Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1445

Qianying didn\'t turn around, but her existence easily resisted the Quartet God thunder. By comparison, the Quartet throne seemed weaker. He said angrily, "do you know the consequences of crossing the border?"

The shadow turned and showed a beautiful face.


One punch.

All directions are broken.

The tetragonal throne was startled and hurriedly avoided the other party\'s punch. He knew that the other party\'s strength was regarded as among the throne and belonged to the top. As a proof, it was no small matter. If he got a punch, he would lose half his life.

Void collapse.

The back of the tetragonal throne was cold and said angrily, "are you not afraid of being besieged by others?"


Qianying was domineering. She hit three punches in a row. One punch was heavier than the other. The fourth throne could not avoid the last punch. She could only bite her teeth and offer the fourth tripod to fight. Only a click was heard. The fourth tripod was broken, and the fourth throne was heartbroken. At the same time, her back was cold.

Not seen for many years, the strength of the other party has become too terrible.

There was an illusion that hunters were staring at their prey. As the same throne, the tetragonal throne naturally won\'t show weakness and shouted, "since you insist on your own way, don\'t blame me for being impolite!"

Bang bang!

Qianying transferred continuously, smashed one person with one punch, leaving only the real body of the Quartet throne. She hurriedly avoided it, and a cold sweat came out on her forehead. She was too scared to mess around. She clenched her teeth and said, "don\'t force me!"


When he was hit by a punch, the Quartet throne only felt a sharp pain in his chest, but what was more painful was his self-esteem. The dignified throne was trampled on.

"Great summoning!"

The square throne can only use the last card. With the call, two terrible figures come. One is covered with flames, as if to burn the heavens. Behind the other is a huge black hole, which can devour the heavens.

The Nine Tailed Fox stared at the three people who appeared and murmured, "throne to throne. The former throne was Du. Now the flame throne and devouring throne appear. It seems that the heavenly tomb will be in chaos."

"Leave now, or no one here can survive." Nine Tailed Fox made a quick decision, turned and ran away.

The throne ignored the Nine Tailed Fox that generally exists in mole ants.

"Du throne, you\'ve crossed the line." the flame throne said in a deep voice, and his tone was very unhappy. There are unwritten regulations for the realm of the throne, so you can\'t cross the border and interfere in other people\'s affairs.

"Let\'s go together."

Throne Du\'s tone is cold and domineering.

"You are too conceited, and you will regret it eventually." the swallow throne sneered.

"What are you waiting for? Fuck her!"

The tetragonal throne clenched his teeth and said with resentment. He was severely beaten in the face. If he didn\'t recall the field, how could he get a foothold in the Tianmu in the future. The throne does not get along well with each other. The throne of Du is overbearing and has always ignored other thrones, while the throne of flame stands on the United Front with the throne of devouring and the throne of four directions, and it is impossible to watch the Allies suffer losses.


The throne of fire takes the lead. A ray of fire can burn everything and rush to the throne of Du.


Swallow the throne with a cold hum, and the black hole behind expands, enveloping the whole void into absolute darkness. It is said that swallowing the throne can devour a dimension. He has the ability to devour great achievements of physique.


The tetragonal throne is good at the array. As soon as he grits his teeth, he takes out the ability to press the bottom of the box and sacrifices the source of the town. The surrounding of the throne of Du is sealed in an instant.

Fire attack.

The void devours.

Then kill Sifang town.

Even the top throne will suffer a great loss when the three thrones deal with the throne Du. The throne Du belongs to the top combat power among the twelve thrones, but it will lose a layer of skin when facing the three thrones at the same time. This is also the reason why the Quartet and the throne are full of confidence.

No one can break the rules first.

"Haven\'t you three designed it long ago, deliberately luring Yang Ping here, and then forcing me to show up so that I can find the reason to do it." Du throne didn\'t change his face in the face of the attack of the three thrones, but showed a mocking color in his eyes, and said coldly: "in that case, what nonsense."

The throne of Du was unreasonable and did not use the power of the source. Instead, he relied on the terrible body to smash the source of the flame with one punch, and let it devour the black hole to cover the surrounding. Then he came out step by step. The body shook and the black hole burst.

This is not over yet. Facing the four seals, Du throne directly ignored it. His body became empty for a while and left the array seal.

The three kings were stunned and looked at Du throne foolishly. For a time, the whole castle fell into absolute silence. There was only one idea in their heart. How could Du throne be so powerful? It was completely different from before.

"What else can you do? Let\'s summon some companions as soon as possible. I\'m going to completely eradicate the cancer of the heavenly tomb today." the throne of Du looked up to the sky with her hands on his back. Where she was, she held up a sky, and all attacks failed.

"Something\'s wrong!"

Devouring the throne, his eyes were dignified and he said in a deep voice, "she seems to be different from before. Do you know what\'s going on?"

The flame throne observed Du throne. Suddenly, his pupils contracted and lost his voice: "did you see her eyes? It seems that there is a new world inside." as soon as the voice fell, the other two thrones were shocked.

"Tianyuan realm!"

The three thrones were shocked and couldn\'t believe it.

The three of them are the peak realm of longevity. Relying on the power of the throne can give full play to the strength of the Tianyuan realm, but after all, they rely on external forces, not their own strength. All of them can only be regarded as the pseudo Tianyuan realm. However, Du throne condenses a new original world, which means that she has really reached the realm of Tianyuan and does not need to rely on the power of the throne.


The three took a breath.

In the face of the real Tianyuan realm, it is already the status of the three emperors. How can they win? They can\'t help but show a bitter smile and fight all their life. In the end, they still fall behind the throne of Du. Even if they are unwilling, they have nothing to do.

"Let\'s go."

The flame throne and the devouring throne turn away and no longer mix.

In such a large space.

The faces of the tetragonal throne were changeable and timid.

The throne of Du stood high and said indifferently, "do you have anything else to say?"

The tetragonal throne gritted his teeth and sophisticated: "he intruded into the core of the heavenly tomb and wanted to enter the heavenly prison to save people. He violated the rules of the game and had a reason to die. I just acted according to the rules and didn\'t break the rules. You have no reason to punish me."

"What I say is the rule."

Throne Du smiled coldly and hummed, so he fought again and made the throne vomit blood, but he could only avoid and dared not fight, because he was not someone else\'s opponent at all.

Boxing again and again.

The Quartet throne was almost shattered, and the body was integrated into nothingness. A voice of resentment came: "throne Du, don\'t be too arrogant. When destruction comes, your end will be the same as us."

"A bunch of idiots."

Throne Du didn\'t care. He also knew that it was almost impossible to kill a throne in the heavenly tomb.

Looking down at the unconscious Yang Ping.

Du Wangzuo\'s eyes were complex and shook his head. "You dare to break into the prison with this strength. You have Lei Feng\'s arrogance, but you lack his strength. Don\'t be impulsive next time. As for the person you\'re looking for, I\'ll bring it out for you."

"Prison, open!"

Du throne directly opened the prison and looked for Zhu Xi\'s breath, but soon, his eyes were confused and said, "how could it be? Zhu Xi disappeared out of thin air?"