Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 922

Zhu Yan realized Yang Ping\'s power and was shocked to find that he was not an opponent with his full strength. You know, he integrated the power of a great saint and even had the idea of losing the enemy.


Be sure to keep a low profile.

Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Zhu Yan adjusted his plan again. He didn\'t want to expose himself too early, so he smiled bitterly and said, "Zheng Mingzhu is still in Longcheng, but he has entered the stronghold of Shenyin, so you can\'t find it."

Ookami Kakushi?

Yang Ping is not the first time to hear the name of this organization. He has seen it in the books of Xianyi sect, and describes the hidden gods as extremely mysterious. He specializes in acting for heaven and assassinating those guilty saints.

Unexpectedly, Shenyin really exists.

After Yang Ping asked about the Shenyin organization, he was more worried about Mingzhu and said, "where is the stronghold of Shenyin?"

Zhu Yan hurriedly reported an address.

Yang Ping turned and left.

Looking at the back of leaving, Zhu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Under Yang Ping\'s breath, he tried his best to hide his strength and didn\'t want to be exposed. He just showed the peak of nine grades, but his real strength has been improving. As long as he completely digests the power given by daozun, he doesn\'t need to be afraid of anyone.

Zhu Yan needs time and opportunity.

The next step is to deal with the relationship with his daughter. Zhu Yan is not so nervous in the face of Yang Ping, because he knows his daughter\'s temper and character very well. It is actually a very simple thing to get forgiveness.

Instead of immediately looking for Zhu Xi, Zhu Yan came to the cave mouth and stared at the bottom. He could hear the thumping heartbeat from the ground, as if a terrible God was panting and might come up at any time.

Sensing the terrible smell of the statue, Zhu Yan was shocked and secretly said, isn\'t there a great saint level monster hidden under the cave?

Zhu Yan didn\'t dare to stay long. His previous experience told him that dealing with that level was extremely dangerous and could die at any time. It\'s better to leave as soon as possible.

Sensing that the people above the cave left, a pair of cold eyes opened in the dark.

According to Zhu Yan\'s tips, Yang Ping came to Shenyin\'s Longcheng stronghold, which is the most famous scenic spot in Longcheng. He fought with Li Tian and caused a strong sensation.

Falling flower bridge.

Walking in the woods of the falling flower bridge, wading through the winding path, smelling the fragrance on both sides of the road, as if entering another world. There are no disputes, no killings, only peace. After walking into the falling flower bridge, Yang Ping calmed down. Yang Ping walked for a few minutes and came to a Taoist temple.

The Taoist temple is in disrepair for a long time. Before, the government wanted to develop the Taoist temple into a incense point. Many businessmen bought it out at a high price and wanted to make money, but something unexpected would happen in a few days. All the fake Taoists or businessmen who have been brought inside will go crazy. They are insane and keep shouting ghosts.

Over time, the Taoist temple became a terrible place, and no one came again, so almost no one came to the Taoist temple. Even if there were tourists, they felt the gloomy and terrible smell of the Taoist temple and left immediately.

When Yang Ping was close to the Taoist temple, he felt the evil Qi. The evil Qi did great harm to the human body. It was easy for people with weak will or lust for profit to lose their instinct and become psychosis. This is a natural magnetic field that changes people\'s spiritual world.

The copper ring on the wooden door of the Taoist temple was rusty. Yang Ping reached out and knocked gently. As the stronghold of Shenyin, there must be experts in it. If you want to find the Pearl, you must also go through this way.

Three knocks. No one responded. Yang Ping tried to penetrate the spiritual force, but he encountered a strong obstacle and couldn\'t see the situation clearly.

He became more and more sure that Taoism was extraordinary.

Just as Yang Ping was about to push the door in, the door automatically opened. Standing in front of the door was an acquaintance. A beautiful girl with a sheep\'s horn braid was looking at him with a smile.

Qingqing, why are you?

Yang Ping stared at Qingqing and said in surprise, "what are you doing here?"

Qingqing didn\'t have a good way: "this is where I live. Do you think I\'m staying in the club?"

Yang Ping stopped talking and looked inside.

Qingqing stepped aside and said, "I know you want to come in and have a look, otherwise you won\'t give up."

Yang Ping was even more strange and asked, "do you know who I\'m looking for?"

Qingqing said with a smile, "I don\'t know. The whole world knows that you are looking for two people, one is Zhu Xi and the other is Zheng Mingzhu. Zhu Xi is still in the hospital, so you can only find Mingzhu."

Yang Ping was awe inspiring, the speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. Qingqing opens her mouth and tells Yang Ping\'s secret. It doesn\'t seem to be a secret, which shows that many people in Longcheng already know his weakness. This is not a good thing.

A cup of tea from highland barley.

Yang Ping said he wanted to see the Pearl, but Qingqing refused. She explained that this was not the Shenyin stronghold mentioned by Yang Ping, but a Taoist temple she bought. She just came to stay when she had nothing to do. When she saw that Yang Ping couldn\'t, she directly asked him to find it. Yang Ping looked for it several times impolitely. He found no trace of others and had no choice but to leave.

Before leaving, Qingqing reminded: "Yang Ping, you are too easy to trust people. Sooner or later, you will die in the hands of the people you trust most."

Yang Ping asked what the purpose was.

Qingqing shook her head and didn\'t answer directly, but consciously or unconsciously reminded: "the dragon city will be chaotic, and there will be more chaos soon. Sometimes in the face of absolute interests, the people you trust most are likely to hurt you most."

Yang Ping didn\'t believe it and joked, "it\'s you who won\'t say it?"

Qingqing sneered and disdained: "good medicine tastes bitter. Don\'t believe it. You think I have nothing to remind you. I see you poor. You\'re killed before you grow up."

He didn\'t take Qingqing\'s words seriously. Yang Ping laughed to himself that the person he trusted most might hurt him the most. It\'s impossible. His eyes can\'t be mistaken. Will Zhu Xi and several others, who trust most, deal with themselves in the future?

This is impossible.

Qingqing stared at Yang Ping\'s hurried back, shook her head and said, "what an idiot. I remind you that you are so direct that you don\'t wake up. You think you are smart and will suffer a heavy loss sooner or later."

"Girl, come in." Shanbo\'s voice came from inside.

Qingqing sticks out her tongue, closes the gate of the Taoist temple, looks at Shanbo standing straight beside the courtyard, and complains, "Shanbo, why do you always remind me not to talk more? Just tell him directly, so that he won\'t be killed by his own people."

Shanbo said with a smile, "it\'s very kind of you, but he won\'t believe it if you say it. Who in this world will believe that the person you love will kill yourself?"

Qingqing doesn\'t understand.

Shanbo said: "the young lady sent a message that she would personally take the opportunity in the future."

Qingqing was overjoyed and cheered, "Shanbo, if Miss Longcheng comes, who else is Miss Longcheng\'s opponent. We can have a good sleep."

Shanbo looked at Qingqing\'s lovely appearance, smiled and scolded: "do you think Miss is omnipotent? This time is not ordinary. There are unparalleled artifacts. Even people at the level of daozun appeared. Daozun is a Tianzun level figure who dare not provoke other holy places except great super power. What he wants is not simple."

When Qingqing heard about Taoist Zun, she looked dignified and worried: "the sect leader said that the smartest person in the world is Taoist Zun. He can see through the past, present and future. He is a very terrible person."

Shanbo\'s pupil flashed a complex color, shook his head and said, "go in. If Yang Ping doesn\'t die, he is a talent."

On the falling flower bridge.

Yang Ping listened to the conversation between Shanbo and Qingqing. He looked serious and said in secret that the people around me wanted to harm me. Who is it?

Is it Zhu Xi?