Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1404

This man has golden pupils and seems to step on everything. The rules of space he appears dare not approach, and even time should be afraid of him. Time is the eternal enemy, but what the top strong want to conquer most.

"Ming Wang, you haven\'t appeared for 60 years. Why did you come out at this time?" Li zhishou asked faintly.

Ming Wang, a very strange name, but if you know it, you will be very shocked. As early as a hundred years ago, Ming Wang was the top strong man. The most powerful one in that year belonged to wujialing. There were four heavenly kings, each of which was brilliant. However, Ming Wang can still be looked up to under the oppression of so many strong men. It can be seen that his strength is unfathomable.

"Li zhishou, the heavenly tomb is open. Don\'t you want that?" Mingwang asked with a smile.

"Only the weak need to rely on," Li zhishou said with a smile.

Ming Wang looked at Li zhishou and made sure he didn\'t say it at will. As soon as his golden pupils narrowed, he said; "It seems true that you have walked out of your own path. Congratulations. It\'s not easy to reach this step under the shadow of Lei Feng."

Watching the starry sky, Li Zhi seemed to see through the endless universe and said, "who in the world can really be detached. I just stood on the shoulders of giants and saw different scenery."

After a long time, the Ming King understood Li zhishou\'s meaning and said in shock: "are you..."

"Don\'t say." Li zhishou interrupted the Ming king, looked at the sky, his face was calm, and said, "as for success, it depends on luck. For 60 years, I hope the world can bear it."

The Ming king said coldly, "I have to say that you are the most gifted person I have ever seen. I doubt that you have touched that threshold. If you become the king of heaven, the dimensional pattern of the universe will change greatly."

"But even if you stop me, I still want the heavenly tomb. I\'ve let people in. When the results come out, I can know the secret of the great change of heaven and earth."

Said the king.

Li zhishou nodded and suddenly said, "Ming Wang, one of your heirs is very good. Did you take it away?"

Ming Wang narrowed his eyes and then lost his smile. It is too difficult for Li zhishou to deceive his prophet. The world is so big that he is known as omniscient. He doesn\'t understand too few things. Unless he reaches the realm of heavenly king, he may be able to deceive his perception.


The Ming King admitted.

Li zhishou showed his regret and said, "the little girl named Zheng Mingzhu has long been interested in her. She wants to take an apprentice, but it\'s a pity that she doesn\'t want to. Since she\'s your people, I\'ll tell you a secret."

"Oh?" Ming Wang showed an interested expression. It\'s definitely not easy for Li zhishou to pay attention to his own people.

"Zheng Mingzhu is the key to the great change in the future. If you don\'t want it, you can give it to me. I will let her achieve a new future, at least much better than staying in your TIANYAO family." Li zhishou looked at Mingwang seriously and said in a deep voice, "we used to be friends. You still owe me a favor, so I want to ask you to be alone."

Ming Wang\'s face changed greatly.

He always couldn\'t believe that Li zhishou, who was vaguely the first person in the world, would take the initiative to ask for a TIANYAO clan. You know, I don\'t know how many talented and terrible young people are based on the details of the demon gate, but Li zhishou doesn\'t like it, as long as Zheng Mingzhu.

Mingwang knows Zheng Mingzhu and thinks he has a good talent. Because of his relationship with Yang Ping and Wu Jialing, Mingwang attaches great importance to it, but it is far less important than what Li zhishou said.

What the hell does he want to do?

Ming Wang felt that he could not see through Li zhishou. They seemed to be at the same level, but Li zhishou took a big step forward and seemed to break through a certain level and enter a new realm soon.

"If I don\'t reach his realm, I don\'t know his strength at all. I have fought heaven and earth for a hundred years, but I only serve one person. My goal is to surpass him and become the real first." Li zhishou said calmly.

The king of Ming was shocked. He knew who Li zhishou was talking about, but he still felt heavy pressure when he thought of that man.

First person!

His position will never change. If it were not for the cosmic rules that feel his threat is too great and suppress it with all their strength, he could not appear casually. With his strength, he would have pushed the cosmic dimension.

His enemies are no longer creatures, but the way of heaven and the universe.

Thinking of his level, the king of the Ming Dynasty has the feeling of standing high.


Li zhishou looked at the direction of the heavenly tomb and said with a smile: "the tomb spirits have appeared. It seems that they all know the value of Yang Ping and want a share."

The king of Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "Tomb spirit is a very cunning thing. It\'s not easy to jump out of heaven\'s tomb. He is destined to be a victim. In fact, the king of Southern heaven has seen through him for a long time, but he is too lazy to pay attention. I just don\'t know what the king of Southern heaven left behind. I always think those kings of heaven won\'t be so quiet. They will do it."

Li zhishou smiled and said, "in fact, the four heavenly kings have appeared. But they have been suppressed."

The Ming king turned pale and was startled. He hurriedly said, "who?"

Li zhishou said, "what do you say?"

The Ming King\'s face is ugly. Although it is clear that only a few people can suppress the heavenly king level, I hope there is only one who wants to mind his own business. If it was him, the meaning would be great.

Being able to break free from the shackles of heaven is enough to show that Lei Feng\'s realm is far from what they can understand.

If you have never dealt with the way of heaven, you will never know the horror of the way of heaven.

"Several little guys have passed the fifth floor. They are very fast." Li zhishou smiled.

When the Ming king looked, he just saw those people on the fifth floor. Among them, the brightest ones were Xiaomin in the ice and snow world, the young people with golden pupils and Hong. He said, "the little girl sent by the Lin family this time is not simple. Ice attribute physique, which is extremely rare."

"Your descendants are not bad, and each layer has a complete understanding. It seems that you TIANYAO sent him. It\'s estimated that his plot is not small." Li zhishou naturally saw through the Ming King\'s plan and didn\'t point it out.

Young people with golden pupils are definitely the most gifted offspring of the TIANYAO family, and their strength may be much stronger than that of the heirs of the holy land. In addition to the heirs of Cihang Jingzhai and the demon gate, others can be killed second.

"Just average."

The Ming king said modestly, but his eyes were still full of pride.

There are too few young people who can satisfy the Ming king. However, the one who enters the heavenly tomb is definitely the strongest. He has the blood power of the heavenly demon emperor. He has a higher degree of awakening than him, and his future achievements will certainly be no less than himself.

"There\'s another interesting one."

Seeing Hong, Li zhishou nodded and said, "he\'s very hidden. Unexpectedly, those people who have disappeared for many years will also appear. It seems that the world has changed greatly. Some people are unwilling to be lonely and want to make trouble."

"Are you talking about them?"

The Ming king was surprised.

Li zhishou said, "who else is just a group of abandoned people. But it can\'t be underestimated. It is said that the leader of the abandoned land is no weaker than you."

"So what."

The Ming king said proudly, "the environment of the abandoned place is too bad. It will be envied by heaven and its strength will be suppressed."


Li zhishou showed surprise and whispered, "maybe Yang Ping will bring surprise, maybe."