Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1409

At the saddest time, at the moment when he was about to be possessed, a strange thing came into his body. Yang Ping felt the other party\'s killing opportunity and looked up. It was the man who had been killed before. His eyes were scarlet and instinctively produced the killing opportunity.

Two terrible planes fought each other, forming a powerful storm comparable to a category 12 hurricane. Fortunately, it is in the mysterious space on the fourth floor. If it is outside, it can overturn a house.

The man said in a deep voice, "teach the demon girl and I can spare your life. I asked you before because there was no time to meet you. Don\'t force me now."

He has strong self-confidence. A hundred years ago, he entered the fourth floor as a candidate with special talent and is not allowed to go out. Now his strength has entered an unfathomable realm. He feels that no matter how strong Yang Ping is, he is just a slap in the face.


Yang Ping needs a strong opponent to vent. When she feels that Zhu Xi is in trouble but she is powerless, the idea of killing is very strong, and the Qing Dynasty man in front of her becomes the only vent.

It has to be said that the other party is very powerful, and has broken through the realm of heaven and reached the mysterious realm of longevity. He can control the power of the source and suppress Yang Ping. But Yang Ping\'s body is too strong to suppress dimensional power. A punch broke the barrier, and Yang Ping broke it into the dust in the shock of the other party.


The other party rushed out of the soil, suspended in the air, and said in a cold voice, "you want to die."

"Heaven and earth millstone!"

When the other party displays the heaven level ancient martial arts, the space on his head is squeezed, as if the heaven and earth are shrinking, the space is condensing, and the rules are obeying. It turns into a huge millstone. The most powerful force that can grind the rules and destroy the heaven and earth emerges and hits Yang Ping\'s head.

Heaven and earth millstone!

Wipe out the world!

The ancient martial arts of heaven level performed by the other party was powerful, which smashed the space around Yang Ping one after another, and the body was strongly attacked. The blood vessels in the skin were like angry dragons, almost burst, but were pressed down by a gentle force.

Under attack, Yang Ping became more and more crazy.


The five colors shine on heaven and earth, and a force to destroy heaven and earth burst out from within. Yang Ping roared repeatedly, as if to pierce the space barrier and reach another level. The five colored light finally degenerated into a golden light and suspended in front of us.

The man looked like gold.

Golden light stab.

The man sneered and used the grinding plate of heaven and earth to erase it. The grinding plate of heaven and earth can erase everything, not to mention the power exerted by a saint. Indeed, if it were other forces, it would be impossible to defeat the heaven and earth millstone, but Yang Ping\'s golden light, the moment he touched the heaven and earth millstone, he knew it was bad.


The grinding plate of heaven and earth looks solid, but there are signs of collapse under the golden light stab.

"How possible!"

Tianji ancient martial arts is an ancient martial arts with strong inheritance. Any one is a secret in the super holy land. It can even create a second-class holy land. With Tianji ancient martial arts of heaven and earth mill, he has strong self-confidence and can be comparable to the leader of the second-class holy land.

But he met Yang Ping in a crazy state.

The grinding plate of heaven and earth was broken, and the golden light came in front of him. He felt that he could not resist the golden light anyway, so he made a decision and abandoned an arm. The golden light did not leave without blood, and stabbed into the arm, and the arm disappeared out of thin air and was purified by power.

A sharp pain in the heart.

He didn\'t expect that under the other party\'s move, he smashed an arm. To know that the body in the realm of longevity has lived the same life as heaven. Although it is not immortal, it is almost impossible to erase it. Moreover, the master of Tianshou realm has strong self-healing ability. He can absorb dimensional power to recover himself.

But Jin Guang\'s attack power is so strange that he can\'t regenerate.

He felt panic, whizzed and ran away, not to mention catching the demon girl.

No one expected that Yang Ping defeated an expert in Tianshou realm. If it was spread, it would be shocking. Of course, Yang Ping has no time to be happy at the moment because he is in poor health.

That move is known as the most powerful blow.

It was not the moves he understood, but the strongest blow from the blood in his body, which cost a lot. Yang Ping took a deep breath and his face flushed until the other party disappeared. He barely sat on the ground and said with a bitter smile: "almost possessed."

I fought with the mysterious master and finally calmed down.

Yang Ping returned to normal and was awed. If something hadn\'t entered his body just now, he might be completely crazy. A evil thought in the Dantian in his body may occupy his body at any time. It\'s like once. He can\'t suppress the evil thought. Like Zhou, he will become a slave of the devil.


Yang Ping vomited a mouthful of blood and said in secret. Unexpectedly, the price of the most powerful blow was so high that he couldn\'t attack in a short time. The meridians in his body were broken and lost his attack power. Fortunately, his body of Nine Yang is great and has strong repair ability. Slowly, his meridians begin to repair and his strength recovers.

Internal vision of the internal organs.

There was something like a bead lurking in it because it made the mysterious master kill. Yang Ping was very curious and said, "come out, or I\'ll refine you directly." seeing that the bead didn\'t respond, he snorted. A mysterious force appeared in his body and began to surround the bead. At first, bead didn\'t care, but slowly, the power in the body began to erode it. Bead felt the fatal danger and jumped out of the body.

Just about to escape.

Yang Ping stretched out her hand to grasp it and showed her spiritual skill. With heaven and earth in her sleeve, she grabbed the bead in the palm of her hand and looked down. However, she saw that the bead in the palm of her hand was dripping and rotating. It had strong vitality, just like a villain, sending out threatening spiritual power.

"Living beads?"

Yang Ping was very interested. Even the man wanted it very much, which was enough to show the uniqueness of the beads.


The bead glowed in the palm, then turned into a wisp of smoke, and finally became a beautiful woman in Yang Ping\'s shocked eyes. Young, teenage, but in good shape, better than foreign supermodels. His face is like an angel and has a mysterious oriental charm.

But it looks a little like

Yang Ping was surprised and finally saw that the human body with beads changed was the most perfect woman in his mind, Pearl!

Just a teenage pearl.

The beads in front of him were unreal and didn\'t wear any clothes. Although the outside was hazy and dense, it looked very powerful, Yang Ping\'s golden pupils could see through the vanity and naturally see it clearly.

"Put on your clothes!"

Yang Ping\'s face was ugly and gritted his teeth.

Knowing that the other party deliberately confused her with Mingzhu, Yang Ping didn\'t have the ability to resist less, because Mingzhu\'s figure was so good that she didn\'t have much resistance. Although she scolded, she was reluctant to give up.

"Why did he catch you?"

The girl who turned beads seemed to be afraid of Yang Ping, because the power in his body could just restrain her, vaguely afraid of him, shrouded in a layer of clothes and bowed her head.

Yang Ping frowned and asked, "you are a witch."

The girl nodded, blinked her big eyes and looked at him curiously.

Yang Ping asked again, "do you know how to get out of here?"

The witch nodded.

Yang Ping was overjoyed and asked, "how do you leave?"

If you can leave this cage and move on, you can\'t do a good job. Now Yang Ping just wants to go deep into the heavenly tomb and save Zhu Xi, other treasures, ancient martial arts and messy things.


The girl finally opened her mouth and told a shocking secret.