mu Ling\'s power, Lin Feng completely controlled the situation, and the hot fireball hit the strong trunk and burst.

Slightly shaking, the tree trunk like Datura changed color.

It didn\'t cause much damage!

This wood spirit, after all, is beyond the fifth level of Xinghai!

Moreover, the defense and vitality of the wood spirit are quite amazing. The forest wind can defend, and it can defend naturally.


"See how long you can stop it." Lin Feng smiled.

The situation has evolved to the present, and everything has already been under their own control.

In breath induction, your fireball attack can\'t break the wood spirit\'s defense, but... Can reduce its power.

Maybe not much, but as long as you keep attacking.

As a result, you can already see.



Fireballs burst wildly.

Lin Feng seems to be practicing fireball control and displays it at will.

Looking at it, the original vibrant "datura flower" is like a withered flower.

The red and green light has disappeared, and all that is left is the dying dead tree, such as the old man who will kill the wood.

Everything is settled.

"The heart of wood spirit seems very valuable." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The wooden spirit heart above Xinghai level 5 is even more valuable. It seems that he can not only cure the toxin on Xuaner, but also

Make a small profit.

"Boom!" "boom!"

With two fireballs exploding in a row, Mu Ling is already tottering and dying.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s hands gathered, and a very bright huge fireball slowly took shape. Lin Feng\'s eyes showed a deep light.

"Zizi ~ ~" the fireball condenses into great power, and the firelight shines on the whole cave.

"The last blow!" the corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth calmly delimited.

Just about to blow out, suddenly——

"Don\'t fight again, I surrender!" a weak and flustered voice came out suddenly.

... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Qidian. Com. Your support is my greatest motivation.)