Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1110

A spring!

The crystal armor of the thousand love emperor has long been dull and lost its breath.

The outermost layer of clothes and ornaments disappeared. Qianaihuang\'s tight martial clothes had already been soaked with sweat and connected with the beautiful body. The Milky underwear fell into front of him. It couldn\'t block Aowei\'s twin peaks. It seemed that it was about to burst out. With the small Manyao and full thighs, today\'s qianaihuang

As if wearing a layer of gauze, just came out of the water.

That kind of hazy, to refuse to welcome the perspective, made Lin Feng blush.

Looking at Lin Feng\'s somewhat confused look, the thousand love emperor was still a little confused at the beginning. However, with Lin Feng\'s eyes, he bowed slightly and looked down in an instant——

"Ah!" the Jiao voice screamed, and the little face of the thousand love emperor suddenly turned from white to red, very hot.

This was her first experience. She was almost seen by a strange man. She suddenly felt her limbs soft and her delicate body trembling. But somehow, she didn\'t feel angry at all. She was just a little shy. She immediately covered it tightly and shouted, "no, don\'t look!"

Although the sound is small, it is as loud as thunder.

Lin Feng suddenly woke up, but he also looked embarrassed. He even turned around.

"Well..." Lin Feng smiled bitterly. Although he had moved with ziyao, had several fish and water joys with thousands, and Lin Yumo, who married with his belly, he was still ignorant about men and women. Although qianlianhuang is beautiful enough to be comparable to ziyao and Lin Yumo, he... Has no other ideas.

In the air, there is a beautiful scene.

Biting his lips, the little face of the thousand love emperor was about to drop water, and his mood gradually calmed down.

"Don\'t look." he whispered. Thousands of love emperor felt very shy. He even took off his wet martial clothes and changed his clothes. The crystal armor was also taken back. The thousand love emperor soon equipped another set of spare star armor, but it was quite "rich and powerful".

"OK." thousand love emperor did not dare to look at Lin Feng, as light as the voice of mosquitoes.

In fact, Lin Feng had already felt that qianlianhuang\'s change of clothes had stopped.

However, it\'s my daughter\'s house after all. I have to wait until she speaks.

Slightly turned around and looked at the thousands of love emperors with red clouds all over them. How could they still have the momentum of "just" half a minute ago. Thousands of love emperor put on a set of simple and elegant clothes, not martial clothes. His exquisite short hair and clothes are like lotus water, which has a unique flavor.

"In fact, you look better like this." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

"Ah?" the thousand love emperor was stunned. He couldn\'t help raising his head. They looked at each other, but let the thousand love emperor company lower his head again.

After all, it\'s a girl. No matter how strong, the thousand love emperor still has the innocence and shyness of a girl. Lin Feng\'s words came to mind. The thousand love emperor looked at this suit of clothes on himself, but she rarely wore it. Most of the time, she wore martial arts clothes, no matter practice, experience, or any other time.

Before meeting Lin Feng, she never realized

I\'m a girl.

Is it really nice?

Thousands of love emperor thought lightly in his heart, looking at his clothes, ripples.

"By the way, what\'s the detection result?" in a few simple words, Lin Feng said goodbye to the embarrassment and quickly got to the point. The burning eyes are full of longing. If you said that your attitude towards the bird King prison was only casual and optional, now... Is the pursuit of every effort.

I want to break the Seven Saints!

According to the thousand love emperor, there is only one chance.

"It\'s an array." thousands of love emperor\'s beautiful eyes flashed.

"It\'s a very complex array. Although I\'m slightly involved in the array, I\'m not proficient."

"I tried to crack it just now, but this array is set up by the \'way of fire\'. The origin of all kinds of fire reflects the way of the Holy One. It\'s very difficult."

Back to the point, the thousand love emperor soon returned to normal and talked about Kaikai.

At this time, the Virgo constellation mark on his forehead has long faded, and the breath of thousands of love emperors is stable and free, without injury.


Lin Feng\'s eyebrows gathered gently and he had a slight understanding.

No wonder he stabbed it out, but it seemed to stab it into a layer of nothingness, which couldn\'t make any waves. The space shrouded in dark and misty color really hides a secret. Listening to the tone of thousands of love emperors, it is obvious that if you want to pass the customs, you must break the array.

"Is there a way?" Lin Feng looked at the emperor.

"It\'s not without it." the thousand love emperor looked at Lin Feng and said slowly, "although I haven\'t involved in this array, the contact just now figured out a little. Maybe with the strength of you and me, there is a way to break the big array, but..." he paused slightly, and the thousand love emperor\'s face was dignified.

"Just what?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

The thousand love emperor sighed, "even if you and I are combined, the chance of breaking the array will not exceed 30%. During this period of time, the fire in the inner earth fire sea will burst out. I\'m afraid there\'s no chance of even 1% if we want to resist the inner earth Fire Sea and break the array at the same time, and..."

"Now, I still don\'t know whether I can stop the fire." with a smile, the thousand love emperor bit his lips.

She was able to block the fire in the center of the earth just now, first, because Lin Feng led away the flame with more than 90% of the power, and second, because she had no star armor on her body. Now she has neither. Why should she stop it?

This percentage is still based on the premise that she can be "safe". If you really want to calculate it, the probability is infinitely close to zero.

"I can protect you." Lin Feng\'s voice is very flat, but there is a feeling of peace.

Thousands of love emperor looked slightly changed. A short sentence made her feel a sense of security and feel as if she had to rely on.


Shook his head, the thousand love emperor said softly, "no, if you use your strength in other places, this\' array \'can\'t be broken."

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and nodded thoughtfully, but he remembered the "30%" just said by the thousand love emperor. Even if the threat of the sea of fire in the center of the earth was removed, the chance of perfect cooperation between the two people was only 30%.

If you still have to allocate some strength to protect thousands of love emperors, how much chance can you have left?

"Unless there is another warrior to help us contain the sea of fire in the center of the earth." the thousand love emperor smiled calmly, but even he knew it was impossible, smiled and shook his head.

"The seven people who entered the bird King\'s prison, except Lin Feng, even I don\'t have the strength to contain the sea of fire in the center of the earth."

"It seems that we have no fate with the bird King prison."

Thousands of love emperor\'s voice, with a slight loss.

For her, everything was bet on breaking the Seven Saints.

But now, hope is gradually broken.

"Who said no?" Lin Feng said calmly.

The eyes were bright and bright, and the Phoenix chart was bright and incomparable when the heart moved.

WOW! A figure appeared behind the thousand love emperor.

"Look behind you." Lin Feng smiled.

The thousand love emperor was slightly stunned. He turned his head indecisively, but he was startled in an instant: "ah!" he couldn\'t believe it. He gently covered his mouth. The thousand love emperor turned back and looked at the separation. Lin Feng was completely stunned for a long time. "This is... Your separation?"

"Sort of." Lin Feng nodded.

Which is the subject and which is the separation is not so important nowadays.

"This\' separated \'breath..." thousands of love Huang Xiu frowned and bit her lips. She felt a kind of familiarity inexplicably.

"We only competed a year ago." Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t hide it. Anyway, it\'s still going to be exposed at that time. It doesn\'t hurt to tell the thousand love emperor. Since he is a companion, he doesn\'t have to hide too much. "It\'s enough to delay time and complete the containment task by me."

In an instant——

烀! 烀! The fire of swallowing suddenly rises, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and direct.

Strong power of fire!

"Great." thousand love emperor Xi way, but didn\'t expect another village.

"Having the way of fire may not require much strength to contain the fire in the center of the earth."

The sharp light in the eyes of the thousand love emperor shot continuously for a moment, as if afraid of the opportunity to slip away from his hands.

Lin Feng is eager to "break the Seven Saints", isn\'t she?

Ontology, first to enter!

With the experience of "introducing" for the first time, Lin Feng quickly started.

烀! 烀! The fire of rebirth appears instantaneously, guarding outside the body. At the same time, the devouring fire burst up fiercely, just like a giant beast opening its big mouth and swallowing the surrounding crazy inner earth flame in the blink of an eye.

Loss, growth!

The devouring flame is constantly changing, and the forest wind gallops like a strong wind, quickly taking away the inner earth flame near the array.

Take as much as you want!

Even a little more may become the key in the end.

For the contact between flame and flame, at the same level, the high-quality nature is better, and the devouring fire is the Phoenix\'s signature flame. It itself has the powerful ability to devour other flames to make up for its own energy. Now it is like a fish in water.

"Whoosh!" "whoosh!" after several bends, Lin Feng quickly crossed the cliff and walked back.

It\'s not cool, but it\'s like a locomotive with a large area of geocentric flame following, a remarkable and strange scene.

WOW! The sea of fire seemed to be emptied in an instant.

And now——

"Let\'s go!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are opposite those of the thousand love emperor. One look is enough.

Whew! Whew! The two figures go hand in hand and try to suppress their own energy, but they don\'t cause too much fire in the earth\'s heart. The distance from the cliff to the array is not far. After the body led away most of the earth\'s core flame, the path for the two people to move forward is almost suddenly open and unimpeded.

The only remaining fire disturbance in the center of the earth is vulnerable to the terrible power of separation.

Just a few blinks.

WOW! A man and a woman, two figures appear instantaneously.

In front, the dark color shrouded space flashed all kinds of strange and mysterious atmosphere.

"Wait for my signal." thousands of love emperor\'s beautiful eyes flash.

"Be careful." Lin Feng nodded.

"Hmm!" the thousand love emperor smiled slightly, warm in his heart.

For a moment, his hands condensed into palms, and the Virgo constellation brand on his forehead shone fiercely.

"Open!" thousands of lovers drank with the burning sound of the emperor. With the illumination of the golden light, the whole dark area seemed to fall under the sun. "Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up immediately, but with the light, thousands of love emperors had disappeared in his sensing range.