Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1396

Gan Chengcheng looked at Yang Ping\'s back affectionately, sometimes showing a shy expression. If he didn\'t know his past, ordinary people would be excited to get such a beautiful girl, but Yang Ping only felt uncomfortable.

Ruyan smiled and didn\'t continue to tease. When entering the entrance on the second floor, he suddenly said, "Yang Ping, what do you think is true?"

Yang Ping stopped and said: "Condensing the sacred heart, becoming a saint, seeing through the origin of the world and achieving the great saint are all related to reality. When you can create your own world and turn falsehood into reality, that is the realm of heaven. Because you have seen the real essence of the world, which has never been branded in the spiritual world and reflected into the real world. But what you see clearly is reality."

Ruyan was interested and said, "do you think you can see everything clearly?"

"No, but I\'ll try my best."

Yang Ping smiled.

Ruyan didn\'t continue to ask questions. It was just a casual discussion.

The three stood in the center of the altar. With the colorful light blooming, the three lights and shadows disappeared on the altar and entered the next layer. The first layer is not too dangerous, but all saints can enter the next layer.

In other words, the first layer is just for some people with strength under the saints to come in and hunt for treasure. If they don\'t even get the stamens of nine cannibals, they are not qualified to go on, because that means they will die.

Outside the altar.

When the three of Yang Ping left, a dark shadow suddenly appeared, suspended in the air, stared at the colorful light, made a voice of Jie Jie, and said, "Yang Ping, I have prepared a lot of gifts for you. I hope you don\'t disappoint me."


In the whirling sky, Yang Ping felt that he had passed through the time and space tunnel and came to a new place. In front of him was the primeval forest with no end in sight, and these were real, like smoke asking. What he saw was real?

Tianzun can form his own space, but they are all dead and no creatures appear.

However, in the realm of longevity above the Buddha, we can find some traces of creating life, imitate the way of heaven and create some weak life, such as plants, such as some single-cell organisms.

But if you want to create a creature like human beings, not to mention the realm of longevity, even higher levels can\'t do it. You must reach the realm of the creator God, that is, the realm of the king of heaven.

Of course, this is only possible, because so far, including the old man Tianmu, we have not heard of such a high-level life that can create human beings.

However, the primeval forest and all kinds of creatures in the forest are real.

On the first floor, Yang Ping may think of the heavenly tomb as a huge environmental maker. He feels nothing, but when he comes to the second floor, he really feels the greatness of the heavenly tomb. This is the second floor. He even feels the creatures belonging to the space world. These creatures are created by the second world.

Huge trees and wild animals.

When you come to the second floor, you will get the task prompt of Tianmu. If you want to get a high-level reward, you must climb the tombstone building before you can get it.

The tombstone building needs to pass through a forest and swamp.

The forest is not the one in front of us. Although we have seen three ferocious beasts when we first came, our strength may be equivalent to the Yasheng realm of martial artists, but this is a quiet place. Only wearing a calm forest can we reach the test area.

After walking for half an hour, Gan Chengcheng always looked at Yang Ping affectionately. He didn\'t know what he was thinking. Yang Ping opened the way in front. Whether it was a beast or a cannibal plant, he felt Yang Ping\'s strong breath and was scared to move immediately.

There was a burning trace in front of me, and three bodies were lying on the ground.

They are in the Yasheng realm, but they died miserably. Their heads are different. The Yasheng realm is in the capital. It can be regarded as the patriarch level of a third rate family. However, in the heavenly tomb, any beast may be in the Yasheng realm, and its attack power may be more powerful.

If the heavenly tomb was created by an individual, it would be terrible.

Yang Ping looked at the three bodies and found that the wound on his neck was a neat and uniform sword mark, indicating that something shot, killed the three people with one move, and cut off his head together. The speed has exceeded the realm of saints.

Like smoke, let out a sigh.

Yang Ping said calmly, "people die for wealth and birds die for food. This is their own choice."

"All living beings are suffering. Do you think there will be such a day?" asked Ruyan.

Yang Ping smiled, shook his head and said, "the sky is not high, and the people\'s heart is the highest. You can spend one or two mortals, but there are thousands of mortals in the world. Everyone has his own consciousness and greed. How can it be measured."

"The sky is not high, the heart is the highest." Ruyan whispered, then his eyes brightened and appreciated, "I didn\'t expect you to understand this layer. Maybe I understand why I pay so much attention to you."

Yang Ping smiled, looked like smoke and said, "in fact, you already knew me and followed me. What\'s the purpose?"

Ruyan shrugged and said, "I don\'t know. If I just came to enjoy the scenery and happened to meet you, don\'t you believe it?"

Yang Ping shook his head and said firmly, "I don\'t believe it."

Ruyan said wrongfully, "that\'s a pity."

"But I don\'t think you should be my enemy." Yang Ping sighed and said helplessly, "if there is an enemy like you in Tianmu, I will have trouble sleeping and eating. You are very strong and beyond my expectation."

Ruyan said with a smile, "maybe I\'m a very ordinary person."


Yang Ping\'s eyes changed and said seriously, "if you are an ordinary person, I don\'t think anyone in the world can be extraordinary. Don\'t you find that where you stand, even the original force of the second floor space, can\'t enter the range of ten feet around you?"

"Tao can be said, very Tao."

"Your Taoist silk is no weaker than me. Even the original power of the heavenly tomb can\'t affect you. Am I right?"

Just seeing three corpses and chatting about the truth, Yang Ping noticed that Ruyan\'s identity must be one of the most terrible people she has ever seen. She looks harmless to humans and animals and is full of nostalgia for the world. It is this kind of fraternity that makes Yang Ping feel that this person is more invincible than the heart sword of any sword Pavilion, and even more terrible than the little master of the magic door. Maybe only the princess of the demon gate can be compared.

Ruyan reluctantly said, "you are very defensive against me."

"You are also very defensive against me."

Yang Ping returned.

Four eyes are opposite.

Yang Ping didn\'t give in at all. He wanted to see who Ruyan\'s identity was on the second floor. The lower he went, he was close to Zhu Xi. He couldn\'t risk his life.

"If you can go to the 18th floor, I\'ll tell you your identity?"

Ruyan smiled.

Yang Ping frowned, took a deep breath, and was awe inspiring.

From Ruyan\'s mouth, it can be seen that these dangers, including the front floors of the heavenly tomb, may not have any deterrent to Ruyan, indicating that she is ready to take it seriously.

"Who the hell are you?"

Yang Ping said in a deep voice.

Ruyan felt Yang Ping\'s killing, showed a helpless expression, looked playful and cute, and said, "if I don\'t say, are you going to kill me?"


Yang Ping said coldly.

With a sigh, Ruyan said, "Yang Ping, it\'s not that I don\'t say, but that I don\'t say. You will know when you should know, but it must not be now. Don\'t you feel that the tomb spirit of the heavenly tomb has long been staring at you?"

Yang Ping turned pale and lost his voice: "can you also feel the existence of the tomb spirit?"