Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1245

A lifelike fire lotus platform!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright and approached slowly accompanied by Shun.

From a distance, I have seen this "wonderful flower" exist. In this colorful and beautiful stepping star mansion, the appearance of this fire lotus is extremely prominent, which is completely incompatible with the surrounding environment. It\'s like a flame in a garden. It\'s very special, but

Existence must be reasonable!

"Fire lotus platform." Shun said, seeing Lin Feng\'s curiosity at the moment.

"What a strong feeling of flame." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up. When he approached the fire lotus platform, he could see the pure "flame" more clearly. This fire lotus platform is composed of countless fire lotus. From a distance, it looks like a combination of flames, such as red and fire, but from a close look, it is not a real flame.

However, it has more extreme fire energy than real flame.

"This should be used for cultivation." Shun said lightly.

"Should?" Lin Feng was stunned.

Shun smiled slightly, and slowly stretched out a hand, as if he wanted to enter the fire lotus platform. Suddenly, a hot fire burst out in the center of the fire lotus platform. With strong strength, he built the ultimate defense and roared towards Shun as if defending the territory.

Wheeze! Shun withdrew his hand like lightning, and the most clear touch occurred between xingyuanli and huoliantai.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, but he saw clearly.

This fire lotus set seems to hide a deep secret.

"Those who are not fire fighters cannot enter the fire lotus platform." Shun shook his head reluctantly, stared at the fire lotus platform and said, "master will stay in the fire lotus platform to practice all year round. This thing seems to have an extraordinary effect. I believe you will understand it in the future."

Lin Feng nodded.

Even Emperor Yao attached great importance to this fire lotus platform, which shows its role.

However, if you want to "use" this fire lotus platform, you must first wait until the body is restored in the heart pool. There is still some time to go. Now the battle of Lich is about to start. It seems that time is not enough. Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and he is a little distracted when looking at the fire lotus platform.

"Relax." Shun patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "it\'s nothing."

"Just suddenly feel a burst of pressure." Lin Feng\'s eyes are light and frank.

It is obviously false to really sit in the position of the leader of the southern region and shoulder the fate of all warriors in the nine continents of the southern region. Every decision and every idea may determine the lives of tens of billions and hundreds of billions of martial artists.

The burden on his shoulders is thousands of times heavier than in the hunting country.

"No pressure is abnormal." Shun looked at Lin Feng. "In fact, you are a smart man. You know what you should do and which way to go."

Lin Feng smiled calmly.

What you have to do is very simple and improve your strength.

Dealing with internal affairs and diplomatic strategies have never been what they are good at, and being the future Emperor may not need to be respectful in everything. Just like the hunting country on that day, there is a brother Lin Yun, blue inside, and a prison outside. It\'s sunny and takes good care of the whole hunting country.

What they have to do is to become the pillar of the hunting country, such as the only trunk of the big tree in the sky.

Other branches and leaves will grow naturally one by one. If the trunk does not fall, the tree will not fall.

It\'s the same now!

As long as you have enough strength to become the backbone of the southern region, other branches and leaves of this big tree in the southern region will flourish and bloom.

"No one knows how the future will be." Shun carried his hands and bright eyes.

"But I believe that no matter how bad the situation is, if God closes all the doors, there will always be a window for us Terrans, and can that window be opened..."

"It\'s up to you, the future emperor."

Future Emperor!

This is not the first time to hear this title. Lin Feng smiled.

Unconsciously, even myself accepted this\' mission \'.

"Do your best." Lin Feng said.

"Finally, it\'s here." Shun pointed to the front and spoke slowly, "Starlight road."

Lin Feng stood beside Shun with sparkling eyes.

The Taixing mansion has a circular structure. The most mysterious Qionglou Yuyu is located in the middle, the huge Yushi mountain is located on the right, while the Yangxin pool and huoliantai are located on the left. As for the Xingguang Road, it is connected with Qionglou Yuyu and Miaozhu forest into a three-point line, which is like a passage to form the backbone of the whole Taixing mansion.

That is an indescribable \'road\'.

"It\'s so beautiful." Lin Feng looked ahead and felt infinite emotion in his heart.

A road like transparent glass is covered with stars, forming a strange scene like nature. The refraction of the surrounding light completely wraps up the star path, as if to form an independent world.

Bit by bit, like a huge chessboard, contains infinite mysteries.

Each star falling point, like a chess piece, has unlimited possibilities, and each star falling place seems to contain endless mysteries.

as the acme of perfection.

"Master once said that starlight is second only to Qionglou Yuyu in stepping on the star house." Shun Qingdao.

"This should be a place for practicing to understand the mysteries?" Lin fengruo said.

Shun nodded. "Every moment, the star setting point on the starlight path will change, and 88 constellations will present mysteries on the starlight path. The key lies in whether they can grasp it." Shun SA ran shrugged, "of course, it also depends on some fate, as well as the understanding of the warrior himself."

Lin Feng smiled.

Looking at Shun\'s expression, it is obvious that he lacks that "fate".

In fact, like Shun, it is difficult to break through the holy level peak after countless years, and the possibility of breaking through is very small. Therefore, for him, it\'s no big deal to lose the leader and step on the star house. To some extent, Shun has actually given up the hope of promotion to the holy king.

For him now, he just wants to protect mankind as much as possible.

"If you have a chance, you will help Shun achieve his wish." Lin Feng said softly in his heart and admired what Shun had done.

He was like the commander of the herd riot, with a great mind.

It integrates healing, cultivation and understanding.

It is indeed a treasure land of cultivation that is hard to find for thousands of miles. Although the sparrow in the star house is small, it has all kinds of internal organs.

Looking around at the whole TA Xing mansion, Lin Feng\'s eyes fell on the Yushi mountain again. The three big words of dragon flying and Phoenix danced with infinite emotion in his heart. I didn\'t expect to have such "benefits" when I became the head of the southern region. I believe that my strength will increase greatly soon. This strong aura gathering alone is quite remarkable.


Just during this time, I will improve my personal strength alone.

Although the war is about to break out, it is actually better for the southern region than the intrigues before the war. Excluding the internal factors of the southern region itself, there will be a long period of "stability" for its transition.

During this period, it is very important to yourself.

Once you can break through the bottleneck and enter the holy King level, your own road will be much easier in the future.

"How\'s it going? Are you satisfied?" Shun smiled.

"Of course." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, "it\'s a dream."

"I hope it can provide you with the best cultivation environment." Shun smiled calmly. "The stronger your strength, the safer and more stable the southern region will be."

"I understand." Lin Feng nodded.

Shun walked slowly to Yushi mountain, turned back and said, "come on, hurry up and teach you the way to get in and out of the \'lost bamboo array\'."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Maze bamboo array.

Guard the formation of stepping on the star mansion.

It seems inconspicuous. It just seems to be composed of a bamboo forest, but no one can imagine that it is a large array that can trap the holy King level.

"The way of heaven and earth is endless."

"The array is formed with the help of the power of heaven and earth, the power of constellations and various forces of nature."

"Don\'t underestimate any array. It is said that the real array masters in the starry world can form an array, even if it\'s just a place of sand and stones and a few small trees can form a large array of strong people trapped in the starry sky!"


Shun ran and said, his eyebrows flying.

Lin Feng listened carefully and was very serious. He didn\'t miss a word.

Shun in front of us is not Emperor Shun, but a master who has focused on the way of array and studied array for hundreds of thousands of years. Although he did not admit it himself, Shun was indeed a "master" in his own eyes and by the standards of the fighting spirit world.

Immersed in the way of array for hundreds of thousands of years, looking at the whole human region, who can be right?

Compared with Shun, Qianlian emperor seems to be a little witch.

"Sorry, it\'s far away." Shun smiled apologetically and scratched his head.

Looking at Shun\'s rare action, Lin Feng lost his smile, but shun, who has always been thoughtful, became so obsessed as soon as he talked about the array.

"No, I\'ve benefited a lot." Lin Feng smiled and nodded. "If you don\'t mind, can you continue to teach me some array basics before teaching the fan bamboo array?" I\'m really curious and interested in the array, but the array requires time to immerse and can\'t be controlled in a moment or three.

However, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, I also want to see its mystery.

At present, when I meet an array master like Shun, I just listen to your words and win ten years of reading. Shun\'s understanding of the array, every word and sentence, is the immersion of years and the symbol of wisdom. It will be of great benefit to him in the future.

"Of course not!" Shun laughed and was happy.

He is not a stingy man. He is willing to share his experience, not to mention Lin Feng.

One willing to teach and the other willing to learn, soon immersed in this excellent feeling.

Three days and three nights.

Shun taught for three days, and Lin Feng learned for three days.

Although what this taught is only a drop in the ocean of array, it has been a great harvest for Lin Feng. After all, these are the most basic parts of the array and also the "foundation". For example, the basic gun moves of marksmanship, all complex gun moves are derived from the basic gun moves.

The more solid the foundation is, the more thorough the understanding will be in the future, and the faster the progress will be.

Similarly, it is not easy to take detours.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was stunned and his eyes lit up.

I\'ve learned a lot about the foundation of the array. I feel that the previous seven Jue sky star array is still far from perfect and can be used. Although it\'s not easy to improve yourself, isn\'t there a ready-made "master" in front of you?