Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1137

"The waste of electricity can\'t even be solved by a mere bastard."

"Yes, he is also an intermediate electricity envoy. I\'m really ashamed of him."

"It is said that the law enforcement chief \'Chitong\' was reprimanded by the divine envoy for this matter. The thunder was furious."


Two young people in strange clothes were chatting.

With the same clothes and the same appearance, they are not strong, or even thin, but their breath is quite strong. The most amazing thing is that both of them are wearing a strange ring on their thumbs. If Lin Feng sees it, he will be shocked.

Because this is as like as two peas ring worn by electric cable.

Ancient law enforcement envoy!

The two young men, the thinner one, have the same smell as the electric one, and the flashing mark on their forehead is exactly the same as that of electricity. The other young man, with thunder light outside his body, was slightly strong and dignified. No matter his manner or speech, he seems to be better than the lightning young man. On his forehead, there is a mark like a roaring thunder dragon.

And now——

"What are you talking about?" a faint voice came from afar, with a breathtaking breath.

"Lei emissary!" big brother! "The two young men even got up and bowed their hands.

The newcomer is not tall, but he has a domineering atmosphere, which is the temperament of ranking high for a long time. His face is vigorous, his cheekbones are thin, his slender eyebrows are raised, and his plate inch hair is blooming in the wind. He has the same mark on his forehead as the leilong youth just now, but it is brighter, deeper and more disturbing!

Senior law enforcement envoy, Lei Xiong.

Two young men are middle-level law enforcement envoys "Lei Ba" and "electric hole".

"Nothing, big brother." Lei Basha smiled, "we just talked about electricity. This boy is really useless. He can\'t complete a small task. You have to wipe his ass, big brother."

"It\'s a fact that the electricity died." Lei Xiong\'s face was calm. "The law enforcement chief talked to me about this mission. Although there is no evidence to show, I\'m afraid that the Qiang Fenggu clan was involved. Its clan leader \'fengzhuo\' was extremely protective. Since Lin Feng was his grandson, it\'s not surprising to protect him."

"What shall we do, ray?" the electric hole frowned.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m afraid that the ancient Qiang Feng clan dare not come to the temple openly." Lei Xiong said slowly, "maybe fengzhuo will send a strong man to protect Lin Feng secretly, but he will never invite the Saint King level to exist. At that time, I will contain the strong man, and you two can kill Lin Feng quickly."

"No problem, big brother." Lei Ba patted his chest and said boldly.

"OK." the electric hole smiled with confidence, "no matter which one leiba and I are, it\'s much better than the electric one. It\'s easy to kill just a human."

Lei Xiong nodded and said positively, "don\'t underestimate the enemy. Remember to finish the task cleanly. This matter is not only valued by the law enforcement chief, but has even attracted the attention of the divine envoy, which can\'t be lost."

"Yes!" they answered in unison.


Lin family.

At this time, it is completely boiling.

Lin Feng is now famous, not to mention the whole Lin family, qianluo District, looking at the whole Shiluo County, who doesn\'t know? It broke the monopoly of the three major weapon refiners in zhuquezhou, won the champion of the weapon refiner competition in one fell swoop, and strongly entered the zhuquezhou weapon refiner alliance as the vice president.

This alone shocked the whole shiroe county.

Moreover, Lin Feng\'s highlight performance in the rosefinch challenge is well known.

Up to 118 million points, ranking first in the list. Even if the challenge is not over, everyone knows that it is impossible for anyone to break this horror score more than three times the record. Lin Feng won the championship of rosefinch challenge, which has long been settled.

The difference is only the final announcement.

Not to mention Shiluo County, in zhuquezhou, the name Lin Feng has become a legend.

Because of Lin Feng\'s legend, the Lin family quickly ascended their power with an almost crazy trend. Moreover, because of Lin Feng\'s "gifts", the family is full of money. Regardless of treatment, wealth, status and future, it has become the most attractive force in Shiluo County, which has attracted countless strong people.

In particular, the name "young patriarch" has moved the hearts of the people.

Lin Feng\'s reputation as a tool refiner in the southern region is almost equal to that of Nangong lady!

The inner hall.

"So it is." Lin Feng smiled.

The adoptive father can beat a snake with a stick and make full use of himself.

However, this is not a big thing. In fact, I also want to do something for the family to make the family stronger.

"Ha ha, anyway, Lin Feng, you are my adopted son, and you are the young patriarch." Lin Zhen smiled brightly. "Besides, you are the son of Xiao Tian. You also have direct blood. The patriarch is a capable person. In terms of strength and talent, my two dogs can\'t match you. If you are willing to take over the family, you can do it at any time."

Patting his chest, Lin Zhen laughed and said, "I immediately abdicated to make way for the good, and all the elders, too elders, ensure that no one opposes."

The voice fell, and everyone agreed in unison, including Lin Yan, the chief tool refiner of the family, and Lin Zhong, the chief manager, all nodded in agreement. Everyone knows the name of Lin Feng and the shadow of the tree. Now Lin Feng has long been the pillar of the Lin family.


"No, I can\'t handle the complicated family affairs." Lin Feng smiled. "The patriarch is still the adoptive father. It\'s most suitable for you to sit. I\'ll... Hang the title of \'young patriarch\'. Everyone around laughed one after another. The atmosphere was harmonious, but there were not too many opinions.

"OK!" Lin Zhen smiled boldly and did not give in. He stood up, picked up the wine glass and said boldly, "come on, let\'s have a toast to the young patriarch."

"OK!" "come on!" "man Shang!"... Everyone got up with a smile on their faces, raised their glasses to Lin Feng, with admiration and respect in their eyes. Today is not what it used to be. Everyone knows that today\'s Lin family has long been deeply printed with the label of "Lin Feng".

If you leave Lin Feng, the Lin family is nothing and will be directly beaten back to the prototype.

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng also stood up and drank up.

In fact, how can I not know that the patriarch and the young patriarch are just a false name. Even if the current patriarch is Lin Zhen, as long as he says a word, no one in the whole Lin family will say a "no". This is the reality.


And this "power" is precisely brought about by strength.

His eyes are light and bright. Lin Feng can\'t help but think of when he first entered Shiluo county. He thought of climbing this avenue step by step. Up to now, he has become a blockbuster and is enough to control the whole family. During this period, he has experienced too much... Take a breath, and Lin Feng\'s eyes return to light and smile.

However, these so-called "powers" are not important to themselves at all, or even do not care at all.

Because I have never taken the initiative to fight for it. In fact, everything happens naturally. When the strength comes, everything will be owned.

Compared with these, I care more about family affection, brotherhood, and... Lin Feng turns his head and looks at Lin Yumo next to him, gently nods and smiles. This time I came to Shiluo county and returned to the Lin family. My greatest harvest

It\'s her.

Lin Yumo, who has suffered too much for his own sake.

I owe her a lifetime.

In full view of the public, Lin Feng pulled up Lin Yumo\'s soft boneless hand. The latter gave a cry, and his face was as red as if drunk. However, Lin Feng\'s move was undoubtedly to announce the relationship between them. At this time, the whole hall was silent, people\'s eyes converged, with surprise, envy, and many suddenly.

After all, everyone here knows Lin Yumo\'s past.

"Here, I want to announce one thing to you." Lin Feng smiled slightly, gently took Lin Yumo\'s hand and looked around, "I, Lin Feng, will officially marry Lin Yumo in three days, hold the hand of my son and grow old with my son."

It was a shock.

Everyone was stunned by the sudden news.

Including Lin Yumo himself.

There was endless surprise on the charming red face as if it was dripping juice. She looked at Lin Feng with her beautiful eyes wide open and couldn\'t believe it. At this moment, her heart seemed to stop. But for a moment, the surprise on his face turned into a surprise, and then turned into a thick sweetness and happiness, and bowed his head in shame.

And now——

"Boom ~!" the whole hall burst into flowers and a sound of joy.

"Congratulations! ~" "congratulations to the young patriarch!" "old age!"... There was a sound of congratulations, and everyone was beaming with congratulations. Including the water naked oats standing on one side, they all have a shallow smile, and there is an imperceptible envy in their eyes.

As a woman, what I want most is not how strong I am.

But I hope to have a happy marriage and the existence of a \'home\'.

Lin Yumo\'s full chest fluctuates constantly, and her heart beats very fast. For her, happiness comes too suddenly. She never thought Lin Feng would propose to her at this time. She has always been calm and wise. Now she is also confused, but she is surprised and happy.

All emotions just turn into a feeling, that is——


"Ha ha, I\'m going to be the wedding leader." Lin Zhen laughed heartily and looked around. "I\'ve ordered that all my Lin family members stop their affairs and do their best to handle the marriage in the past three days. Tell everyone how big they are!"

"Yes, patriarch!" "no problem!"

There was a burst of laughter, and the atmosphere of the whole hall was completely ignited and immersed in joy.

Young patriarch, getting married soon!

Lin Feng smiled calmly and held Lin Yumo\'s hand. He felt the slight moisture in the beauty\'s palm and pinched it gently. I\'m not impulsive. I\'ve thought about this decision for a long time. I really need to give Yumo a title, affirmation, or responsibility.

Shui Youmei said that if the human Demon Lord did not come in three days, he would have passed the death.

After marrying Yumo at that time, the matter of Shiluo county can come to an end temporarily. At that time, I can leave at ease.

Looking at Lin Yumo, Lin Fengqing smiled, and his heart was also a touch of happiness.

hold your hand and grow old together with you.

It\'s plain, but it\'s my promise.