Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1476


How to wake up?

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were slightly clustered, but he was a little difficult.

He received the Youming on the same day. He had a Youming seal. He was very familiar with the Youming, but he didn\'t know how to start, wake up and repair himself. Duoduo has never taught himself what to do if the Youming runs out of energy. The only thing he knows is the "Star source power".

"Hmm..." he was thinking deeply.

For a moment, he was one of the first two. He breathed a long breath, and he already had the answer in his heart.

Only take one step, count one step.

"The ghost seal!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened, and a trace of soul force flowed in slowly, but there was no response. As I have done before, Youming Yin has exhausted its energy and is completely asleep. Naturally, I can\'t feel its existence.


Still failed.

Try again!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and his heart is firm.

The penetration of soul force entered again and again, but the ghost seal on the right hand still had no movement.

But as expected.

"Try something else." Lin fengdark nodded.

"The Youming seal takes the source power as its energy, and maybe it will be sensitive to the source power." Lin Feng secretly said that the source power immediately concentrates on the right hand. His own source power also belongs to the source power, but the energy level is one level lower than the source power contained in the source stone.

But at least we can try it now!

"Wow! ~" the eyes are slightly bright, and the birds in Lin Feng\'s heart move.


It did respond.

The corner of his mouth began to draw a happy look, and Lin Feng\'s right hand was unconsciously tight.

The entry of the Star source force seems to feel a huge force, which is like a black hole. Its own star source force actively gathers and enters, and is completely absorbed by the Youming seal in an instant. The communication between heart and soul and the fit between soul and soul are like building a bridge.

Youming seal, finally got a response!

"Very good." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

As expected, the nether\'s demand for starpower is real.

It\'s just that the instant consumption of their star power is sucked into the air, but the Youming number is like a flash in the pan and extinguished in an instant. No matter how much star power is gathered, it is like fine sand reclamation, which is not enough.

"Sure enough, the amount needed is not ordinary." Lin Feng thought secretly.

In the blink of an eye, his body consumes more than half of the astral source force, which is only a drop in the ocean for the nether.

"After all, the energy level of my Star source force is low, and it is quite rare." Lin Feng nodded. At this moment, he also understood the starting method of Youming in the experiment. Although it is not correct, it is at least a way. He can go now.

"Attract the \'xingyuanli\' in the witch coin and take myself as the carrier to enter the Youming number."

"That\'s it. Let\'s go."

Lin Fengxin\'s determination.

Many things are known only by trying.

In a secret room.

The mountains of witch coins piled up horribly.

The five billion witch coins contain unimaginable "star power" energy. These are not star power at the holy King level, but clean and pure energy that really belongs to the star level. Although the content contained in these witch coins is small, the number of witch coins is quite terrible.

"Hiss! ~" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

The power package, a trace of star power, instantly absorbed a \'1000\' amount of witch coin.

The Xingyuan force entered his right hand and led him into the place of the Youming seal. In an instant, it gurgled like water. It was out of control, and the speed was quite fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, the witch coin with the amount of \'1000\' was eclipsed and turned into a piece of scrap iron. It was not only curled up, but also had no energy.

Quite a monster.

1000 witch coins are a huge number for the vast majority of martial artists in yanhuangcheng.

But for now, it\'s just an experiment.

"Can bear it." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

My biggest worry is that my right hand can\'t bear this powerful astral energy, even if my body is just a carrier. If the carrier is not strong enough, it will be washed away by the huge force. At that time, it will be in great trouble. Fortunately, the situation you worry about did not appear. The absorption speed of Youming seal is quite fast, and it will be absorbed almost at the moment of attracting the Star source power of witch coin.

It\'s like a water pipe. Even if there is a huge water source, as long as the absorption speed is fast enough, there\'s no problem with more and more water sources.

It won\'t break!

"Continue!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

The amount of 1000 witch coins is not the largest. There are still 10000, 100000, or even millions.

Try again!

The chance of success is as high as the courage.

"Wow ~ ~" the stars are bright, Lin Feng\'s eyes are slowly blooming, and the millions of witch coins full of star power in his hand turn into scrap metal, which is no longer valuable. However, the ghost seal on the right hand reacted for the first time, even if it was only a weak reaction to the extreme, but it was enough to explain one thing——

This method is effective!

However, with a slight smile, Lin Feng has more confidence.

As long as you find the right way, the rest is a matter of time. Just follow this road patiently.

Looking at the huge "mountains" of 5 billion witch coins is a rather cumbersome task, but it is also full of hope and expectation. There is no need to do more, just \'melt\' these witch coins bit by bit.

Three days, blinked away.

In just three days, it was undoubtedly difficult for Jiuyin and kuitu.

The result is also quite cruel.

Lin Feng did not appear.

But I don\'t know whether to see through their tricks, or temporarily repent and don\'t want to sell, or something happened?

can make nothing of it.

"Remember, you can only come soft and not touch hard." eroding Jiuyin Youran said, "Lin Feng eats soft and doesn\'t eat hard. Moreover, it\'s no good for us to offend him. The real purpose is to deceive him into the Wu clan."

"I understand," kuitu answered.

Eclipse Jiuyin nodded: "in addition, the matter is carried out secretly. Don\'t let a third person know."

"OK." kuitu\'s eyes flashed.

"Go." eclipse Jiuyin waved his hand and his eyes were deep. "Bring me back good news."

"Do your best." kuitu smiled heavily.

Xiongyuyuan, secret room.

Integration is coming to an end.

There are only a few small peaks in the huge witch coin mountain in the secret room, and they are all small Witch coins. More than 4.5 billion witch coins have been completely scrapped, and the Star source force is more like sand. All of them are turned into energy and filled into the Youming.

Although the Star source power contained in the witch coin is tiny to the extreme, it is far from the normal Star source stone, but

Quantity makes up for quality.

It\'s like a small piece of gold with a purity of 100, and there are several mountains with a purity of only 0.001%. The proportion of "gold" really extracted by the latter is much higher than that of the former, which is now the case.

Nearly 4.7 billion witch coins were consumed, and the Youming was ready to move.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are completely bright.

The heart is extremely sensitive!

"Soon, soon." Lin Feng gently pursed his lips and felt very happy.

My previous estimate is also correct. The Star source force contained in 5 billion witch coins is just enough to start the nether. Each absorption is like saturating the Youming with energy, and it is getting closer and closer to the "measuring line".

4.7 billion only!

"Here, here!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were wide and bright.

Surprised and happy, I waited for a long time and finally reaped the fruit. The induction of the nether number reacted for the first time, and the communication with my soul seemed to be around me. Familiar induction appears in my heart, which is a feeling of soul fit, moved by Lin Feng\'s heart.

"Wow! ~" the dark seal of his right hand flashed, and Lin Feng\'s figure suddenly disappeared.

"I\'m back." Lin Feng said softly.

The long sound, with joy and excitement, rings around this huge cabin.

Although it has been ten years away, the past is still clearly printed on my heart. I know a lot here, know the existence of the starry world and broaden my horizons. All of everything, blurred emerge in front of you, floating in your heart, thick memories.

Everything in the cabin has not changed at all.

Time can smooth many things and change many things, but time seems to stop on the Youming.

Lin Feng clearly looked around at all this, closed his eyes, and memories came to his face like waves. I think of my innocence in the past, just like a frog at the bottom of a well. Today, I recall how young I was at that time, but this is the price of growth. The road I walked step by step is never in vain.

Without the young self in the past, how can we become mature now?

People always grow up in failure.

The knife is not worn; People can\'t become talents without grinding.

Now, everything is different.

I am closer and more familiar with Youming, the star world, Shifu and Duoduo. Pop! When he opened his eyes, the undulating chest gradually calmed down. Lin Feng looked around and whispered, "Duoduo?"



Bursts of sound echoed in the netherworld, but there was no echo.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, and his joy has now calmed down, with thinking and doubt. Looking around the main cabin, if Duoduo has awakened, he will respond to himself. But now Youming is restarted and energy is restored, but Duoduo has no response at all.

What\'s going on?

"It seems that there are still many places I don\'t know about Youming." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

After waiting for a while, I still didn\'t see a lot of response. My doubts were deeper, but I was more calm and calm. His eyes twinkled, and his memory of the past flashed clearly. Lin Feng looked into the depths of the Youming number, and his memory of the structure of the Youming number was still clear.

"The top cabin is the energy source of Youming." Lin Feng said secretly.

Intuition tells him that Duoduo\'s failure to wake up must be related to the energy of Youming, but he still doesn\'t know how to do it.

Anyway, there should be an answer when we reach the top cabin.

"Step!" Lin Feng stepped slowly, his eyes deep.

According to the familiar memory, through a layer of light doors, straight to the depths of the Youming number.

Soon, with a "Ding", a light door opened, emitting a lonely light. Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, and the strong energy breath in front of him surged. He immediately entered a strange energy channel, the virtual and real mirror space, which was the channel to enter the top cabin.

Shua! ~ Then enter it.