Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 904

Nine military helicopters landed in the sky, and special forces fell from them. In an instant, a large number of soldiers with heavy weapons surrounded some people of the dragon city government in China Airlines square.

"Don\'t move. Put your hands up."

The soldiers exuded cold blood. At the command, the besieged people were scared and didn\'t dare to move. The vice captain of the special police detachment was calm. He quickly ordered his subordinates to put down their guns and shouted, "we are the special police detachment of Longcheng Public Security Bureau. There must be a misunderstanding..."


He was knocked unconscious before he finished speaking.

The vice captain of the special police detachment fell to the ground, which made the people present pale and terrified all day. Usually, they are high above, but they deal with some enterprises, but they are all scared and stupid in the face of armed soldiers.

Everyone knelt on the ground and was taken away by cars. They didn\'t even have the opportunity to report to the municipal government.

When the square under the Air China Group Building regained calm, Yang Yuxin woke up and shouted, "Yang Ping, you can\'t get it out."

Yang Pingdan said with a smile: "no, I just called to explain the situation."

Yang Yuxin said excitedly, "doesn\'t it mean that China Airlines Group can operate again?"

Yang Ping nodded, but his tone was still cold and said, "things have just begun. Anyone who wants to move the old city development right of China Airlines Group should be prepared to be beaten. Those people are too comfortable and don\'t know the style of soldiers."

Yang Yuxin cluttered in her heart and said secretly that she wouldn\'t want to be right

Thinking of this, Yang Yuxin couldn\'t help but marvel. If it could be realized, Yang Ping\'s influence would be terrible. The Tangtang municipal government would break it if it said so. It seems that Wenfeng will be unlucky.

Yang Ping saw a familiar figure with an unpredictable smile and said, "your old friend has come out."@^^$

Yang Yuxin looked up. At the door, a figure secretly wanted to leave, showing hatred, and said, "Yang Ping, Lin fan is a person of the Dragon God sect."

Yang Ping narrowed his eyes and said indifferently, "just in time, I want to experiment with the people taught by the Dragon God."

City Hall building.

Mayor\'s office.

Wen Feng was in a good mood today. He occupied an advantage in the conference room for the first time, which made Yang Guoyong lose his prestige. No matter what reason, he took the initiative in this most critical vote. He not only sealed up China Airlines Group, but also completed the task assigned by his boss.! $*!

Wen Feng let those who belittle him know that he is not a soft persimmon. Once it comes to a critical time, he will certainly give the strongest blow.

Even Yang Guoyong can\'t fight.

Wen Feng seemed to see a lot of people coming to the scene in the future. He felt it was time to fight back against Yang Guoyong.

Municipal Party Secretary\'s office.

After talking with he Zhennan, Yang Guoyong found that there was not much disgust and betrayal anger. Instead, he understood he Zhennan\'s choice very well, because he knew that the human favor that could make he Zhennan go back on his word must be very big, so big that he could pay the price of reputation.

So Yang Guoyong chose to forgive.

He Zhennan was most moved.

The palms of the two people held tightly together and stood on the same line again. If it were someone else, maybe he didn\'t have Secretary Yang\'s mind and ability, but he Zhennan knew that he would certainly do a lot of big things with Secretary Yang.

Secretary Yang is a rare official who really wants to do something practical for the people. This is what all Party members should learn, and it can be seen from the above. This is the reason why Yang Guoyong has attracted the attention of the Central Committee in recent years.

This is the top secret news that he Zhendong personally told his brother.

Yang Guoyong was in favor of the window and said anxiously, "Longcheng was originally very peaceful. What we created is an environment that allows private enterprises to prosper and develop under macro-control. If China Airlines Group is hit, even if there are reasons, it will make private enterprises cold. This is bad for the overall situation. Mayor Wen can\'t see it thoroughly and just wants credit."

He Zhennan nodded and agreed: "Secretary Yang is right. Wen Feng is too eager for quick success and instant benefits, which may not be good for the people. Do we want to do something?"

Yang Guoyong shook his head and smiled mysteriously.

He Zhennan was puzzled and asked, "is there any change?"

Yang Guoyong sighed and asked, "Lao he, have you forgotten whose company Huahang group is?"

He Zhennan thought for a moment and said, "Zhu Xi of the Zhu family, but Zhu\'s group can\'t protect itself. How can we support it? And I think Wenfeng must have follow-up means, so I\'m waiting for Zhu\'s group."

Yang Guoyong asked, "who does Zhu Xi have a good relationship with?"

He Zhennan suddenly felt a huge shock and lost his voice: "Yang Ping, how can I forget him? By the way, Yang Ping will certainly not see Zhu Xi\'s enterprise sealed."

Yang Guoyong squinted and whispered, "Wen Feng, you are an old officialdom, but why don\'t you understand that sometimes absolute self-confidence is equal to absolute weakness. You are too obsessed with the power of the government."

Through the window, Yang Guoyong saw the military vehicle parked in front of the municipal government building, showing such a smile.

Mayor\'s office.

Wen Feng asked his secretary to make a pot of good tea and waited for the good news from the Urban Construction Bureau and other departments. All the departments arranged today are aimed at China Airlines Group, and even the health bureau should send them. Of course, these are his confidants. He can be sure that, leaving aside the Jianghu, everyone can\'t play too much with Mingli\'s power. Because there are mountains outside the mountains, the Chinese government also has real experts.

Once the Chinese government is angered, all those Jianghu figures will be arrested.

Wen Feng has such confidence.

Drink tea, breathe good air, wait for good news and good things in the world. Wen Feng thought about what position to arrange for his son when he came back. The director of the Urban Construction Bureau was arrested and a position was vacant. The executive deputy director had just been promoted. His son was demoted to the section level. He might have to endure for a few years.

In general, officials want to keep a low profile and dare not leave an excuse for the enemy\'s attack, but Wen Feng is not afraid. Where he is shrouded, he is absolutely safe.

He got up, dredged his muscles and bones, and was secretly proud that now the dragon city is about to become his city.

That feeling is really wonderful.


The door was kicked open.

Wen Feng was furious. This is the mayor\'s office of the municipal government building. Someone didn\'t knock on the door and kicked in. Did you eat the courage of ambition leopard?

The Secretary said angrily, "who are you... Know where this is..."


Two special forces pressed down the Secretary and dragged him away.

Wen Feng felt guilty when he saw that the visitor was wearing camouflage clothes and was awe inspiring. He said, "I\'m the mayor of Longcheng city. The well water of your soldiers doesn\'t invade the river. Why do you want to catch me?"

He was brave and, unlike other officials, barely calm.

Wen Feng felt that he should be steady and not mess around. These people didn\'t dare to do anything to him.


But the idea had just come into being. A fist hit Wen Feng firmly on the bridge of his nose. He puffed and sprayed blood. His eyes were blurred and his head was blank.

Lying in the trough, I was beaten!