Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 401

Something happened behind him. Lin Feng didn\'t notice it, let alone pay attention.

At present, the mind has already been fully concentrated. As the people retreat, all the thoughts in the mind have been completely put aside.

The enemy this time is a big trouble he has never encountered.

Ten sentence mang Wu clan!

It was so dangerous to kill a Jumang witch at the beginning. The painful wound on the chest was still vivid and painful. If not for the complete transformation of his body, the blood of the Phoenix has a strong ability of rebirth. Maybe the winner is really uncertain!

"The worst thing is that both Xinghe and Xinghai Jumang witches can break my defense!" Lin Feng frowned slightly.

"Any one of the yumang witch family is not weak but stronger than me!"

This battle is hard to fight!

Two fists are hard to beat four hands. Rebirth fireball may be strong enough, but

There are too many enemies!

What\'s more, the speed of the witch clan is faster than itself. It\'s not easy to hit them.

"There is only one way to win!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep and bright, and he completely analyzed the situation in an instant. "Try your best to kill the three Xinghai level Jumang witches! The remaining Xinghe level Jumang witches can be solved by using \'Tiangou swallowing the sun\'."

Tiangou swallows the sun. Its power spans three levels.


Not equal!

Using the strength of Xinghe level peak may not kill the existence of Xinghai level.

Moreover, among the three star sea level Jumang witch families, two of them are almost the same as the strength they killed just now.

Another, more powerful!


"Coming!" Lin Feng saw the dark green color.

The five meter tall bird man\'s eyes are full of ferocious colors, and his thin face looks like a ghost.

The huge wings beat through the fierce wind, the feet were like stepping on two dragons, and the hands were as sharp as sharp blades. They stabbed themselves, and the cold light shone!

"Opportunity!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up immediately.

What I was most afraid of was that all the Jumang witches rushed up. There was really nothing to do at that time. However, these jumangwu people are obviously very confident in their own strength. Ten jumangwu people go back and forth without any sense of "team".

In particular, the first sentence mang witch family despised it without concealing its contempt.

Because he is the strongest one in this group of jumangwu!!

"Whew!" the sound broke through the air, and the wings gave the jumangwu nationality the flying ability of no inferior birds.

"Again?" Lin Feng said slightly. How could he make the same mistake twice?

The disguise of the jumangwu nationality in the air is unimaginable, which is no worse than that on the land.

You can\'t avoid yourself!

"Shun Huang Gang Qi!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were very bright.

Yu Guang looked at the numerous dark green light spots behind the sentence mang witch family.

In the blink of an eye, it will form a encirclement!

Time is very important!

"Wow!" the black fog appeared. With the outbreak of the right foot wind vortex, the forest wind speed increased several times. The mangwu people hissed, but their bodies felt a great pressure. In the dark fog, it seems like entering a quagmire. The speed decreases sharply, and the explosive force drops to a level.

A hard fight!

There\'s no way back!

Lin Feng suddenly stepped out with his right foot and gathered his strength. The artistic conception of shooting dancing emerged in my mind. Under heavy pressure, I perfectly displayed the idea of shooting. Like a dragon going to sea, the fire red gun shape transmits strange colors, such as lightning.

"The fire of rebirth!" Lin Fengzheng drank heavily.

The strength vomited wildly, and a ferocious flame rose rapidly.

Lin Feng and the mangwu family launched a really gapless amazing impact!

Power touch!

The roar of attack power!!

"Peng ~!" shocked people and lungs.

At the moment of contact, Lin Feng felt that his right arm seemed numb. The power of mangwu family in front of him was quite terrible. I still remember that during the first war, the sharp claw penetrated its own defense and dug a big hole in its chest.

Now, it\'s better!

But not Xibi.

"Jiong! Jiong!!" the reborn fire dances like a fire snake.

"Hiss!!" a cry of pain came from the mangwu family.

Complete restraint and the emergence of the rebirth fire will completely reverse the whole adverse situation of Lin Feng!

"Boom!" the fire was shining brightly. Lin Feng clenched his teeth and controlled the completely unconscious ember magic gun with amazing willpower to stab it out with all his strength! The fireball of the left hand soared, and the fire of rebirth completely condensed at this moment——

Lin Feng, do your best!

"Hiss ~"


Not far away, the dark green light was extremely shining and rushed.

Seems to feel the crisis, feel the real strength of Lin Feng, those words mang Wu clan become very angry and crazy.


"You\'re too late." Lin Feng sneered.

The eyes changed instantly. With the right hand\'s ember magic gun stabbing into the body of the Jumang witch family like a film, the huge fireball of the left hand boiling instantly. At this time, Lin Feng\'s eyes are like lightning balls, the light is blooming, and the energy of heaven and earth spirals around his body, fluctuating violently.

"Slow down space!" Lin Feng\'s expression was calm.

The solitary energy of heaven and earth exploded in the middle of the Jumang witch family.

The bright circle takes the front jumangwu family as the axis, forms spiral ripples and spreads rapidly.

The speed reduction at the origin and the enhancement from outside to inside form a compressed space, which gives full play to the power of deceleration space.

The advanced \'deceleration space\' is more powerful. It is no longer a single attack!

do as one wishes.

Time, enough.

"Die!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep and the gun awn vomited wildly.

Gave the last blow to the dying jumangwu family.

"Peng! ~" is as bright as fireworks.

Take the lead!

Every sentence in the eyes of the mangwu family is full of disbelief.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng killed the strongest of them with unparalleled strength in just a moment!

"Wow!" the green water drops converged in an instant, and Lin Feng felt the violent beat of the heart of the Lich in his chest again.

But right now

But I can\'t care at all!

The battle is just the beginning.

"Whoosh!" the forest wind galloped back and quickly pulled away.

The biggest difference between deceleration space and black fog is that deceleration space has time limit, not endless release. Almost at the moment of rapid retreat, the aperture brightness had begun to reduce, and the speed of the Jumang witch family began to recover. He drank the language of the witch family and dived into the forest wind.

Like meteorite bombing!

One by one!!!

Momentum, incomparable majestic.

Crazy breath, full of the sky.

At this moment, the whole sentence mangwu group became angry!

Because... The death of a companion!

However, the distance is that Lin Feng has enough breathing time and——

Prepare Kung Fu.

Looking at the eight emerald green light spots, Lin Feng\'s body revealed a strange and difficult breath. The surrounding air became extremely disordered, as if the magnetic field had been disturbed, and the amazing suction came from Lin Feng\'s body. With the absorption of the "green water droplets", Lin Feng\'s eyes were as bright as stars.

"The heavenly dog swallows the sun!" Lin Fengkeng drank heavily.

Although it takes preparation time, although the body can\'t have any other actions while absorbing.

But right now

You have to take risks!

If you are approached by these mangwu ethnic groups, you will only have a dead end.

"Wow!!" the extremely attractive force is wildly released with Lin Feng as the center. Just getting rid of the deceleration space, the sentence mangwu group all had a transient complexion, and immediately felt a strong suction and pressing force. It\'s an irresistible force, covering all areas!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. At this moment, his heart feels very clear.

The flame planet in the Phoenix\'s chart is emitting a hot flame at this time, which is like opening a door.

A gate to dimensional space!

"Zizi ~ ~" crazy absorption.

The surrounding trees, flowers and plants are shrouded by strong suction.

The Jumang witch family shouted with fear and horror. However, in the face of this Tianwei like attack, they had no power to fight back.

"Whoa!" Whoa! ~ "

One after another, the Jumang witch clan was absorbed and disappeared, only

The existence of those two star seas does not exist!

Just as Lin Feng as like as two peas.

Xinghai level, too strong!

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" from left to right, two star sea level sentence mang witch people\'s faces are full of extreme anger, as fast as lightning meteors. Strong enough to protect them from the influence of "heavenly dog swallowing the sun", the sharp cold light lit up and screamed again and again.

"Just in time!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened quickly.

The calculation in my heart was extremely precise, just at the moment when the last star level sentence mang witch family was swallowed by myself——

Black fog, burst!

At this time, two sharp claws, one before and one after, showed their killing intention.

Scold! Although the speed has slowed down a lot due to the influence of the black fog, the sharp claw on the left still crossed Lin Feng\'s chest, and blood splashed wildly!

Straight into the heart!

The mangwu clan looks very ferocious!

The pain of tearing heart and cracking lung makes Lin Feng\'s eyes wide open, but there is no time to hesitate, because at this time, the sharp claw on the right also comes!

"The fire of rebirth!" Lin Feng\'s right fist burst, and the crazy flame spread out, swallowing all the power. The body seems to turn into a flame. In the face of death threat, Lin Feng\'s mind is completely concentrated, and the flame erupts madly.

"Boom!" at the moment of contact, Lin Feng\'s right fist seemed not to belong to him.


"Wind vortex!" the buffering force, coupled with the violent reaction force, let Lin Feng finally escape the most critical death signal!

WOW! The body is like lightning light and shadow, and the forest wind retreats quickly.

The cold light on the right side just skipped the chest skin, bleeding, and the injury was almost fatal, but

It\'s just a few desires, not really fatal.

A millimetre difference!

Distance, instantly pulled apart.

And Lin Feng also wandered around from the edge of death and finally came back.

Although he was seriously injured and severe pain hit his heart, the whole person has become a blood man, and the wound is painful.

But the corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth was a faint smile.

He succeeded!

Not only to save their own lives, but also to save the lives of all the people in fengyanggu.

There is no threat from the Seven Star River level Jumang witches, only these two star sea level witches, themselves, the victory is in hand!


Lin Feng smiled slightly. Although he was weak, he was alone and confident.

At this time, the terrible wound seemed to be wriggling, already

Gradually began to heal. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Your support is my greatest motivation.)