Fighting, schoolmaster!

Chapter 52

"What does the discipline inspection department do?"

"You don't have to do anything to play. You just have to follow us to eat and drink, and show off the tiger."

Just now, Lu Xiaolai heard what Yan Weizheng said about the great responsibility. He looked at Zhang Yu suspiciously: "no? What's the use of discipline inspection department? "

"No war, no troops? Our discipline inspection department is the school's law enforcer, specializing in rectifying chaos. We used to be in charge in the name of the student union, but now the president is in the state of semi graduation. He hardly comes to school, and he becomes the vice president by that hairy boy. We don't want to get involved in those messy things. They love to take care of them. Let them take care of them. "

Lu Xiaolai probably understood, and asked: "who are there in the discipline inspection department?"

"Lao Yan, Chunhua, I'll add you now." Looking at her face, Zhang Yu added, "Lao Yan is a nominal minister, and the president and zero are actual leaders."

"Just a few of us?"

"Xuemei, you don't have to look at us. We are already the highest fighting power of the school. Of course, I'm talking about the president and zero. Compared with them, we are all dregs. "

"On the first day of school, Mr. Yan was still blocking the means of transportation at the school gate, and the discipline inspection department was also in charge of this?"

"Ha ha, I've heard about it. Lao Yan wants to laugh me to death! That day, I heard that there was trouble at the school gate. Lao Yan went to the town hall. When zero came in, he stopped by the platform

Platform... Lu Xiaolai took two puffs from the corner of his mouth.

The mobile phone in his pocket vibrates. Lu Xiaolai takes it out and sees that it's Gu canzhao who sends her a message and asks her to go to the base of the student union in the evening.

Lu Xiaolai showed the news to Zhang Yu: "senior, where is the base of the student union?"

"Yo Ho, zero even let you go to the base."

"What's so strange..."

"Ha ha, don't worry. It's not strange. On Wednesday's regular activity day, all the members of the student union will be there, right behind the gymnasium. "

"Isn't there a vegetable field behind the stadium?"

Zhang Yu was amused: "poof - it's a flower garden. How can it become a vegetable field?"

"I see that the plan is painted piece by piece. Isn't the field vegetable field?"

"Xuemei, you are so funny. It's a precious flower plant carefully cultivated by the horticultural society. It's not a small vegetable. Don't stir fry it. You walk through the flower bed and along the Bush for a while, then you get to the base. You tell them that you are from the discipline inspection department, and no one dares to stop you. "

Lu Xiaolai tut voice: "you really arrogant."

"Ha ha, average," Zhang Yu frowned at him, "primary school sister, you can be so arrogant in the future. Although I don't know what zero's intention is for you to join the discipline inspection department, now that you have joined, you are a member of our discipline inspection department. If someone dares to bully you, they will not take our discipline inspection department seriously. You come back and tell us, and we will help you vent your anger. "

Lu Xiaolai nuzui, eyes meditation.

She is not naive enough to think that zero wants her to join the discipline inspection department to make her arrogant. That guy must have a different purpose. She doesn't really think of herself as a member of the discipline inspection department. The senior, the class supervisor and the senior sister are all zero people. When she conflicts with zero, she will never stand on her side. She should be careful.

Zhang Yu looked at her a few eyes, picked up the curry beef rice on the table and ate: "primary school sister, do you really want some?"