Fighting, schoolmaster!

Chapter 675

"Hello, I'm Chen Liqiang." Chen Liqiang's voice was terrified.

Gu canzhao asked faintly, "what's the matter with you?"

"You told me to come to the airport on November 11. I'm outside the airport. Where am I going now?"

"Get your ticket at the counter and board."

"I've never been on a plane, I don't know..."

"I don't know, you can ask."

"OK... OK."

Gu canzhao hangs up and returns his mobile phone to Lu Xiaolai.

"Why rob my cell phone?" Lu Xiaolai snatched back his mobile phone and asked unhappily, "what did he say?"

"People are at the door."

Lu Xiaolai sat up and looked at the door: "where? Why didn't I see it?"

Gu canzhao pulled her back to her seat: "there are so many terminals, and each terminal has many entrances. It's no coincidence that it's here."

Lu Xiaolai recalled what he had just said and raised his lips: "didn't you tell him which terminal and which flight? He doesn't know anything. Where do you want him to go? "

"He's not an idiot, and we're not his nanny."

"But I invited him to come back with us. We can't ignore him!"

"If he can't overcome this little difficulty, I don't think it's necessary for us to take him away."

"That's what I said..." Lu Xiaolai's shoulder fell down and agreed with Gu canzhao's words.

Gu canzhao took her hand: "I know you are not at ease, but he is an adult with basic judgment and common sense of life. Don't worry about it. It's still l city. It's not within our obligation. As long as he's on the same flight with us, I won't stop you from arranging anything for him. "

"What can I do for him? The most I can do is to see if there are any vacant positions in the martial arts school and let him be a helper or something. No one in the martial arts school dares to bully him. Otherwise, let's see if Chunhua Xuejie's company can accept a worker. "

"Let him choose for himself."

Lu Xiaolai nodded: "well, let him choose for himself."

The return tickets for the two of them were already reserved by the assistants of Daye group, and the business seats were the same as those for Laicheng.

After the security check, I waited another half an hour in the waiting hall before boarding.

They walked unimpeded from VIP channel to business class.

On the other hand, Chen Liqiang has only one ID card and nothing else.

Chen Liqiang walked into the terminal and asked the staff at the service desk what to do.

Staff with his ID card to help him find the flight information, told him the correct terminal and ticket gate.

He was in terminal one, and the plane was in terminal two.

Chen Liqiang asked the staff how to get to terminal 2 and limped off.

But the distance between the two terminals was almost one kilometer. The staff worried that he would not be able to catch the plane and contacted the security guard.

The security guard drove him to terminal 2 in a patrol car.

Chen Liqiang was grateful. He looked at the sign in the terminal and asked many people. Finally, he got the ticket himself.

Fortunately, his carry on luggage is not big, so he can take it to the cabin. After checking the ticket, he lined up to get on the bus and got into the ordinary cabin of the plane.

12: 48. The plane takes off on time.

After a long period of taxiing, the plane opened its wings, took off and soared into the blue sky.

Chen Liqiang sat at the window, watching L City getting smaller and smaller under his feet, and finally covered by white clouds. His eyes were filled with tears.