Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1401

Bald head, white robe, blue pupil and deep breath like the sea, once you stand up, it will make others dare not speak. The opening of the heavenly tomb is very strange. We don\'t refuse experts from outside China. Of course, we didn\'t intercept experts from other fields before.

But the experts who came in this time were very numerous. The Holy See, American powers, ancient Indian yoga masters, and even experts from some sea island countries quietly lurked in to steal the benefits of the Chinese forbidden area.

Nine wise men filed into the colorful gate.

Unlike the holy men of the Holy See, they are calm and terrible. Nicholas smiled and his pupils flashed an expectation. In fact, these people are not the strongest among the wise, but they are definitely the best gifted. The reason is to enter the tombstone building and get high-level ancient martial arts. If you can enter the seventh floor, you can even get the legendary ancient martial arts beyond heaven. Nicholas showed a look of longing.

"These nine people look very strong and their talents are definitely not bad. Unfortunately, experts have already gone in. If they are really powerful, they can go to the next level, otherwise any one of them can suppress these foreigners."

"I don\'t think so. Didn\'t you find that the nine people have strong Qi and blood, which is equivalent to the great sage realm. I felt from my ancestors that these people look very young, at most 30 years old. In this way, guess their talent..."

Whispering, everyone took a breath. Some of them have entered, most of them are first tier talents, and some have not yet entered, waiting and watching.

Nicholas suddenly looked at Yang Ping and said with a smile, "little brother, if you don\'t mind, let\'s go in together."


Nicholas\'s younger generation are all fierce and powerful. They look very powerful. A wise man can basically wipe out the martial artists outside. Nine in a row can almost go deep into the heaven tomb. The white haired old man in front can command nine wise men, indicating his high strength and status. Unknowingly, people list Nicholas as as as an absolute taboo. There is no need to provoke him.

Although Nicholas was laughing, his expression of no strangers allowed everyone to approach.

But unexpectedly, Nicholas took the initiative to talk to a seemingly insignificant young man. He couldn\'t help paying attention to Yang Ping and thinking to himself, who is this man?

Really powerful people have long gone deep into the next floor. How can they stay on the second floor and wait for the test of the tombstone building.

Yang Ping looked at Nicholas calmly. He didn\'t have much respect for the old man with a smile like high prestige. He was not my race, and his heart must be different. When this person comes to the heavenly tomb, the picture must be very big.

"He can get on with the old man with white hair and benefit from going out all his life." some people sigh. They want to come forward and feel that Yang Ping\'s life is too good to make friends with a peerless expert. Some people can\'t see a great saint in their life, let alone talk to him.

Feeling the envy and jealousy of the people, Yang Ping was always calm.

Nicholas smiled and said, "I think you have a good talent. I asked you to shout, little brother. Why don\'t you go into the tombstone building and see the mystery of the tomb this day?"

There are experts to protect. I don\'t know. After entering, I can rush to the seventh floor.

"I\'m not familiar with you. Besides, I\'m not your little brother. Please pay attention." as soon as this word came out, people were shocked. They looked at Yang Ping strangely and thought he was crazy.

Those who can only reach the second floor at this time are basically ordinary people with weak talent. It seems that Yang Ping doesn\'t look like a disciple of a big power, so they don\'t take it to heart and show their expression of hatred for iron and steel.

You said there was a great expert to escort you, not to mention being someone else\'s little brother, even being a godfather.

But Yang Ping didn\'t realize how many opportunities he missed.

Only smoke is very calm.

However, Ruyan didn\'t underestimate Nicholas, but whispered: "his name is Nicholas. He is the real high-level of the American Power Association and the elder of the wise family. He has reached the state of heaven. Be careful."

The heavenly realm of cultivating pure spiritual power is at least the seventh level master.

"So what do you call it?" Nicholas asked with a smile, not angry, but more curious.


Yang Ping snorted coldly. If he didn\'t want to keep a low profile so as not to attract the attention of the tomb spirit, he would have killed Nicholas long ago. The United States sent wise men to China, which was absolutely uneasy and kind, so he didn\'t give a good face, stood with his hands down, and then walked towards the colorful gate.

"He\'s an idiot. He\'s the most idiot I\'ve ever seen. My God, he\'s the most idiot I\'ve ever seen!" someone couldn\'t help crying. He missed the opportunity and regretted in the future.

Nicholas looked at the back of the door to the theme, narrowed his eyes and was vaguely angry. No matter who came to China, he had to give him some face. He was a master of the holy land. Generally, the leaders of the third rate holy land were not as good as him. Only the leaders of the second rate holy land were qualified to meet him.

Nicholas did not recognize Yang Ping\'s identity, but felt that when the crowd was excited, he looked calm and must be a descendant of some second-class holy land, or his identity was more noble. Only on the second-rate holy land can Yang Ping\'s temperament be cultivated.

I wanted to please, but I didn\'t expect to be shut down.

Nicholas sneered in his heart and said secretly, wait for me to go in and let you really realize what despair is. Without delay, Nicholas entered the colorful door.

"Now there\'s a good play."

Not only did everyone not mention Yang Ping\'s regret, but they felt that they wanted to die. After the white haired old man goes in, he may or may not kill Yang Ping directly inside.

Smoke did not enter.

Wait outside.

She looks very elegant and has the air of dust removal. Someone has long been paying attention to the smoke. After Yang Ping walked into the tombstone building, she came forward and said with a smile: "beauty, are you afraid to be alone outside?"

"I\'m a disciple of the Zhao family in the capital. Zhao Xinyue will be the elder of the Zhao family in five years." Zhao Xinyue holds his head high and shows pride. It\'s a great thing that he can become the heir of a real big family at a young age.

He is very interested in Ruyan and wants to seduce him with his status.

Unfortunately, such as smoke, eyes such as water, pretty face, Gu jingbubo, directly ignored.

Zhao Xinyue came over in high spirits. He thought the other party would look at him differently when he heard the self-report, and then with his charm, he might be able to talk about a fruitless love in Tianmu. Anyway, if the white haired old man goes into the tombstone building, the boy who doesn\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth will die.

Not for nothing.

Zhao Xinyue said with a smile: "the heavenly tomb is very dangerous. The second floor is safe. If you go to the third floor, saints may die in it. But I\'m not afraid, because I have a card, I can pass through the third floor safely!"

"What, Zhao Xinyue is so confident to pass through the third layer. Is there a secret?"

Others looked at Zhao Xinyue with envy.

Zhao Xinyue was more proud and stared at Ruyan\'s face. Gradually, she felt that Ruyan was too beautiful. It was not comparable to secular women. Ruyan deliberately conceals her beauty by covering her eyes. Unless she reaches Yang Ping\'s level of eyesight, she can\'t see her true face. However, Ruyan still underestimates his charm and can intoxicate men without relying on his appearance.

Ruyan glanced at Zhao Xinyue, who was satisfied.

Then Zhao Xinyue only felt that her head was empty, as if she was enlightened. She didn\'t mention the feelings between men and women. She felt that cultivation was the best thing in life.

"I\'m going in!"

Zhao Xinyue turned and walked into the tombstone building without looking back.

Others are stupid.

I don\'t know what\'s going on.

Zhao Xinyue is not picking up girls. Why do you suddenly go crazy and enter the tombstone building?

Inside the colorful gate.

At the moment of entering, Yang Ping could not feel the existence of the outside world and was awe inspiring in his heart.

The tombstone building is a boundary of its own.

It\'s not easy.