Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1131

The seventh volcanic eruption!

The ultimate element of fire spreads in the air.

"Whew!" Lin Feng suddenly fell down from the sky and landed on the ground. Despite the protection of red damask and the existence of "fixed fire pearl", there is no need to fear these "ordinary" flames. However, it is better to do more than less.

It\'s unnecessary to be brave.

"It seems... A little different." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Looking around, it has been more than ten seconds since I came out of the volcano, but the volcanic eruption has not yet begun. The previous six volcanic eruptions only bloomed in an instant. However, this time, the volcano is still accumulating strength, and the magma continues to flow out of volcanoes. The earth is shaking with horror.

"Because the array has just recovered?" Lin Feng frowned.


Lin Feng immediately rejected.

The energy of Flame Mountain only suppresses, not destroys the whole array. Once the energy of the Flame Mountain disappears, the array will naturally start the cycle. If it is because of the flame mountain, it is undoubtedly a little far fetched. It is more likely that——

This seventh volcanic eruption was very "subtle".

"It takes a lot of effort to get it."

"The more you give, the more you get."

"The weather is good."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, with a slight joy.

There is no fear at all. Opportunities and dangers coexist. The more dangerous, the more unusual, and the more you prove yourself. Now... The closer you are to the truth!


Thunder and earth movement.

It took thousands of seconds before the first volcano erupted.

There was a terrible smell of fire in the air, far better than the previous six times. If you compare it to shooting, the previous six times won with "speed", and this time with "strength"! Under the overwhelming pressure, the intensity of the flame almost solidifies, which is more than ten times stronger than the energy of the previous flame.


Fundamentally strengthen the power of fire.

"So strange." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

I know clearly that this is not a secret skill. Nine times out of ten it is because of the array.

With the power of the array as the axis, if the first six volcanic eruptions are a gradual process, now... Is the end, that is, the final decisive battle. Power, the first six volcanic eruptions are multiplied by ten times, which are far less than!


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sky, the earth changes and vibrates, as if the great end was coming.

Roaring flames come from all directions and bloom like fireworks. The beautiful red color makes all the surrounding scenery inferior.

"Oh?" Lin Feng stood with bright eyes.

"It\'s different."

"This time, it seems prepared."

Lin Fengqing road.

The feeling is very clear.

The previous flame power was an aimless chaotic attack. Even if thousands of volcanoes erupted together in the sixth volcanic eruption with the strongest power, the real "damage" to themselves was limited. The farther the distance, the weaker the attack power.

But this time, the fireball came all over the place, and it seemed that it had completely "aimed" at itself.

It seems that someone controls it. It\'s quite accurate.

"Interesting array." Lin Feng smiled.

If I had just entered here, I\'m afraid I\'m in a hurry now. Strengthening the flame power of energy like elite may not be able to resist with the strength of Hong Ling at that time. But now, not only is it easy, but Hongling is very excited!

The stronger the power of fire, the stronger the purity and power, and the more benefit red damask will get!

"Roar! ~" the red damask of Zhan snake\'s body shines violently, and the body becomes much larger in an instant. With Zhan snake\'s body, it shows a long body like a giant dragon, quickly turns up, and the red light in his eyes flickers.

"It\'s greedy." Lin Feng laughed in an uproar.

He seemed to live in a sealed room on the first floor. The red scales wrapped him round and round, and there was no breath at all.

Full protection!

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The earth fell apart and the volcano erupted completely.

It rushed from all directions and seemed to blow everything away with a destructive force. As Lin Feng predicted, all volcanic energy is like transmission, which makes the power of fire condense to the extreme. One by one, one by one, and finally turn into a meteor like fire shower, falling in all directions.

There is no dead corner.

For any warrior, the first thing to consider now is——


This power is far beyond the load of star level warriors.

Moreover, any warrior with a little mind can see that this is just a prelude. The current volcanic eruption is completely different from that before. All the forces, like an explosion, go straight to the only goal!

To resist is the stupidest thing to do.

Resistance and defense in place is stupidity in stupidity.

But Lin Feng chose such a "stupid" way.

"Wow! ~" brilliant.

Red Ling made a loud roar. It was not hurt, but extreme excitement.

After ascending to the holy level, the ordinary flame power has hardly helped her, but now the flame power goes beyond the star level to the holy level. The first time the flame fell, the red silk was collected according to the order, and the absorption was clean and neat, one word——


Pretty cool.

"Boom!" "boom! ~" the flame fell like a meteor.

Red Ling is flashing red light and absorbing it constantly. It\'s fun.

At this time, the forest wind is also good and ready. There was a faint smile at the corners of her mouth. She hid comfortably in the protection of red Ling\'s red scales. She couldn\'t feel the power of fire. With the strength of today\'s red damask, although the flame energy is strong, it is still within the absorption range.

As long as "quality" does not exceed, "quantity" does not matter.

However, this law was soon broken.

"No, the smell of red silk is a little disordered." Lin Feng, who stood quietly, suddenly opened his eyes and moved his heart.

The time of burning incense has passed, and the eruption of the volcano has entered the most white hot stage. Lightly pursed his lips, Lin Feng closed his eyes again. He felt clearly all around through the red silk, just like laying a pair of eyes in the sky. Everything was in his eyes.

"This......" Lin Feng was shocked.

The scene at this time is very different from before.

Like the end of the day, the number of fire meteors in the sky is unpredictable, and tens of thousands of crazy fall. Almost every moment, hundreds of fire power fell on Hongling, all of which had the strongest and ultimate power.

Less absorption!

Hongling, saturated!

It is not true saturation, but saturation supported in an instant.

It\'s too late to absorb.

"This is not the flame of Hongling\'s body. She needs transformation to form her own strength."

"If the flame energy is ordinary, the transformation will be natural and fast; and these flame energy are not only fine, but also such a large number. No wonder."

The secret way of Lin Feng\'s heart is completely understood.

Hongling is also very strong. Even if she is injured and supports hard, she will not retreat.

But this is not a good thing.

"Red Ling, give me a gap." Lin Feng said softly.

The voice fell without a pause. Almost in an instant, Hongling\'s body moved slightly, revealing a fire red gap.

That\'s the color of fire!

"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Light steps on the red silk neck, and the light light in your hand is shining.

Setting fire Pearl!

"Come." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

After experiencing the energy absorption of Flame Mountain, I have a little understanding of this fixed fire pearl. Its absorption power is really terrible, and its absorption speed is also terrible. The only disadvantage is that the absorption area is small. For example, I lift it now, but I can only guard the area of the top of my head.

However, things will not be perfect.

Now this is enough.

"Silk! ~" "hiss!! ~" in an instant, the falling fireball in the sky seemed to be absorbed by a magnet, instantly entered the fixed fire pearl and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Even the powerful energy of flame mountain can be absorbed by the fixed fire pearl, not to mention these "ordinary" flames?

Even if the fineness is ten times or a hundred times, these flames are far from being compared with the flame energy of Flame Mountain.

And red Ling, suddenly the pressure is light.

Although Lin Feng absorbed most of the flame, he left a small part for her, but it was just right. Within the scope of her ability, this amount of flame can be absorbed and transformed in an instant. It can not only hurt herself, but also quickly transform into energy, enrich the body and strengthen recovery.

Time passes slowly.

With the addition of Linfeng and dinghuo pearl, the whole situation has completely stabilized.

In fact, even without Hongling\'s "help", the stupidest way is to easily solve the great crisis. Even if the strength is strong, there is a world-wide gap with the flame mountain and the array in the array, and the most important thing is——

Fixed fire pearl, too abnormal!

"It seems that it\'s almost over." Lin Feng stood on Hongling, looked up slightly, and his eyes were light.

The speed and efficiency of flame fall have fallen by more than one level. From the beginning to the climax, and then slowly fade from the climax. Now, like the sunset, the seventh volcanic eruption has finally come to an end. Boom! Boom! The number of fire meteors is becoming rarer and rarer, and Lin Fengxin is looking forward to it more and more.

Intuition tells itself that the secret of this semi independent space will soon appear!

What could it be?

"Peng!" the last flame turned into nothingness.

The whole space seemed static at this moment, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were as bright as stars.

In an instant——

"Pa!" "pa!" "pa!" "pa!" the sound of change rang out one after another. Lin Feng was slightly shocked. Looking around, he saw huge volcanoes that burst in an instant. It doesn\'t disappear, but turns into small light spots, flying above your head like fireflies.

"Oh?" Lin Feng raised his head, curious.

A vision that has never been seen before is showing up in front of me.

In the distance, light spots from near to far, from slow to fast, constantly converge on their heads, as if absorbed by some force. A little, a little convergence, light spots as dazzling as stars, more and more bright, so that my heart is more and more shocked.

"That\'s!!!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are completely bright.