Fighting, schoolmaster!

Chapter 667

The plane landed at the airport in L City.

Gu canzhao and Lu Xiaolai walk out of the VIP channel side by side, empty handed.

Representative Li and his bodyguards have been waiting at the exit.

The last time I came to L City, I took a military helicopter and didn't walk from the airport.

Lu Xiaolai curiously looked around at the buildings and the pedestrians.

Representative Li saw them from a distance and welcomed them as he waved to them.

"Gu Shao! Miss Lu! welcome! It's a great honor to meet you

"Hello." Gu canzhao reached out to shake hands with him.

Lu Xiaolai also nodded to say hello to him.

Li's representative was full of smile and made a gesture: "the car is parked in the parking lot over there. This way, please."

They followed Li to the parking lot, with two bodyguards behind them.

A pedestrian took the bus and rushed to the county where the registered residence of the worker was located.

Two bodyguards were sitting in the front row, one driving, and the other in the co driver's seat.

Representative Li and Lu Xiaolai sat in the back row together, while Lu Xiaolai sat in the middle and studied the data along the way with representative Li.

The car left the highway and drove into the county.

The cement road in the county is uneven. Although the speed is not fast, the car body is still bumpy on the road, which makes Lu Xiaolai feel uncomfortable.

The car stopped outside one of the best hotels in the town. The group got off and checked in first. After the check-in, they immediately went to the local public security bureau to confirm the identity of the injured worker.

Confirmed by local police, the registered residence was disabled, and every month he enjoyed the subsistence allowance of his residence. He had just received the subsidy last month. There is a policeman in the police station who has a relative in that village. The policeman said that he saw the lame man sitting on the ridge of the field eating half a watermelon two days ago.

After coming out of the police station, Lu Xiaolai and his two bodyguards went to buy some fruits and health care products, ready to visit the village during dinner time.

At five o'clock in the evening, the residents of the single break began to get off work one after another, and more people began to come and go on the streets.

They found a small restaurant, had a simple meal, and walked into the rugged mountain road according to the map displayed in the mobile navigation.

Chenjiatun is located in a mountain valley in the northwest corner of the county. There is only a two meter wide mud road. People in the village go in and out by battery cars and motorcycles. When it rains, the road is full of potholes. Fortunately, it hasn't rained much these two days. Walking on the muddy road, Lu Xiaolai's little white shoes look dirty with mud and dust at the bottom of his trousers.

The days are long in summer. It's nearly six o'clock. The setting sun makes crimson clouds in the sky.

They followed the muddy road into the village, asked several families and found Chen Liqiang's house.

The walls of the two-story cement black tile house are the original gray of cement. The dark red paint on the wooden door cocks up like a fish scale. The color retreats one layer, and the inverted "Fu" on the door also turns a corner.

The door was open, and there was a dim orange light inside.

Lu Xiaolai reached out to block the two bodyguards who were following him, and went forward alone.

Representative Li wants to follow and is stopped by Gu canzhao.

Lu Xiaolai went to the door and knocked outside the threshold.

A mother-in-law with silver hair is hunched and eating beside the old electric rice cooker.

Chen Baogen sat on the throne, chewing two peanuts with a mouthful of wine. His expression was as ugly as a dead fish.

It's Chen Liqiang with messy hair who eats with relish.