Fighting, schoolmaster!

Chapter 182

The engagement ceremony of Jiang and Tang families was a fire and the police arrested the prisoners, which seemed to be a farce.

That night, Tang Songbo withdrew the money for Jiang's enterprise. The investment letter, which had been drafted and signed after the engagement, was also thrown into the shredder and turned into a pile of debris.

The next day, the farce grabbed the front page headlines of major media and quickly spread throughout Z city.

In the compound villa in the forest, the leaves rustle and the birds sing one after another.

Gu canzhao cocked his legs and sat on the rattan chair on the balcony, holding the morning paper delivered this morning. What he read was the engagement incident on the front page. The title of this page is "marriage is beaten in the face! Is it engagement? Or a third party.

Lu Xiaolai stayed in the guest room of the villa for a night, changed back to the white T-shirt with navy blue floral suspender skirt of yesterday, stood behind Gu canzhao, rubbed his shoulder, and looked at the newspaper in his hand with his head.

The distance is a little far, she can only see a few big words on the title.

"What did the paper say?"

"The emotional drama of the year is full of ups and downs, and the ending is regrettable."

"What is it?"

Gu canzhao raised his right hand, and Lu Xiaolai immediately put the tea into his hand. Gu canzhao let out a "hum", took a sip of tea and handed the cup back. Lu Xiaolai took the cup and put it back on the table.

"What did you write?"

"See for yourself." Gu canzhao raised some newspapers for her.

Lu Xiaolai leaned over, put his hands on Gu canzhao's shoulder, and put his chin on the top of his head to look seriously.

Gu canzhao's arm suddenly came down, covered her whole head with newspaper, put his backhand around her neck, brought her to the front of her body and pressed her into the cane chair beside her.

Lu Xiaolai throws the newspaper off his face and angrily smashes it on Gu canzhao. He raises two talons to attack him.

Gu canzhao hooks the cane chair with her feet. She hooks her feet close to Lu Xiaolai's waist and presses her into the cane chair.

Lu Xiaolai fell into the cane chair, snorted and turned his head unconvinced. In front of her, Gu canzhao blocked her with one arm, just like a baby sitting in a baby dining chair and refusing to eat.

Looking at her small appearance, Gu canzhao gave a low smile, took back his arm, kneaded the crumpled newspaper and sent it to her.

Lu Xiaolai snatched the newspaper, crossed his feet on the cane chair, and found a comfortable posture to lean on the back of the chair and read slowly.

"Yesterday, the lakeside resort held a grand engagement ceremony..." Lu Xiaolai read, angrily patted his thigh, "lying trough! What kind of fun! What's Miss Jiang's falling in value and losing touch with a waiter? What's Mr. Tang's painstaking efforts to keep Miss Jiang indifferent! What the hell is that! Is there such a distortion of facts! I'm so angry

"It's a good writing style."

"What a ghost Lu Xiaolai put the newspaper into his arms, "I won't read it, take it away!"

Gu canzhao threw it away and patted himself on the shoulder

"You just covered my face, and you want me to pinch your shoulder. It's beautiful."

The two rattan chairs were very close to each other. Gu canzhao supported her with his elbow and looked at her from the armrest. He picked up her braid with the other hand and teased her cheek: "if you want to be beautiful, how can you think about it, don't you think?"

His voice was so crisp that it touched the most sensitive part of her heart. His eyes with a little smile, like a deep pool, have a magical power, want to absorb all her mind