Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1448

"Yes, that\'s him."

Du throne said coldly. When he mentioned him, there was a slight fluctuation in his tone, but it was soon hidden. Yang Ping thought he was wrong. He clearly felt that Du throne was like a person at the moment. It was like a devil before.

"How do you know who I\'m talking about?" Yang Ping asked.

"Don\'t be wordy. Do you think I don\'t give you some pressure? Du throne shook his face quickly and sneered.

Yang Ping sighed and looked at the 999 high stairs. He wanted to cry without tears. He tried his best to force the conflict to 199. There were still several big limits to surpass. It seemed that he could not complete it.

"It seems that the pressure is not enough."

"If I tell you, the woman you\'re looking for, the girl named Zhu Xi, is now in danger. Although her body is still in the prison, her soul has floated out of the tomb. There are still three days left. If you can\'t find her soul, there will be no such person in the world."

Du Wangzuo\'s understatement is tantamount to thunder to Yang Ping.

"Is she still in prison?"

Yang Ping\'s eyes changed, his breath was dignified, and he said in a deep voice.

"Your state is better. It seems that Zhu Xi is your weakness. I don\'t need to deceive you. If you can\'t come up within three days, it means that you will die after you go out. It\'s better to die here."

The throne of Du stood high and said calmly.

Yang Ping gritted his teeth, his eyes burst out, and said in a trembling voice, "I see."


A strong will broke out. Yang Ping kept suppressing the limit and rushed up the black mountain.

Time passed slowly.

Yang Ping entered the most terrible practice mode in history. He didn\'t even know how serious his injury was. As long as he hung a breath, he would continue to climb up. Du throne always stood on the top of the mountain and looked indifferently at the other side of the black mountain. The scenery there was much more attractive than Yang Ping\'s hell practice.



Deep in the sky tomb, in the extreme darkness, a pair of cold and heartless eyes opened and shot two substantive eyes, which directly split the darkness into two halves. A hot air flow erupted in his body and burned the void. At his core, a small world appeared impressively.

A pair of life and death hooks are suspended on the top of the head. The golden energy falls and gradually integrates with the body. Finally, with a bang, the surrounding space can\'t bear the explosion of unparalleled artifact and turns into smashing. Empty cracks diffuse around the body and can\'t cross the thunder pool. His position represents an absolute vacuum.

"How comfortable!"

The Taoist priest woke up and showed his evil smile. The whole person\'s breath changed greatly. He used to be the incarnation of the heavenly way and can ignore everything. Now he has changed a person and integrated with the unparalleled artifact. His strength can be greatly improved. One breath can blow the void.

The unparalleled artifact didn\'t enter the body. Taoist Zun took one step forward, and the stars moved behind him. The big stars were passing away. The speed was amazing. I\'m afraid even the realm of longevity was not as good as him.

Behind him is the vast dark void. Taoist Zun has long been lurking in the depths of the heavenly tomb. Relying on unparalleled artifact, he can ignore the space barrier and reach the depths of the heavenly tomb without passing layers of tests.

Here is the dark world outside the heavenly tomb.

It is said that the heavenly tomb together with the ten thousand realms can be transmitted to any dimension, which seems to be true, because the Taoist priest came to the dark world outside the heavenly tomb through the transmission array in the depths of the heavenly tomb.

He belongs to darkness and conquers it.

Now, with his great success, Taoist Zun has invincible self-confidence. If he was himself in the past, he can burst with one hand. If he still meets Zhu Xi, with his unfathomable strength, he can forcibly absorb all the inheritance of Zhu Xi and become the second Tianmu old man.

"Now I, except for some old monsters, I\'m afraid those who can threaten me no longer exist. Although the demon king of the demon gate holds the sword of the underworld, I may not lose to him now."

Tao Zun has such confidence.

Surrounded by darkness and emptiness, he was forced to squeeze, as if he met a dark king. The Taoist priest came to a light film. There was a black hole on the light film, which was the channel to the heavenly tomb. As long as the light film was broken, he could enter the heavenly tomb.

"Yang Ping, if you are still in the heavenly tomb, I can play with you slowly until you can\'t afford it."

Taoist Zun tore open the light film of the heavenly tomb and drilled in.

On the opposite side of the dark space, just above the dark space, stands a statue that cannot be huge, with twelve pairs of wings behind it, emitting an incomparably pure smell of light. Nicholas knelt in front of the statue with pious eyes.

Twelve winged angel!

This is the strongest soldier of the Guangming family, with the purest blood of light. Nicholas entered the heavenly tomb, not to compete for anything, but to come to the bright dimension through the heavenly tomb and worship the bright angel.

After accepting the inheritance of the twelve winged angels, Nicholas became unfathomable. From an old patient, he immediately radiated a youthful atmosphere and became a young man of about 20 years old.

The power of light enters the body until it is full.

Nicholas got up and said respectfully, "Lord archangel, I will live up to my expectations, spread the faith of the bright family to the whole earth, and let everyone believe in the bright family. If anyone dares to stop, I will kill them all."

Turn around and leave.

Nicholas was inherited and entered the heavenly tomb. Only through the celestial tomb can we return to the earth.

Similarly, in many dimensions, the experts who break into the heavenly tomb enter different dimensions and get great strength. This is unexpected for the heavenly tomb, because the purpose of many people entering the heavenly tomb is not pure.

The tomb spirit didn\'t expect that things would be so complicated, so he could only stare.

Looking at the terrible breath entering the heavenly tomb, and they are still experts on the earth, not dimensional smuggling. The heavenly tomb did not inspire punishment measures. The tomb spirit\'s eyes are cold and dark. It\'s good. The more experts, the easier it is to lose control. Those thrones think they control everything. Unexpectedly, the heavenly tomb has changed long ago.

"Damn it!"

The tomb spirit stared at the empty cage. Zhu Xi sat in the dark column in the center, but he lost all his vitality.

According to Du throne, Zhu Xi is in danger. Her soul is out of her body. If she is not saved in time, she may leave the world forever. Tomb spirit did not expect that under the conditions of extreme imprisonment, Zhu Xi could borrow the core strength of Tianmu and leave the cage. Although it was just a soul, it was great.

"Since you are not afraid of death, I will help you!"

The tomb spirit was sealed, and black runes were injected into Zhu Xi\'s body, humming: "since there is no soul, I will recreate a soul to make you lose your body forever and become a lonely ghost."

"If you do this, you will be damned by heaven."

A contemptuous laugh came, without concealing the irony.

The tomb spirit\'s pupil contracted and shouted, "who?"

"Are you impatient to break into the core prison of the heavenly tomb?"

The tomb spirit scolded.

"Good luck, Lord tomb spirit."

An illusory figure slowly appeared in front of him. When the tomb spirit saw it, his pupils tightened and tyrannically said, "it\'s really a good thing that you\'re ruining me."