Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1083

Is it forward or backward?

Do you want to join the Terran alliance composed of six domains such as northern domain and Eastern domain?

Shun, who returned to Taoyuan, fell into a deep choice.

The words of the Lord of heaven came to mind. Shun clearly knew his role now. Before the birth of the new emperor, he must shoulder the honor, disgrace and safety of the whole human race and must not retreat. However, if he joins the alliance, can he become the leader of the Terran?

"Difficult." Shun knew very well.

There are some saints with higher prestige than him; There are also saints who are stronger than him.

What\'s more, the strength of both eastern and northern regions is stronger than that of southern regions. Most importantly, this alliance is their starting point.

As a leader, I will not give in.

"Declined the alliance?" Shun frowned lightly.

At that time, I\'m afraid the southern region will be isolated. Moreover, the strength of the Terran is weak. If we don\'t get together, the situation will only be more critical.

in a dilemma.

Looking up at the starry sky, Shun breathed softly, his eyes shining slightly.

"I didn\'t expect to use the brocade bag given to me by the Lord of heaven\'s secrets so soon." Shun sighed softly in his heart.

This matter is whether to advance or retreat, which is very important to the whole southern region.

He said that he must make a correct decision.

"Wow! ~" instantly opened the brocade bag, a piece of elegant paper appeared in front of him, and Shun\'s eyes lit up.

There are only four words on the paper——

pay attention to one \'s own moral uplift without thought of others.

"Elder martial brother, did something happen?"

"Yes, elder martial brother, I saw you stop talking before. Is there a barrier to looking for the heavenly mystery Lord?"

King GUI and King Yan asked.

The relationship between them and Shun is very close, so they don\'t care.

"I saw the Lord of heaven\'s secrets. He is a model of our generation. King Yan and King GUI looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. However, Shun\'s next words made them pale." unfortunately, the Lord of heaven\'s secrets was seriously injured and lived in seclusion, and his strength was not one. "

The atmosphere solidified for a moment. King Yan and King GUI looked at each other, but they were a little unexpected.

"What should I do?" King GUI said with a headache.

"Do you really want to join the six domain alliance?" Yan Wang frowned.

Shun\'s eyes were slightly bright and said, "how do people react?"

King GUI looked just like, "the vast majority of people agree to join the alliance and resist the strong with the weak. We must hold together before we can have a glimmer of vitality."

Yan Wang\'s eyes flashed away. "There are still a small number of people who worry that they will have no autonomy after joining the alliance and will be used by cannon fodder. They don\'t agree." his voice was burning and empathetic. It was obvious that Yan Wang was also one of the opposition.

Looking at them, Shun quickly opened his mouth, "do you believe me?"

"Believe it." King Yan and King GUI answered almost without thinking. Shun was also a teacher and friend in their hearts, and his status was not much worse than that of Emperor Yao.

Shun Wei Ran smiled and his eyes flashed, "I want to close the southern region in an all-round way, but I can\'t go out and go in, and I\'m completely independent!"

As soon as he said this, King Yan and King GUI were stunned.

Especially Yan Wang, his back is wet. Shun\'s meaning is very clear and completely neutral!

This is almost tantamount to betrayal for the Terrans who have always stood on the side of the witch family. If King Yan had not been familiar with Shun\'s character, it would be hard to believe that he would say such words.


"Hmm?" Yan Wang\'s eyes brightened.

It\'s really frightening to hear. It\'s so bold.

But when you think about it carefully, it seems that this move has a great way. It is a move that can\'t be better than "chess"!

Die and live later.

Quite amazing!

"The witch family is not a good kind." Shun looked straight at King Yan. "The witch family can\'t escape the disappearance of the master. For a long time, the witch family treats us like cattle and horses, which is equivalent to slavery. We don\'t have to work for the witch family if the scholar dies for a confidant. At present, it\'s the best policy to protect ourselves."

King GUI frowned, "elder martial brother, aren\'t you afraid that the witch family will come to the door first?"

Shun said calmly, "they don\'t have so much leisure time. Moreover, if they kill us, it will have a great impact on the morale of the army. The Lich emperor will definitely not do such thankless things." after a pause, Shun looked deeply, "as for the demon family, let alone, we wish we could stand idly by and lose one enemy."

"That Terran......" King GUI opened his mouth and suddenly lost his smile.

Indeed, today\'s nine Terran domains have lost their backbone and their vitality has been greatly damaged.

"Maybe it\'s a good way." King Yan nodded. "Either don\'t do it, or you have to do it." it\'s cumbersome. It\'s not only the people in the southern region who are "shaken by the morale of the army", but also may lead to "killing chickens and warning monkeys". At that time, the two ends will not reach the shore.

"The key is whether other saints will agree?" Shun nodded slowly.

"You can rest assured, elder martial brother. The king of nine continents is your leader and has great respect." King GUI\'s eyes are bright. "As long as they take the lead in approving the vote, there will be no problem with the plan."

"OK!" Shun\'s eyes were shining, "that\'s the decision."

Bird King prison.

The fire dragon dances, and the forest wind strides into it.

Deep heart feeling!

"Boom! ~" in my mind, there seemed to be some deep imprint. It was a huge flame light, sometimes swirling, sometimes turning and sometimes dancing violently. Like strong vitality, the fire dragon forms pieces of fire awn and is deeply imprinted in the heart.

WOW! Lin Feng\'s eyes are completely bright.

The twinkle of star sky pupil and star dome pupil firmly remembers the picture just now.

Playing back again and again in his mind, Lin Feng was completely stunned, as if he understood something and understood something.

"This flame light..."

"It\'s like a gun."

Lin Feng\'s heart moved lightly and inexplicably appeared the idea.

Although the vision is blurred and the accumulation of flame is not regular, I feel quite profound.


The heart is connected.

Kill! Lin Feng took out the Amethyst gun and imitated the track of the flame light. He couldn\'t help dancing and imitating. It seems that there is a ruler in my heart, and the dance of Amethyst gun takes a trace of understanding, forming an independent landscape in this huge sea of fire.

Very comfortable!

"Chih!" "Chih!" the gun is strong.

The light of the gun tip is faint, as if it were integrated with the body.

Every trace of understanding can make subtle changes in the movement of the body. The Amethyst gun imitates the Buddhist scriptures and moves a beautiful track.

Lin Feng was completely immersed in it, and every cell of his body moved.

Waving with the Amethyst gun, the footsteps contain the truth of heaven and earth, just like psychedelic. No one noticed that at the moment, Lin Feng\'s face was blooming with a faint smile, which was born from his heart. Lin Feng was "enjoying" this practice.

He always had a sense of belonging to the gun.

Fully enter the deep level of \'understanding\'.

Whether it is the way of fire or the way of gun, it is such a perfect fit for Lin Feng.

It seems to be tailor-made.

Lin Feng, learning and understanding is very fast.

Because this is the true way of the Holy One!

Almost all the ways of saints have been transformed from the way of constellations. Lin Feng\'s "way of saints" is like a collection of star skills from low to high. All the "Tao" of Star Technology and the Tao of constellations are condensed into a unified "Tao".

"This is the rudiment of the so-called \'Saint\'s way\'." Lin Feng thought slightly in his heart.

The way of the saint is much more abstruse and complex than that of the constellation. The difference is that compared with star technology, Lin Feng learns a lot faster. It\'s like being used to the rugged mountain road, and then taking the flat road, the difficulty decreases greatly.

Level gap.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Among the main stars of the attack system, the corresponding stars of the triple star, the quadruple star and the quintuple star shine faintly, but they are not completely bright, and there is still a little "key" missing. Because what Lin Feng understands is not the way of constellations, but the way of saints. After just three days of practice, Lin Feng mastered the essence of the first three moves of shooting.

Yanlong shot!

"So fast!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, but he was surprised.

The cultivation speed is unbelievable.

Even if there is no time for the existence of the engraving array, it still maintains a strong momentum.

Nodding, Lin Feng knew clearly that the reason for all this could be perfectly explained in four words——

Self status!

Perfect copy, perfect simulation. The "self state" on the sixth floor is equivalent to the first eye pupil on the eighth floor, which already has Saint level strength. What is the difficulty in copying the "saint\'s way" which is also a saint level strength? A perfect copy!

For other martial arts practitioners, cultivation is to understand first, but for themselves, it is to imitate first!

It is imitated thousands of times in my mind to achieve the most perfect effect. This imitation of deep-rooted memory makes your body remember that feeling, and then show it, and you can slowly feel the existence of "Tao". It is a backward practice.

"Excellent efficiency."

"It\'s much faster than normal."

Lin Feng takes back the Amethyst gun and stands tall.

Although I don\'t know if it\'s original, one thing is certain, that\'s this cultivation method——

Extremely efficient!

Only the seventh day

Lin Feng broke through again.

Yanlong shot, the fourth move!

"Chi!" "Chi!" the shadow of the gun is like electricity. Lin Feng\'s momentum is very terrible. With the cultivation of shooting skills, the realm of shooting skills is also unconsciously improved. The Amethyst gun is like a dragon spitting clouds. It\'s not majestic! The real six attack star system technology is displayed, and its power is incomparable to that of flame action gun.

"How strong!"

"Without the addition of devouring fire, the Yanlong gun has such power."

Lin Feng was shocked, but he had never paid attention to the star skills of the "attack system" before. He just buried himself in practice.

This attack power can be compared with that when you use devouring fire.

It\'s a little abnormal.

"Even if it\'s the six fold attack on the star system, there\'s no reason to be so strong." Lin Feng\'s secret way is that although he hasn\'t practiced, he has fought with the star domain level peak more than once. If the six fold attack on the star system is really so strong, I\'m afraid he\'s already in a different place.

WOW! Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up, suddenly.

"It should be because of the \'way of the saint\'." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

Just like the "bonus" in the realm of marksmanship, this set of marksmanship has a soul.

And this "soul" is much stronger than the previous "soul".

Positive solution!

Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened and his heart moved.

This immature "the way of the Holy One" is so strong. If you really break through that boundary

What strength will reach!