Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 968

Zhu Xi said the last sentence and felt that the whole person was hollowed out, but she still stood proudly and didn\'t fall down. What if there is no love? I still come alone for so many years!

Break up!

Zhu Xi decides to draw a clear line with Yang Ping, because she really can\'t stand Yang Ping\'s betrayal. Photos can be fake, but her eyes won\'t be fake.

Yang Yuxin looks at Yang Ping\'s eyes, full of special meaning. Although Zhu Xi is a bit of an idiot emotionally, she is definitely not a fool. She knows what a woman\'s eyes look like if she likes a man.

At least Yang Yuxin once said she liked her big cousin. In her eyes, Zhu Xi only saw fear and no love. And Yang Yuxin looked at Yang Ping\'s eyes. It was too complicated.

Yang Ping took a deep breath and asked, "I have no such relationship with Yang Yuxin..."

"Stop talking."

Zhu Xi interrupted Yang Ping, waved his hand and said, "I\'m very tired now. I don\'t want to hear any messy emotional problems about you. Yang Ping, if you really care about me, please let me go, OK?"

Yang Ping stared into Zhu Xi\'s eyes and said, "you want me to let you go? Do you mean I\'ve been pestering you all this time?"

Zhu Xi was silent.

The night before yesterday, she was afraid of thunder and felt absolutely safe in Yang Ping\'s arms, but with photos, she was set on fire.

"Take care."

Yang Ping turned and left.

Zhu Xi grabbed the corners of her clothes, the green tendons on her slender hands were angry, and her fluctuating chest reality. She was in a bad mood. She wanted to turn around several times and scolded Yang Ping as an idiot, but they passed by after all.

When Yang Ping walked past Zhu Xi without looking back, Zhu Xi seemed to lose all her strength and hold the table with tears flowing down.

Why is God so unfair to Zhu Xi?

Why did I want simple love, but I met Yang Ping!

Zhu Xi is very painful. She clearly knows that there will be no results with Yang Ping, because she will not allow any defects in love, and Yang Ping is covered with thorns. Once she approaches, she will be black and blue. Zhu Xi is ready to get hurt. She can stand it for love, but she can\'t accept defects.

Maybe this separation is estimated to be forever.

Zhu Xi couldn\'t keep breathing. She just felt dizzy and lay on the table.

"Daughter, I told you long ago that men are unreliable. Only family affection is the only solid thing in the world." Zhu Yan appeared in the office and walked to Zhu Xi, saying softly, "your mother was seriously injured because she believed in other men."

Zhu Xi raised her head fiercely, her eyes flushed, and asked, "mom has been hurt by men before?"

Zhu Yan smiled bitterly, showing a look of nostalgia, and said faintly, "otherwise, how do you think I went after your mother? When your mother was cheated by a man and almost died by the river, I saved her."

Zhu Xi was silent.

Zhu Yan sighed, "I know you still hate me, but I don\'t worry at all. No one knows why I don\'t break my means and even my relatives are willing to sacrifice."

Zhu Xi finally faced up to the man called his father and found that they had never really talked and didn\'t understand his father\'s real thoughts.

Zhu Yan continued, "your mother married me, but she still loves that man."

His first words made Zhu Xi\'s pretty face slightly changed, sober from sadness, and didn\'t ask why he suddenly appeared in the office.

"I don\'t care, because I really love your mother. I think as long as I pay, not for a year, not for a lifetime. As long as your mother loves me for a day, even for only one second, all my pay is worth it."

Zhu Yan showed a painful color. Recalling that year, he showed his true feelings. The office was filled with a touch of sadness and infected Zhu Xi. She found that she couldn\'t see through the man in front of her from childhood. Now it\'s the same. She didn\'t expect him to have such a perceptual side.

"I know that one day, when Judy was one year old, the whole family was very happy for her birthday, but that day, everything changed."

Zhu Yan flashed a trace of resentment in his eyes and told the pain of that year in a low voice: "a man came to your mother that day and asked your mother to go home. Your mother resolutely refused to go back. That man started to kill your grandpa and grandma."

Zhu Xi\'s color changed, showing a frightened color.

If you don\'t agree, you kill.

There is no law.

The Zhu family is also a very powerful family. Is it allowed to be killed by others?

But Zhu Yan\'s next words finally made Zhu Xi understand why the Zhu family had endured so many years. Zhu Yan said sadly, "your grandpa and grandma died in front of you. The old Taijun was almost crazy. He was going to kill everyone in the Zhu family!"

"Everyone! You know, that feeling of despair, in the face of absolute strength, the law is useless. The Zhu family is good in Longcheng, but it\'s not worth mentioning in front of him. When waving, two heads fell to the ground."

Zhu Xi said bitterly, "your mother forced everyone to live in front of that man. But after that, the Zhu family changed and became completely different."

"Lao Taijun hates your mother, because it\'s not your mother\'s reason. Your grandparents won\'t die. Others hate your mother too."

"Your mother knows that she can\'t get everyone\'s forgiveness all her life. After she forced her success with death, she left with that person and never saw her again."

Zhu Xi was surprised and cried, "my mother is still alive?"

Zhu Yan smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "I don\'t know, because I\'ve never heard about your mother in the past 17 years, as if it had evaporated from the world."

"I want to find your mother, so I want to become stronger and stronger than that person, otherwise I can\'t bring it back."

"Zhu Xi, do you understand the pain in dad\'s heart? It\'s been hidden for seventeen years, seventeen years!"

Zhu Yan showed a hysterical expression, clenched his fist and said, "I just want to be strong enough to take your mother home. I only want one thing in my life."

Zhu Xi felt his father\'s sincere feelings for his mother, and secretly said that if I changed to be a father, I would probably become more crazy. I love someone deeply all my life, but I will never see hope. What would I do?

"Dad." Zhu Xi\'s face was complicated and whispered, "I\'m sorry, I misunderstood you."

Zhu Yan\'s face was ferocious and said angrily, "daughter, I\'ve always opposed you being with Yang Ping. Do you know why?"

Zhu Xi shook her head.

Zhu Yan\'s face twisted and resented, "because the person who killed your grandpa and grandma used the same silver needle as Yang Ping, I doubt that Yang Ping has a very direct relationship with that person."


Zhu Xi\'s face turned white and she almost couldn\'t stand steadily.

When Zhu Yan mentioned Yang Ping, there emerged a strong killing opportunity, humming: "daughter, do you understand dad\'s pains now? Dad is sorry for you. After meeting you today, I will leave Longcheng to find your mother\'s whereabouts."

Zhu Xi felt a pain in her heart and hurriedly said, "Dad, mom wouldn\'t want you to find her if she knew."

Zhu Yan was silent and stared out of the window in a daze.

Zhu Xi gently took Zhu Yan\'s arm and said, "Dad, go home. Don\'t you have a daughter?"

Zhu Yan was stunned. He looked at Zhu Xi and left tears.

Father and daughter hug each other.

Zhu Xi wept with joy and was moved. God finally didn\'t abandon herself. She understood her father\'s pains and knew that her mother was not dead. This is the happiest thing.

Zhu Xi patted Zhu Xi on the shoulder and said, "Dad will never abandon you again."

But there was a strange smile on his face.