Fighting, schoolmaster!

Chapter 394

"I can't help it." Gu can Zhao low a smile, stir up Lu Xiaolai's chin, cover to her lips.

Not yet, a hand hit him in the face and pushed his face out.

"If you want to kiss you, you have no limit!"

Gu canzhao straightened up in disappointment and looked at her with a smile: "to you, my bottom line is infinite."

"You're so funny! If my dad has anything, I'll... I'll... "

Gu canzhao firmly took her hand, raised it to her lips and gave a kiss: "so, I can't leave at this time."

"I said too much to you..." Lu Xiaolai looked at him with shame.

"It's OK. It's not the first time you said it. I'll write it down in my notebook."

"Poof, you big man, can you not be so careful?"

Finally, he laughed. Although the smiling face with tears was a little silly, it opened the cloud in his heart and made his heavy heart relax.

They agreed to entangle with each other for a lifetime. How could he let her go so easily.

Gu canzhao holds her hand tightly, takes her to the special parking space of the administration building, and drives to the headquarters of Daye group in the city center.

After half an hour, arrive at the destination.

The chairman of the board is having a meeting in the conference room, and no one dares to stop the crown prince of the group.

Gu canzhao pushed open the door of the conference room, looked at all the people present, and ordered, "everyone out."

The assistant came quickly: "but Gu Shao, the chairman and the directors are talking about a very important project..."

"Get out, don't let me do it."

On hearing this, all of you got up and walked out of the meeting room.

Gu Kaiyun sat in the first place, picked up the cup and took a sip of tea calmly.

Seeing their figures at the door of the meeting room, Gu Kaiyun immediately understood everything.

Gu canzhao closed the door, led Lu Xiaolai to Gu Kaiyun, and asked frankly, "are you the one who sent you?"

"I've sent more people to different places. You should be more clear about your meticulous work."

Lu Xiaolai grasped Gu canzhao's hand and asked, "are those who went to Pingyi martial arts school to make trouble..."

Gu can Zhao tightened her hand, cut off her words and asked for her: "did you send it?"

Gu Kaiyun raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on Gu canzhao. Instead of answering, he asked, "what answer do you want to hear?"

"It's you."

"You bring an outsider to question your father. You've spent too much time on this plain man. "

Gu canzhao sniffed: "you promised to give me three days, but you did it before the time came. What qualifications do you have to criticize me?"

"I'm your father."

"Oh, no respect for the old."

Gu Kaiyun took a look at the time and raised the volume a bit: "yesterday was less than three days. But now, it's past the time limit I gave you. Let me hear your answer. "

Gu canzhao looks at Lu Xiaolai beside him. He suddenly realizes something, and his heart turns cold a little bit.

He made a big mistake. He brought Lu Xiaolai to Gu Kaiyun.

At this time, Gu Kaiyun, I'm afraid, is waiting to dig out some news from the mouth of the Lu family.

Gu canzhao pursed his lips and looked at Gu Kaiyun with dark eyes: "Mr. Lu of Pingyi martial arts school is still lying in the emergency room. Before that, you should apologize to the victim's family."

Gu Kaiyun straightened his sleeve and stood up: "you are my spokesman. I believe this little girl has fully felt your apology. Now, tell me, where is the grave of Lu's ancestors? "

Gu Kaiyun's eyes turned to Lu Xiaolai.