Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1076

Black Fox and green fox die.

However, the dance sound didn\'t even turn around, as if only two strangers were dead.

Just as the man in white fled and completely left the three people, the most important thing for the killer... Is always himself.

relatives? friend? brother? What\'s that!

However, even if the killer is human, there will be death.

Obviously, the death point of dance sound is "love".

I\'m afraid she didn\'t even think she would fall in love with Lin Zhan.

Even for his repeated and repeated resistance, he did not hesitate to betray the white dress society.

"Regret?" Lin Feng stood behind the dance sound and opened his mouth gently.

There was no echo or action. Lin Feng closed his eyes and felt the sound of the dance flowing down two lines of clear tears. He sighed in his heart, but he felt helpless. If dance sound is a ruthless killer, it\'s easy to deal with, but right now

Instead, he put himself in a dilemma.

"Take it for big brother." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, bent down and handed over a ruddy fruit.

The rich life energy filled the air, and the dark eyes of the dance sound lit up. Almost in an instant, they grabbed it and stuffed it into Lin Zhan\'s mouth.

Looking at them quietly, the time passed. Lin Feng looked calm and didn\'t worry about the safety of his eldest brother. Wuyin\'s attack is neither light nor heavy. As a killer, she knows what kind of attack can seriously hurt Lin Zhan, but it is not fatal.

Even Lin Feng can\'t catch up with this. He really specializes in art.

"Hmm..." with a soft groan, Lin Zhan moved slightly, and the dance sound showed a long lost smile, but he bit his lips momentarily, which was dim. All the expression changes, Lin Feng looked in his eyes and understood in his heart.

At this time, the heart of dance sound must be mixed with five flavors, which is not easy to feel.

"Sound?" Lin Zhan opened his eyes wearily and called softly. He suddenly closed his eyes again. His eyebrows were light, as if he remembered what had happened before. He opened his eyes and looked at the dance sound. He was puzzled. He raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, "brother, this is..."

Looking around, a pair of star dome pupils flickered with clear luster. Lin Zhan\'s sensing ability was quite strong. It seemed that he had a clue, but

What happened, but it\'s not very clear.

"It\'s all right, big brother." Lin Feng smiled.

"They came for me. I\'m sorry to bother you."

"Ah?" Lin Zhan was stunned, frowned, and immediately looked at the dance sound, his eyes flashing.

"Wuyin, she... Has a share to save you." Lin Feng hesitated, sighed gently, shook his head, "talk about it yourself." as he said, Lin Feng\'s figure flashed and left the jade palace. I\'m not worried that the dance sound will hurt my brother. I can\'t tell who is right and who is wrong about my feelings. After all, I\'m an outsider.

It\'s better for them to handle some things by themselves.

"Xu ~ ~" standing outside the jade palace, Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled and looked into the distance.

Breathing the fresh air, the disorder in my heart gradually becomes clear.

"White society, killer organization."

"Someone wants to take my life at all costs."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and he knew it clearly in his heart.

There is only one person who has such a deep hatred with himself.

Lin Yudi!

Trial hall.

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze!

Lin Fudi\'s hand fell with a knife, killing him all over with blood.

The light and martial arts\' Blue Yao \'are shining, and the strong flame is added to condense the murderous spirit of the forest. This is a small town. At this time, it is full of blood and corpses everywhere. Lin\'s ugly and ferocious face was like a fierce ghost, and his pupils were extremely sad.

The light of xingcang pupil condenses strong authority.

The sabre "Lan Yao" seems to be connected with the master. There are countless corpses on the ground, many of them even unarmed old people and children, but

Can\'t escape death!

"I\'d rather kill wrong than let go." Lin\'s eyes were cold, just like his blood.

"Find \'him\'? Is it necessary?" Lin said coldly, floating in the air in an instant. The blooming of the star pupil has already completely shrouded this small town. In an instant, the towering flame rises like a meteorite of fire.

Even now, there is no living population in this town, even if it has been completely eradicated, but Lin\'s character is so.

If you want to do it, you must make a decision and be cruel!

Be selfish.

"I\'d rather let the people of the world bear me than let the people of the world bear me!" Lin Peidi\'s fierce light showed in his eyes.

He disdained to do some sanctimonious things only after he went through the trial task and left with pleasure.

He, Lin Dadi, is an executioner and a murderer. So what?

If you don\'t do it for yourself, heaven will kill you!

Be himself!

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" the fire is boiling and enveloping the whole area.

In the small town, everything came to naught, and Lin\'s eyes had no pity, compassion, or even half a change in expression.

Self consciousness is extremely firm, although flawed, but perfect mind.

That\'s the way he\'s going!


"Pa!" everything in front of me disappeared completely.

Lin Dadi returned to reality. It was dark around, with a strong smell of blood.

"Good!" "very good!" the sound of wild laughter suddenly sounded, with unruly and wanton, swinging around the whole area. Lin\'s eyes were burning and looked straight into the dark. Although he could not see it, he could feel the existence of that terrible smell.

"Cruel, despicable and selfish."

"I like this character!"

"What\'s your name, boy?"

Gazing at the dark depths, Lin Peidi said in a deep voice, "Lin Peidi, who are you?"

"Jie Jie." a voice like the nether world sounded, with the voice of ghosts and sorrows like hell, "have you heard the name of \'human demon\'

Human demons?

Lin\'s eyebrows were tightly clustered, and the flash of time was bright.

"Are you the \'human demon\' Lord who betrayed mankind in the second Lich war?" Lin Zhen was shocked.

The rules of the trial hall he knew that once he passed the trial hall, he would be accepted as a disciple by the Holy One. Originally, he was not very rare, but he didn\'t expect that behind this strange trial hall was the legendary devil, who was expelled by human beings and the legendary 13th Lord——

"Human demon" holy Lord!

"Yes, it\'s Lao Tze!" in the dark, the voice was elated.

His eyes flashed brightly. Almost in an instant, Lin Zhen knelt down on his knees, bang! Bang! Bang! Kowtow three times in a row, and the ferocious face showed a strong brilliance. "Lin zhe Di paid homage to the master!" kowtow three times, which was the master worship ceremony, and the human Demon Lord did not stop it. Lin zhe Di understood the meaning.

"OK, my good disciple." the demon lord Jie smiled strangely, obviously satisfied with the new disciple.

In an instant——

"Come out!" the dark voice of the demon lord drank deeply, and it was like the door of hell opened in the void.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Lin\'s figure disappeared.

Outside the jade palace.

The forest wind looks into the distance and is full of imagination.

At this time, his ears moved gently and heard the familiar sound of footsteps.

Slowly turned his head and looked at Lin Zhan. Lin Feng smiled.

"Brother, I......" Lin Zhan\'s eyebrows were slightly clustered, and he wanted to stop talking, and suddenly sighed.

"Don\'t be embarrassed, I understand." Lin Feng nodded. "Adversity shows the truth. No matter what the origin of dance music is, she is pure and transparent to your heart. It\'s rare to have a lover. Brother, you should cherish it." although we haven\'t been together for a long time, I know the character of brother Lin Zhan very well.

He was not surprised that he would make such a decision.

After all, they really love each other.

As for myself

What if you sacrifice a little for big brother\'s happiness?

After all, I\'m safe and sound now. There\'s no need to worry about women\'s generation.

"Sorry." the soft voice sounded. In the palace, the dance sound paced out, and the beautiful eyes looked at themselves and bowed deeply. Lin Feng looked indifferent and did not stop him. He could afford to bow. But once is enough.

"Well, don\'t be fussy." Lin Feng said with a smile, "erase what happened before."

Looking at the dance sound, Lin Feng\'s face was a little slow, "I just hope you promise me one thing."

Wu Yin nodded lightly, standing beside Lin Zhan like a clever little daughter-in-law, with beautiful eyes flashing, "from now on, there is no \'parrot\' killer. I am Wu Yin, Lin Zhan\'s wife."

Lin Feng nodded, "after that, you\'ll take care of my brother, sister-in-law."

As soon as he said this, Lin Zhan and Wu Yin immediately smiled.

Lin Feng also smiled and was helpless.

To tell you the truth, this "sister-in-law" is not so satisfied with herself.

But is there anything perfect in the world?

As long as she really loves her big brother, that\'s enough. The rest is not so important to some extent.


Lin Feng frowned slightly, looked at Wu Yin and said, "sister-in-law, how many white clothes killers are coming to assassinate me this time?" as soon as he said this, Lin Zhan immediately stared at Wu Yin with a slight change in face.

"We are the second team under Pluto, a total of five people." Wu Yin said slowly without hesitation.

"Captain \'halberd ghost\', a five-star killer, is the one who escaped. Have you seen it?"

Lin Feng nodded slowly and his eyes flashed slightly.

It turned out that his name was halberd ghost.

"I\'m the vice captain \'parrot\', a four-star killer." Wu Yinmei\'s eyes flashed.

"There are three players, hyena, black fox and green fox. They are all three-star killers. You killed them all."

Lin Feng nodded suddenly.

The killer who was the first to ambush himself was called the hyena.

"In other words, in the land of miracles, there is only \'halberd ghost\' left among the killers of the white clothes club?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

"Yes." Wuyin nodded, hesitated slightly and said, "but if the white clothes club hasn\'t completed the task, it will continue to send killers until the task is completed." as soon as he said this, Lin Zhan\'s face suddenly became very ugly and his breath was short.

"Never mind." Lin Feng was calm.

There is no progress in the land of miracles. Don\'t expect another warrior to enter it within three years.

"So as long as I kill the \'halberd ghost\', your identity can disappear from now on and really be the dance sound?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed slightly, and the voice fell, which immediately stunned Lin Zhan and dance sound. They were moved inexplicably, especially dance sound. They were ashamed and didn\'t know how to face Lin Feng.

"But the assassination of the white clothes club will not stop." Lin Zhan frowned and worried, "brother, you..."

"Don\'t worry, I\'m used to it." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

What is this level of assassination for yourself?

White club?

In three years, I have enough assurance to break through and become a saint!

Who will assassinate who?