Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1078

Heart fit!

Lin Feng closed his eyes and felt everything around him.

That feeling is like the fish back in the water, the bird back in the air, back to their \'home\'.

Incomparable comfort!

The surrounding heat is like warm water, and I can\'t feel any violent breath. Lin Feng slightly closed his eyes and was completely immersed in this comfortable feeling. The fire of rebirth outside his body did not rise. The fireball falling like a meteorite did not attack Lin Feng at all, but surrounded him to form a vortex zone, just like a patron saint.

Quite strange!

Shi Zhi\'s heart beside her was completely different. The golden light of Aries on her forehead flashed, and there was a layer of strength outside her body.

Peng! Peng! Block the power of fire.

Calm and relaxed, Shi Zhixin not only changed her appearance, but also her strength was stronger than that in ancient ruins. In the land of miracles, as long as you have potential, you can give full play to it. There are many martial artists who have reached the peak of star domain level in just one year, which is also one of the reasons for holding the preliminary competition of rosefinch challenge.

It can make martial artists grow rapidly!

"Wow!" meimou looked forward, and Shi Zhi was surprised to see Lin Feng beside her.

Suddenly, Shi Zhi\'s heart smiled and remembered Lin Feng\'s mystery and miracle, but it was no wonder. Staring at the angular face and masculine breath, Shi Zhi\'s heart beat faster inexplicably, "what\'s the matter with me..." it\'s just the beginning of love. In addition, it\'s normal to have a good impression of Lin Feng.

However, she didn\'t know.

"Is my face dirty?" Lin Feng opened his eyes and smiled.

"No, No." Shi Zhi\'s heart replied, her small face slightly red, quite charming and moving.

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng didn\'t care.

She was a little girl when she met Shi Zhixin. Naturally, she wouldn\'t think of that. Although times have changed and the original porcelain doll has now become a graceful girl, in Lin Feng\'s heart, Shi Zhi\'s heart will always be the one who shouted, \'I want to judge you!\' My little guy.

"Let\'s go in." Lin Feng said softly.

"Well." Shi Zhi\'s heart should say, gently pursed her lips, and her look slowly returned to normal.

"What a rich source of fire energy." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

Entering the sea of fire, I feel more shocked. The closer I get, the more familiar I feel.

Once similar!

Yourself, have you ever been here?

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were slightly clustered and he denied it instantaneously, but the familiarity and agreement in his heart would not deceive people. It was very strange. Looking ahead with bright eyes, the forest wind is suspended in the air. Although it has not yet entered the mysterious ancient forbidden area "bird King prison", the intensity of the external fire element alone is extremely amazing!

It is almost comparable to the ancient forbidden area of the earth system you have entered!

What a shock!

This is just the periphery.

"I\'m afraid it\'s more amazing in the bird King\'s prison." Lin Feng\'s heart was slightly shocked.

Just imagine, you will feel a boiling of blood. If you can enter it, you will be sure——

a fish leaping over the dragon gate -- have passed a competitive examination!

However, a key is needed.

"One, two, three, three channels?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright.

"No." the instantaneous negation, the twinkle of his pupils, Lin Feng suddenly caught a glimpse of the four already dark channels.

It\'s like the feeling that the crystal coffin is closed. Nevertheless, I can still clearly \'see\' that they have existed. Despite the dim luster, these are closed channels, which are obviously the same as the three channels that are still bright and open.

seem ready to come out at one \'s call!

"If this is the passage to the bird King\'s prison, four warriors have entered it."

"Three more places?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright and nodded slowly.

To be exact, there are still two places, because one of them has been set, which is Shi Zhixin.

The light in his eyes flickered, and Lin Feng thought thousands of things.

Many things need an opportunity.

I\'m afraid my chance was "exhausted" when I entered the ancient forbidden area of the earth system. The best proof is that I failed to break through the trial hall several times. But there is no road to the end. Many times, there is not only one road to the end.

"Come on in, Zhixin."

"There are four competitors before you."

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Shi Zhi\'s heart with a smile.

If ran nodded, Shi Zhi\'s heart and beautiful eyes looked forward to it, but she also saw those channels. With her intelligence, she reacted in an instant. He gently held the key and bit his lips. Suddenly, he seemed to make up his mind. Shi Zhi said softly, "brother Lin, this key is for you."

Lin Feng was stunned and looked at the firm appearance of Shi Zhi\'s heart. He couldn\'t help smiling.

I know her mind, but I can\'t take the key myself.

"Afraid I can\'t get the key?" Lin Feng smiled. "Don\'t worry, I\'ll come in soon."

"Seriously?" Shi Zhi\'s beautiful eyes flickered, looking at Lin Feng\'s appearance, confident, not like lying to her.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded.

"Well." seeing Lin Feng\'s affirmative answer, Shi Zhixin didn\'t need to \'force\' any more, and smiled, "then I\'ll take a step first, brother Lin."

"Go." Lin Feng smiled and waved.

Seeing each other and saying goodbye, Shi Zhi\'s heart is not a drag.

The instant turns into a meteor. Under the guidance of the key, she enters the channel, and Shizhi\'s heart disappears in a blink.

With her entry, another channel was dim and completely closed.

"There are two more places." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and nodded.

Since the quota is fixed, there is no point wasting time.

Lin Feng slowly closed his eyes and sat cross legged, as if waiting for "something for nothing.".

wait every day under the tree , in the hope that a hare would kill itself by crashing into a tree trunk!

This is another way.

Since you can\'t get the key, you can get it from other martial artists!

Fate can be \'transferred\' at certain times, if... \'heaven\' does not hinder it. The key itself is an ownerless thing. If it is not, it will not be robbed by others. Such opportunities are not only obtained by those who are destined, but also by those who are strong!

There are only two places left.

"If I finally get the key, but the final quota is full, wouldn\'t it be in vain?"

"Now I\'m waiting for the rabbit. Even if I don\'t get the key, other martial artists can get it, so just..."

"Wait patiently."

Lin Feng closed his eyes and thought clearly.

There is nothing fair or unfair. This is the rosefinch challenge. In itself, the strong are respected.

law of the jungle.

Time passes day by day.

Lin Feng is not in a hurry. He is also very quick to practice and understand here.

Distractions can be used for two purposes. One side has a deep understanding, and the other side cultivates double pupils. No time is wasted.

"The star sky pupil and star dome pupil on the sixth floor seem to have something \'strange\'."

"It feels like there is a bottleneck ahead."

"What is it?"

Lin Feng thought with a clear feeling.

But I don\'t know. Among the martial artists, there is a legend of "breaking seven into saints".

Special eyes, special muscles and bones contain the way of heaven and earth. If you cultivate to the seventh level, you can forcibly embark on the way of the saint without understanding the way of the saint, and you are much stronger than ordinary saints!

Just like the awakening of blood, the acquired is stronger than the innate in most cases!

This is the so-called "breaking seven into saints".

However, it is quite rare.

It is very difficult!

One pay, one gain.

The power of breaking seven into saints is so difficult, you can imagine.

But there will always be people who take risks and even focus on this road in order to make themselves stronger and have a better future! The stronger the talent, the more terrible the strength after becoming a saint. For example, the thousand love emperors are now.

With her strength, she has long been able to become a saint, but she has been pressed.

The purpose is to find a better existence of the "way of heaven".

And Lin Feng, now stumbled and stumbled, also set foot on this road, but

His path to becoming a saint of the Phoenix constellation is also beginning to take shape at this moment.

The two go hand in hand, but which road will reach the end first?

In the twinkling of an eye, ten days will pass.

Pop! Lin Feng opened his eyes and was radiant.

"Finally come?" after waiting for ten days, I finally waited until the prey came.

In front of the fire overseas, a fierce breath roared like a whirlwind approaching. Lin Feng clenched his fist and was ready. No matter who the opponent is, it doesn\'t matter to him. World War I is!

Although the body has not recovered 100%, its strength is enough.

"Coming." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and felt more breath in the sea of fire.

The flame was burning, but Lin Feng was stunned.

"Won\'t it?" Lin Feng\'s face showed a bitter color, and the feeling of breath became clearer and clearer. Soon, a familiar gray figure fell in front of him. Lin Feng sighed and shook his head. The familiar figure was Jin Ji.

"Meet again." Jin Ji smiled calmly.

"It\'s really fate, brother Jin." Lin Feng said with a bitter smile.

"Waiting for someone?" Jin Ji was not stupid.

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, "it\'s not you."

Before that, I would not worry about who Jin Ji was. It was World War I, but Jin Ji did me a big favor not long ago.

Remember this.

Jin Ji smiled and pointed to the front. "Fortunately, there is one left except me." after that, Jin Ji roared past, with a faint voice. "Good luck, Lin Feng. I\'ll see you in the bird King\'s prison." in a blink, with Jin Ji\'s entry, another channel was closed.

As Jin Ji said, there is only one left!

And the only one.

"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and didn\'t worry.

Even if he fails, it can only show that he really has no chance with the bird King prison. Even if he forcibly enters, he may not get anything.

Close your eyes, Lin Feng sinks into cultivation again.

Day after day.

This time, time seems to pass very fast.

After Jin Ji, only three days passed!

"Wow!" Lin Feng opened his eyes and stood up.

The feeling of breath is very clear. The bird King\'s prison fire is overseas. Finally, the "quota" finally appears.

I\'ve been looking forward to it for a long time.

Whoosh! The breath was not weak, but also had a strong force like breaking the sky. Lin Feng was slightly stunned. He felt the familiar breath, and his eyes instantly burst into bright light. In the distance, the figure flashed gradually. Lin Feng opened his eyes and was quite surprised.

"Is that you?!"