Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1567

The sky over Yunnan city was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and an extremely depressed atmosphere. Pedestrians walking in the street looked up at the sky. They seemed to see a very sad face with a big stone in their heart, so they immediately accelerated their steps and wanted to go home.

Everyone knows that there will be a heavy rain in Yunnan city. Those who practice martial arts have more sensitive telepathy and feel another kind of soul trembling.

Yang Ping watched Zhu Xi disappear slowly, but there was nothing he could do. His heart was greatly hit, and the whole fish farm was shrouded in silence.

The rainstorm came as scheduled.

The water level soared and flooded the place where Yuzhuang used to be. The flood was rampant. It not only covered the ruins, but also spread to the place of flowers and plants under the banyan tree. The wooden building was built seven or eight meters high from the ground, but the flood began to slowly approach the ground.

The birds in the jungle felt the disaster coming and had already flown away. The animals inside migrated deeper into the jungle. They know that if they don\'t go again, they may become a sacrifice for natural disasters. Yang Ping sat in the wooden building and didn\'t move until the flood flooded the wooden building.

The rainstorm in Yunnan City, the biggest flood in a century, caught the government and the people off guard. As a mountain city, there was a mountain flood a hundred years ago, but it was not as terrible as this year. The streets have long been flooded and no one can travel. Instead, cars have become a burden. Cars in basements, roads and parking lots have been swept away by the flood and turned into waste.

The government began to organize personnel to rescue the drainage system of Yunnan city. Many people went to rescue schools and some important places. The outside world is very concerned about the sudden mountain torrent in Yunnan city. A large number of relief materials have been sent to Yunnan City, many people have been displaced, and at least hundreds of thousands of people have lost their houses.

Fortunately, the national rescue was timely, and the army entered Yunnan city for flood control. Soon, a soul stirring rescue was staged, which also became a manifestation of the unity of the country and the people. Looking at the rescued old people and children, the rescue tents were supported on the top of the mountain, and the food and medicine entered in time, the victims were finally properly resettled in the three-day and three night rescue. The people of Yunnan city don\'t even know why the mountain flood broke out suddenly, let alone why it came so suddenly. No sign at all.

Fortunately, mountain torrents come and go quickly.

When the mountain torrents receded, the city of Yunnan was in a mess, and those once comfortable nests became ruins. Many people came home and saw the painstaking efforts of a lifetime. If the mountain torrent hadn\'t happened strangely and didn\'t cause many casualties, I\'m afraid it would turn Yunnan into a dead land.

There seems to be a force in operation, which makes Yunnan city fall into a curse.

After the mountain torrent, there was another debris flow.

The debris flow passes through the street like a beast swallowing anything in front of it. Fortunately, someone found that the debris flow came out of the remote mysterious virgin forest in time, otherwise I\'m afraid there will be more [email protected] ^^$

Many people stood on the top of the mountain and watched the debris flow turn like a dragon, slowly passing through the city at the foot of the mountain.

Everyone is silent.

However, few people will find that, whether it is mountain torrents or mudslides, although Yunnan city has been subjected to natural disasters, there are always some places with a faint light, and a magical force is protecting those extremely important things.

The power of natural disasters represents the punishment of heaven, but there are always some people who want to compete with heaven.

The Wanyue Hotel existed well and did not disappear due to the outbreak of mountain torrents and mudslides. The place where the Wanyue hotel is located is very strange. If outside experts see it, they will feel that due to the terrain, they have just avoided the natural disaster. There are still many places in Yunnan city that have not been ravaged, such as Murong family, Li family and you family. The location chosen by the three families is just high and low, and even after the natural disaster, the villa and houses are cleverly avoided because of some special geological treatment.! $*!

Those powerful warriors did not leave Yunnan City, but stood on the mountain and watched silently.

They are waiting.

But for three days, there was no breath of that person, as if it had disappeared. From time to time, some powerful Tianzun realm looked at the direction of the fish farm. Those who had already been ravaged by the flood and the forest was dumped in a large area. Even the big banyan tree lay on the ground because of the flood, and the wooden building became more debris.

The flood receded, leaving a mess.

It seems that there has been a soul stirring war here. People with high realm can feel that there is a residual breath of the way of heaven. The higher the realm, the more awe they have for the residual breath.

Yang Ping completely disappeared from the eyes of the experts in Yunnan City, as if he had never appeared.

"The heart of the secret place has disappeared." in you family villa, you family\'s ancestor received a white haired old man in the living room. His breath is obscure and can\'t be perceived. He doesn\'t want to swallow the sky like his ancestor. But the white haired old man was not afraid of his ancestors, and even had a better momentum.

"Even Augustine died. I didn\'t expect Yang Ping to kill the high priest of the Holy See, Augustine. It\'s really powerful." the ancestor of the you family sighed and couldn\'t see whether he was sincere. He had no sorrow or joy about the death of a powerful opponent. "I hope the Holy see won\'t spit blood."

The white haired old man smiled and said, "you are still angry about what happened in those years. You were controlled in Xijing and lost your lover. Later, it was found out that everything was a conspiracy of the Holy See. I don\'t know who the Holy See sent."


The ancestor of you family said coldly that his mood fluctuated and his murderous spirit was secret. Once it broke out, it would startle the world and cry ghosts and gods. It can evoke the murder of the ancestors of the you family, which shows their hatred for the Holy See.

"What happened in the end?" asked the white haired grandfather.

The ancestor of the you family calmed down and said coldly, "I personally went to Europe to flatten Bruno\'s family. Unfortunately, I was found by the people of the holy see as soon as I entered Europe. Guess who will meet me?"

The white haired ancestor wondered, "is this the high priest?"


The ancestor of you family showed his nostalgia. Although there was a killing opportunity, there was still a trace of realm. He sighed: "it\'s the Pope of the Holy See."


The white haired old man looked shocked and said in surprise, "it\'s the Pope, but I heard that he has participated in nature and is a top expert in the world. Chinese martial artists rarely retreat from Europe because of the Holy See. The Holy See has existed for thousands of years and has a strong foundation. What\'s the strength of the Pope?"

In this world, there are few people who can really see the power of the Pope. Those are rumors. Even if the experts who go to Europe in China can come back, they will die soon. The ancestors of the you family can continue to survive after they come back.

"I don\'t know."

The ancestor of you family shook his head and sighed: "When I saw the Pope, I knew he was definitely not his opponent. Although he didn\'t release a strong breath, it felt like standing at the foot of the mountain and facing an extremely tall mountain, I couldn\'t see the top. He seemed to be as high as the sky, so that there was no idea of resistance in life. I\'m sure I wouldn\'t be run over by him if I didn\'t even have a chance to resist in front of the Pope."

The white haired old man was startled and cried, "is the Pope so powerful?"

The ancestor of you family said in a deep voice: "far beyond your imagination, you are also the leader of the holy land, and your strength is still above me. If I compare, the leaders of hell gate, Tianting and Cihang Jingzhai can be compared with the Pope, and others are definitely not opponents."

The old man with white hair was lost in thought.

"Well, don\'t mention the Pope. Although he is powerful, can he come thousands of miles apart? China is a mysterious place. If he really wants to come, someone will deal with him. You don\'t know. Even if the gods of the western world come, they don\'t die."

The ancestor of you family looked at the sky and showed a mysterious smile.

The white haired old man changed his color and hurriedly bowed his head and said, "you always like to think about things. There is no exact proof of the existence of that place, so you\'d better stay on the ground."

"Where is Yang Ping?"

The white haired old man asked again.

The ancestor of you family frowned and said in a deep voice, "I really don\'t know. You came here today to make sure Yang Ping\'s breath. I can responsibly say that he is definitely not in Yunnan city."

"Where can I go?"

The heart of the secret realm is coveted by countless people. Although those who have the heart have no communication purpose, they will be very excited about the heart of the secret realm when they reach the heaven realm, because it is related to the secret of the secret realm.

The secret land of eternal night is a magical place. There are not only the heart of the secret land, but also the flowers of eternal night.

The flower of eternal night is related to someone\'s inheritance.

That man can kill the gods.