Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1118

After a incense burning time.

"As like as two peas."

"Now all need 24 flame feathers to enter."

"The brand of the windmill has become two, but the semi independent space entered by the thousand love emperor has not changed, but it is\' blocked \'."

The forest wind whispered softly.

Only by proving it can we be most reliable to witness it with our own eyes.

"One hundred and twenty flame feathers, there are 108 left."

"If you need 24 to enter once, aren\'t there only four opportunities left?"

Lin Feng looked slightly changed.

Unexpectedly, the probability has just risen to 80%, and the instant time has dropped back to 50%. No, less than 50%.

"It will change this time, maybe... It will change again after the second time." Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

Many things can not be easily concluded.

Plans often fail to keep up with changes.

"What is unclear now is whether this is a temporary change or a permanent change."

"There\'s still time. Don\'t be in a hurry."

"Wait for the thousand love emperor to come out, and then make a long-term plan."

Lin Feng\'s state of mind soon calmed down.

Impulse can\'t solve the problem. There\'s only one chance.

You must grasp it well.


Lin Feng is not in a hurry.

After the array was opened, the aura around it had already completely changed.

Quite rich!

For separation, the effect is very little, but it is very helpful for noumenon. After all, now the noumenon is still at the peak of the star domain level, especially when the double pupil enters the bottleneck state of the sixth layer, it is ready to break through the seventh layer and become a saint.

Double cultivation!

The perception of the pupil is accompanied by the cultivation and improvement of the fire of rebirth.

烀! 烀! The fire of rebirth shines outside the body. It doesn\'t need perception or even control, but it

But can improve independently.

"What a rich feeling of the way of fire."

"The \'power of the array\' here seems to have something to do with my rebirth fire."

"The feeling is so clear."

The forest breeze is gentle.

The release of the rebirth fire, in contact with and collision with the force of the array, is like a clear "Tao".

That feeling, as if knocking on the door with the power of the rebirth fire, I can understand a little and feel a little every time I release. In my mind, clear stars are shining, and the "way of the Holy One" from the rebirth fire is becoming clearer and clearer.

"Is it the fire of swallowing?"

"Or what force pushes the fire of rebirth forward."

My heart is full of questions.

However, Lin Feng did not find the answer.

What matters now is not the answer, but the result.

The power of the devoured fire is obvious to all. After understanding the way of the Holy One, it is more than ten times stronger. The same is true if the reborn fire can be understood. The most important thing is that the two, like the two pupils, can achieve a balance and merge

Power, unpredictable!

Time passes day by day.

Obviously, this is the deepest and most difficult semi independent space on the third floor of the bird King prison. It is not so easy to break in or leave.

Especially for the thousand love emperor.

However, Lin Feng was not in a hurry. He practiced patiently and waited.

Seven days later, the understanding of Shuangtong is still in a bottleneck, but the fire of rebirth has gradually begun to degenerate. The blurred road in front of me becomes clear, and the touch of the heart has an extreme feeling, as if something is calling itself.

It\'s like the soul of this big array.

The deepest space!

"It\'s true."

"There is really a voice calling."

Lin Feng\'s eyes slowly opened with a surprised color.

Look around, but there is no change, but the feeling is really printed in my heart.

It\'s not fake!

"Strange." Lin Feng looked slightly changed.

This big array is so strange that I can\'t understand it at all.

It seems to contain a great secret.

He was still unable to find the calling feeling. Lin Feng immediately shook his head and immersed himself in cultivation. 烀! 烀! The fire of rebirth is boiling. At present, the understanding of the Tao touches the edge, and what is missing is only the last layer of film!

WOW! The light is bright.

The fire of rebirth was boiling and bright, and Lin Fengmeng clenched his fist.

In my mind, the loud and clear cry appeared for the second time, and the fuzzy flame shadow appeared in my mind, which shocked my heart.

What is it?

Not a phoenix!

Lin Feng\'s face changed suddenly, but he had no time to respond.

With the blooming of the fire of rebirth, the sun life chart in the Phoenix life chart is also bright. Although I didn\'t realize that I found the way, no matter how the process is, the end is the same. It is an indisputable fact that I am now on the way of the Holy One. The stars of the fire of rebirth are perfectly bright, compared with the fire of swallowing——

Not inferior.

At least, they are equal in quality.

No matter how powerful the devouring fire is, it can devour other flames, but it can\'t devour the reborn fire.

"Thump! Thump! Thump!" the familiar heartbeat was violent. Lin Feng gently pursed his lips. He still reflected the vague flame shadow just now in his mind. He seemed to have touched it. It seemed that the call came from the flame shadow.

What is it?

Lin Feng frowned, puzzled.

At this time——

"Wow!" the light is bright, causing space upheaval.

Lin Feng was slightly stunned. He turned his head and stood up. He saw a familiar figure not far away.

It\'s the thousand love emperor I haven\'t seen for a long time!

She\'s back.

It is still the star domain peak.

Lin Feng\'s eyes changed slightly, and he didn\'t have to ask. What the thousand love emperor entered was not to have the "way of the bird king".

The first failure.


Compared with the way of the bird king, this semi independent space has its own uniqueness.

Maybe it\'s lost, but it\'s gained.

"How is it?" Lin Feng smiled.

The thousand love emperor smiled with a fresh smile. His hands were raised instantaneously, and a light came flying quickly. Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed slightly and he was slightly surprised. His goal was a thin paper similar to sheepskin. He didn\'t know what material to make it. He grabbed it with his right hand.

"Oh?" Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and the light flashed.

A thin layer of paper is printed and engraved with all kinds of incomprehensible words, and there are many painted patterns next to it.

Although I can\'t understand it at all, I feel inexplicably familiar when I look at the "pattern".

That seems to be

"Refining tools?" Lin Feng was stunned.

From the beginning to the bottom, it seems that what several patterns show is the technique and steps of refining the ware. Although I\'m not entirely sure, nine times out of ten there will be no mistake. Raised his head, Lin Feng looked at the emperor in surprise, with many questions.

"It should be some kind of weapon refining rule..."

"Or a secret skill."

Thousand love emperor said lightly, "although I don\'t understand the above words and I\'m not proficient in refining tools, I also have some understanding."

Very knowledgeable.

Lin Feng knows that qianaihuang is smart and comes from a famous family, but she doesn\'t think she even involves refining tools.

It really deserves the name of genius.

"Unfortunately, I can\'t understand these words." Lin Feng shook his head. "It\'s difficult to crack the secret with just a few patterns."

"I\'ve never seen this writing before. It\'s very strange." Qianlian huangxiu frowned slightly, looked at the paper and said slowly, "but this thing must be very precious. It can be compared with the \'way of the bird King\'. It\'s definitely not an ordinary method of refining tools."

Lin Feng made a soft "um" sound and nodded.

It is placed in the deepest and largest semi independent space of the bird King prison.

Its value can be imagined.

"Then I\'m not polite." Lin Feng smiled and knew the meaning of thousands of love for the emperor.

It\'s useless for her to ask for the weapon refining thing. Although she can\'t understand these strange words at present, it doesn\'t mean she won\'t have a chance in the future.

This thing is very valuable.

"But this text... I seem to have seen it somewhere?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly and lit up for a moment. "By the way, this text is very similar to those tadpole characters floating on the light spot. No matter the structure or shape, it should be the same kind of existence."

Suddenly, Lin Fengyue was surprised.

This inexplicable text, strange array, strange call

More and more secrets.

"Lin Feng, you are really powerful." the thousand love emperor smiled, "I took the first step and got the treasure. I was lucky. Finally, I found a way out by chance, but I didn\'t want to shoot it slower than you."

Tone, with a slight sense of admiration.

During this period of time, thousands of love emperors have long been convinced by Lin Feng.

He won his heart.

"No, I didn\'t go in." Lin Feng shook his head slowly.

"Hmm?" the thousand love emperor was stunned, and the beautiful eyes were lightly surprised, "why?"

Lin Feng looked at the white light flashing around and said softly, "after you enter, these semi independent spaces... Have changed again." in an instant, the separation flashed again. The light in Lin Feng\'s eyes moved gently. Since the thousand love emperor came back, you can solve the mystery.

Take a look, is the change of space barrier temporary or


"Boom!" Lin Feng\'s power to break the array again.

The expression on his face was very dignified, and his eyes stared at the space barrier and locked it firmly.

Expect the results to change, but

get the opposite of what one wants.

"Really changed." Lin Feng whispered softly.

"Hoo! ~" long spit out a mouthful of turbid air. Lin Feng clenched his fist and felt helpless.

The worst result.

The change of space barrier is permanent!

Nowadays, all the space barriers and the brand of windmills have changed from one to two, including the space barrier entered by the thousand love emperor. Now, 24 flame feathers are needed. The entry conditions are doubled instantly, and the difficulty is greatly increased.

"Can you tell me what happened?" the thousand love emperor whispered.

From Lin Feng\'s expression, she can see

Not good news.

Spatial change!

Thousands of love Emperor God color change dignified.

It\'s serious.

The original 80% chance is almost a sure bet, but now it\'s back to the prototype overnight. The entry conditions of 24 flame feathers mean that there are only four opportunities left. How rare is it? The probability of finding the "way of the king of birds" is less than 50%!

What should I do?

Four eyes look at each other, and the eyebrows are deeply locked.

Does it really depend on luck?

Neither the emperor nor Lin Feng is a person who likes "luck", but in addition, it seems that

There is no choice.

"Alas." with a sigh, Lin Feng felt helpless.

I didn\'t expect things to go around and return to the starting point. There\'s no way.

The only harvest is that I harvested the refining paper similar to sheepskin. It\'s a good thing to think about it. In particular, the pattern on the refining paper gave me a feeling of excitement. It was quite strange. The paper appeared in my mind and suddenly——


Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up in surprise.