Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1030

"Devouring fire!" Lin Feng\'s eyes burst into bright light.

There is no way back. Anyway, they are all failures. They make a final attempt with the fire of swallowing!

Since you can\'t change Haojin and replace Zhongru gold, then change the flame and change the most fundamental existence! Haojin\'s lack of explosive power and intense "character" can be found in the fire of swallowing, which is completely different from the existence of the fire of rebirth.

It is praised by Duoduo as the flame that is impossible to refine utensils!

But there is only one last way.

"Fusion!" Lin Feng\'s pupil was deep and drank.

As soon as the fire of the six star technique appeared, it seemed to melt everything.

It is more terrible than Haojin, and much stronger than the rebirth fire. The devouring fire is strong enough to devour the sword embryo and body! Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning. He controlled the devouring fire to the limit, reached the point in the middle, and completely integrated the sword embryo, sword body and Haojin.

Just a moment is completion!

Flame control, extremely strong!


"Really integrated!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, but he couldn\'t believe it.

But the truth is in front of us!

"Very good!" Lin Feng was so happy that he quickly closed the devouring fire.

In another moment, I\'m afraid the embryo and body of the sword will be swallowed up. The strength of the swallowed fire is not what these materials can bear, but it can\'t be used again. At the same time, the "yellow catfish" and the fire of rebirth rise in an instant, perfectly wrapping the three lonely and different beings together.

I feel very warm.

This is the flame of the real smelter.

The familiar touch appeared in his heart, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

"Peng! ~" the crisp sound of explosion resounded through the fire ladder, causing a sudden exclamation around.

"What?!" Mrs. Nangong turned her head when she heard the sound, and her beautiful eyes were incredible.

She clearly saw that Lin Feng was unable to return to heaven, and the refining failed. But just in a flash, he finished refining?


Her chest was constantly fluctuating, and Rao was always calm. Mrs. Nangong also felt uncontrollable shock. Looking at the clear and free astrology on the fire ladder, although it was a grade worse than the astrology of her perfect grade just now, the sense of clarity and vitality transmitted from the astrology proved——

This is a successful refining.

Top grade!

Not the top grade she had expected.

"What just happened?"

"I seem to see a terrible flame rising, and then..."

"Master Lin Feng finished refining."

"True or false?"


There was a lot of discussion around, and everyone whispered and discussed constantly.

It seems that another miracle was born!

The speaker was careless and the listener was intentional. Mrs. Nangong\'s beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, "double flame refining? I see... No wonder." if she nodded and looked at Lin Feng, Mrs. Nangong\'s eyes were more curious, but she couldn\'t understand the young man more and more.

Double flame refining

This is a skill that exists in legends among weapon refiners.

"It\'s finished." Wang Shi whispered softly.

"Double flame refining, this child is really amazing." Ouyang Kuo didn\'t dare to believe.

"It\'s the first time I\'ve seen this legendary \'weapon refining skill\'. It\'s really an eye opener!" Wang Shi smiled with shining eyes.

"It\'s wonderful." Ouyang Kuo exclaimed.

It\'s really wonderful!

Incomparable excellence.

Just listen to the praise and indecision of the people around you, you can see how sensational it is at the moment.

Although it is not comparable to the "miracle" just mentioned by Nangong\'s wife, it is only a little inferior and completely compares other contestants. There is no doubt that the name of master Lin Feng and the name of the Lin family will be a thunder sensation after the weapon refiner competition!

At the moment, the Lin family had long been unable to close their mouths with laughter.

Lin Zhen, in particular, was even more excited and roared up to the sky, which attracted the attention of the people around him.

But he doesn\'t care, happy!

So happy!

"Too long face!" Lin Zhen laughed.

"Brother Lin is really hiding. Ha ha." Lin Zhan whispered, "go out later and report the name of master Lin Feng. Who won\'t let me three points, ha ha."

Lin Yan stroked his long beard and nodded slowly, feeling very satisfied.

The result was completely unexpected.

Lin Yumo\'s face exudes a moving luster. His flawless face is filled with a beautiful smile. He feels happy and proud for Lin Feng from the bottom of his heart. Watching her sweetheart succeed is more satisfying than her own victory.

775 points!

The score is quite high.

Although Shuanglong sword is only the first weight of the ground level, it can never be higher than 700 points, Wang Shi still gave a very high score.

Just for a \'miracle\', double flame refining!

Unique skill of refining utensils.

Looking at Lin Feng\'s score, the other contestants looked very ugly. First, Nangong\'s 1960 score is high, and then Lin Feng\'s 1550 score is second. Now they can\'t even win the second place. It can be said that they are under great pressure.

And then——

"Hoo! ~" master Ouyang finally finished refining after several hard work.

Although several materials are missing, Xingbao is still lucky to be refined in the sixth layer.

Master Ouyang\'s refining technology is really good. It is a very strong ability to replace the main material with other materials in the delicate Xingbao refining.

However, when he saw the scores of Nangong lady and Lin Feng, master Ouyang turned green. Two high scores of more than 1500 points overwhelm everything. His 560 points look so dazzling that they can\'t be compared. They are completely compared.

Not to mention that compared with Mrs. Nangong, it is a thousand points worse than Lin Feng!

He, do you still have a chance to surpass?

With a bitter smile and shaking his head, master Ouyang couldn\'t help sighing.

A high mountain in front of him had not been climbed, and behind him was a huge wave, which completely submerged him.

It\'s really amazing!

"Nangong lady!"

"Master Lin Feng!"

"Nangong lady! ~"


There were bursts of cheers around. At this time, the final was almost half, and the advantages and disadvantages gradually surfaced.

With the exception of Mrs. Nangong and Lin Feng, the rest of them have no strength to compete for the championship. No matter Wang Bo or master Ouyang, they have now withdrawn from the ranks of competing for the championship. The first refining is very important, because it is the time when the materials are the most complete, and the second and third time, it is undoubtedly more difficult to select the rest.

After seeing Lin Feng finish refining, Mrs. Nangong didn\'t stop and started the second round of refining directly.

Her refining progress is a little faster than Lin Feng. Just now she has selected the second round of materials. Being able to win the champion of the ninth weapon refiner competition in a row, Mrs. Nangong not only has far more strength than everyone, but also is quite stable and watertight. This is exactly the "characteristics" that an excellent weapon refiner must have.

It is still the seventh floor of the fire ladder!

Nangong lady, did not attack the eighth floor.

In fact, she doesn\'t need it.

"Very clever." Wang Shi nodded.

"Indeed, the pressure is completely given to Lin Feng." Ouyang Kuo praised lightly. "With Mrs. Nangong\'s strength, as long as she refines the top grade this time, she will be sure to win, but Lin Feng has to refine the perfect grade to have hope. It\'s not easy."

"To win, Lin Feng has to enter the eighth floor of the fire ladder, five times the coefficient." Wang Shi shook his head gently, "but the fire on the eighth floor is comparable to the holy flame, which is difficult to resist."

"Even if Lin Feng succeeds in refining on the eighth floor, Mrs. Nangong can enter the third round of refining on the eighth floor." Ouyang Kuo\'s eyes are bright and slowly said, "play steadily and approach step by step. It seems that Mrs. Nangong is determined to win the champion of the weapon refiner competition."

"Well." Wang Shi nodded, "Lin Feng is hard to catch up with the gap of 410 points in the first round. Mrs. Nangong is too stable."

Ouyang Kuo said with a quick smile, "president, in fact, will we ask too much of this child? He\'s just the first time to compete."

"I forgot, ha ha." Wang shisha smiled. "Indeed, you can achieve such results in the first competition. Tut Tut, this child is really amazing. Over time, I\'m afraid Lin Feng\'s name will be louder and more successful than Nangong\'s wife!"

"I think so," Ouyang Kuo nodded.

Smiling at each other, they were in a good mood.

Zhuquezhou Lianqi alliance has a large number of talents and is growing.

As the president and vice president of the alliance, Wang Shi and Ouyang Kuo are naturally happy.

However, the other contestants are not in such a good mood at the moment.

Mrs. Nangong and Lin Feng were like two big mountains, which made them out of breath.

Both Wang Bo and master Ouyang chose the seventh floor of the fire ladder for the second round of refining. cut off all means of retreat! In fact, they had to do this. They were convinced to lose to Nangong\'s wife, but they had to lose to Lin Feng

But ten thousand of them don\'t want to!

The newcomer who came out of nowhere would be ashamed if he stepped on his head!

A high morale.

Despite the difficulties, they didn\'t give up.

War is about to be vigorous!

Lin Feng obviously didn\'t know that he would arouse people\'s "war spirit". In fact, he couldn\'t pay attention at the moment. Lin Feng did not enter the cube space to choose. At this time, he was standing outside the cube space calmly, with a pair of pupils condensing light, just like a stone carving.

"What happened to master Lin Feng?"

"Yes, master Lin Feng hasn\'t figured out what to refine?"

"It should be. The materials have been taken now. It seems that it is difficult to make a set."

"But I believe master Lin Feng will have no problem!"


All the people talked and talked.

They have great confidence in Lin Feng. They have long been "conquered" by Lin Feng.

Speak with strength!

At this time, Lin Feng\'s eyes were as bright as stars, staring at the remaining materials in the cube space ahead, as if he had laid a starry sky in his mind, reflecting the remaining materials one by one. The twinkle of the two pupils is unforgettable, and Lin Feng remembers it deeply.


"Wow! ~" Lin Feng\'s figure flashed and disappeared into the meeting.

The crowd stared in amazement.

It can\'t be true?

Lin Feng, what\'s the way?