Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 945

Yang Xiaoyu didn\'t seem to feel her sister\'s fear and said excitedly: "sister, I know your boss is a rich black hearted businessman. You are responsible for administering medicine, and then we are responsible for eliminating harm for the people. Sister, you have supported me from childhood to adulthood. I will do it this time."

Looking at his brother\'s crazy eyes, Yang Yuxin was sad. Xiaoyu came to Longcheng to study at university. He was only 19 years old this year, but he was brainwashed. The most terrible thing is that the yin-yang division of the island country plays an important role nearby. It was he who made Xiaoyu what she is now.

Yang Yuxin looked at Shuiyue angrily and said in a cold voice, "my brother is naive. Do you feel so deceived? Master Shuiyue..." sneered and hummed, "I don\'t care who you are, but I want to take Xiaoyu away."

Master Shuiyue smiled and sighed, "Miss Yang, I think there is a misunderstanding between us. Xiaoyu is also anxious for your safety. Following around dangerous people will kill people around him."

He dragged the word "death" for a long time, which meant to remind Yang Yuxin that if he didn\'t do it, Xiaoyu would die.

Yang Yuxin\'s face was pale. She hurriedly pulled Xiaoyu and said anxiously, "Xiaoyu, let\'s leave here. Don\'t be cheated by him. My sister is for your own good."

Shuiyue didn\'t stop, but showed a strange smile.

When Yang Yuxin saw Shuiyue\'s smile, she felt inappropriate and clicked in her heart. Sure enough, Yang Xiaoyu\'s reaction was unexpected. He shook off Yang Yuxin and said discontentedly, "sister, what are you doing? I\'m helping justice and eliminating harm for the people. Don\'t you want to help me?"

"Calm down, Xiaoyu, Zhu Dong is not a bad man, but a good man!" Yang Yuxin cried bitterly.

Yang Yuxin sneered and hummed, "sister, I think you have been brainwashed by your Zhu Dong. Capitalists are all evil. How can they be good people."

Yang Yuxin took pains and advised: "Xiaoyu, let\'s go home and say something. I\'ll explain it to you slowly. But can you leave here first? Do you think your sister will hurt you?"

Yang Xiaoyu shook his head.

Yang Yuxin was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "that\'s right. My sister won\'t hurt you."

Yang Xiaoyu shook his head again and said, "master won\'t hurt me."

Yang Yuxin is going crazy.

She stared at Shuiyue and said in a cold voice, "you turned my brother into what he is now in order to harm Dong Zhu. I warn you, don\'t force me."

A light flashed in the eyes of the water moon.

Yang Xiaoyu hesitated when he saw the greed in the master\'s eyes, but quickly gritted his teeth and said, "sister, if you don\'t help me kill your boss, I\'ll die in front of you."


Yang Xiaoyu took out a sharp knife and stabbed it into his thigh. His head was sweating with pain. He said in a trembling voice, "sister, please, is your boss important or me important?"

Yang Yuxin stared at his brother\'s actions. Her heart was cold. She didn\'t know how to describe her mood at the moment. She worked hard to pay off her gambling debts at home and support her brother to study in Longcheng, so as to change the fate of the family. In the end, it was very painful to see her brother\'s appearance.

Is that what you want?

Yang Yuxin hated Shuiyue to the bone and said in a cold voice, "Shuiyue, I\'ll kill you!"

Yang Xiaoyu screamed and shouted at Yang Yuxin: "sister, why do you want to be angry with the master? It\'s my own will. It has nothing to do with the master."

Yang Yuxin said painfully, "Xiaoyu, wake up. I\'m your sister. I won\'t hurt you."

She confessed painfully, but what she didn\'t expect was Yang Xiaoyu\'s sneer. He endured the pain, showed strange pious eyes, and said, "sister, you have been corrupted by capitalists, and only the master can save you."

Yang Yuxin couldn\'t help sarcastically saying, "how can your master save people?"

Yang Xiaoyu immediately said, "sister, only when you become a master\'s woman, the master will make you re realize the meaning of life. With the guidance of the master, you can get out of the darkness in your heart and out of the shadow of the death of your brother."

Yang Yuxin stared and could hardly believe what his brother said.

Xiaoyu asked her to be the lover of Shuiyue!

Yang Yuxin thought his ear was broken and asked, "say it again?"

Yang Xiaoyu thought that her sister woke up and hurriedly pulled out the knife. The blood flowed, but she didn\'t care, which made Yang Yuxin feel distressed.

"Sister, you should be the woman of the master. The master generally doesn\'t accept women. He only recommends them to him for my face. Sister, don\'t miss the opportunity to reform."


Yang Yuxin suddenly wanted to laugh.

This is my brother, a brother who recommended my sister to the Yin Yang division of the island as a lover?


Yang Yuxin slapped Xiaoyu angrily and said in a cold voice, "Xiaoyu, if you don\'t wake up again, we\'ll break the relationship!"

Yang Xiaoyu covered his face with tears and cried loudly.

Shuiyue watched a good play. Her eyes kept turning on Yang Yuxin. She thought she was in good shape and very beautiful. It\'s a good thing to play more Chinese women in China.

"Miss Yang, we can actually cooperate." Shuiyue smiled. "Your brother\'s consciousness is very high, so he knows that the national flag of the island country will be inserted with Chinese disciples one day. Sooner or later, it will be a problem. Instead of dying, it\'s better to adapt to the general trend. You take medicine to Zhu Xi, and I can keep you and your brother safe."

This is a threat.

Yang Yuxin breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes swept on his brother and Shuiyue, and his heart was sad.

Shuiyue looked at Yang Yuxin\'s painful eyes, but she was very excited in her heart. He likes to play women better than death, and then play hard. Only in this way can he have pleasure.

Yang Xiaoyu is playing tricks on the ground. His blood flows all over the ground, which makes Yang Yuxin miserable.

She wanted to kill Shuiyue immediately and forcibly take her brainwashed brother away, but she didn\'t get Yang Ping\'s notice and didn\'t dare to move.

Yang Ping seems to have disappeared. The quarrel in the cabin should be very loud. Why did he ignore it?

Shuiyue\'s mouth curved and showed a strange smile. Looking at Yang Yuxin was like seeing the dishes in the bowl and holding them casually. He looked at Xiaoyu and said, "Xiaoyu, since your sister doesn\'t want to, forget it. Shifu is not difficult."

Yang Xiaoyu looked frightened and cried, "master, give me some more time and I\'ll convince my sister to serve you. You have made a great contribution to the world. How can you be misunderstood."

Shuiyue smiles more happily.

Yang Yuxin\'s heart died like ash.

Shuiyue still wanted to talk, but a fist suddenly appeared in front of her, banged her head, and his life disappeared happily and ended quietly.

Yang Ping appeared in the hut with ragged clothes. He said he had experienced a powerful battle before.

Shuiyue is dead.

Killed with a punch.

Yang Yuxin hasn\'t recovered yet. When his younger brother Yang Xiaoyu saw the master scream, he stood up and said resentfully, "you killed my master, I want revenge!"


The hut was crumbling and falling a lot of dust.

Yang Xiaoyu screamed and rolled on the ground, shivering. Yang Yuxin looked at Yang Ping and stopped talking.

Yang Ping sighed. After spiritual exploration, he didn\'t see any traces of hypnosis and control on Yang Xiaoyu, so it shows that Yang Xiaoyu is voluntary.

This is the saddest time.

Yang Ping killed Shuiyue without stopping and said, "let\'s go. Everyone else has solved it."

Yang Yuxin is ecstatic and wants to take Yang Xiaoyu away.

Yang Xiaoyu saw the master scream and rushed frantically at Yang Ping. Yang Yuxin didn\'t have time to stop him. Worried about Yang Ping\'s murder, he shouted, "show mercy."

Yang Ping looked outside and said indifferently, "come in."