Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 139

When LV Zhengyang finished, he closed his eyes and waited for the police to arrive. The shareholders looked at each other. Unexpectedly, Mr. LV was so insidious that he not only slapped his face but also wanted to kill them all. They know that Yang Ping is finished. If they enter the police station, they will certainly kill him with LV Zhengyang\'s relationship.

Shen Jie lay on the ground groaning, his mouth full of blood, staring at Yang Ping with resentment.

Yang Ping, who is in the center of attention, is very calm. He holds a cigarette in his mouth and looks at LV Zhengyang with great interest. This guy looks pure and good. He is a cruel and cruel man.

"Boy, you will die miserably!" Shen Jie was very angry and wanted to bite Yang Ping to death. His eyes were full of resentment.

LV Zhengyang opened his eyes and said faintly, "we believe that the police comrades will give you a fair and just treatment. Don\'t deal with the wound first, otherwise there will be no evidence."

Shen Jie was cold when he saw LV Zhengyang\'s calm eyes. Although he was gnashing his teeth in pain, he didn\'t dare to go to the hospital and had to wait for the police to arrive.

Glancing at the old God Yang Ping, LV Zhengyang wondered. According to the truth, Yang Ping would panic after hurting people. Things can be big or small, but if investigated, he might go to jail.


When the door of the conference room opened, LV Zhufu rushed in with two security guards and shouted, "where\'s that bastard?"

When he saw that Yang Ping was still calm in the company and smiled at him mysteriously, Lv\'s anger rushed to the critical line and said angrily, "catch him and I\'ll kill him."

LV Xingfu doesn\'t care about the occasion. He is LV Zhengyang\'s nephew. He acts domineering in the company and doesn\'t look at others except his uncle.

"What\'s the matter?" Lv Zhengyang frowned and asked. When he saw his nephew\'s mouth full of blood, his heart jumped wildly, and his eyes burst out of strong hatred. He dared to beat his beloved nephew like this and offended him.

They felt the killing in LV Zhengyang\'s tone and couldn\'t help but feel cold in their hearts. LV Zhengyang did everything he could. He was known as a jade faced fox in the mall. He calculated everything. Who dares to annoy LV Zhengyang this time.

Seeing his uncle, LV Xun seemed to find a straw to help him. He cried, "uncle, that\'s him." pointing to Yang Ping, he resented, "he hit me..."


LV Zhengyang clenched his fist, his eyes shot two palpitating cold lights, and said in a cold voice, "very good, very good."

All the coldness dissipated and replaced by calm, but everyone knew that this was LV Zhengyang\'s most angry time. The more calm, the more terrible. Alas, it\'s not a good sign that the new major shareholder is too careless and offends LV Zhengyang.

They kept silent and seemed unwilling to participate in the struggle between Zhu Xi and LV Zhengyang.

"Does Lv Dong think I did it right?" Yang Ping smiled and looked at LV Xun. The other party looked at each other. He felt a cold covering his whole body and was scared pale. He hurried to hide behind LV Zhengyang with frightened eyes. "He not only flirted with Zhu Dong, but also wanted to kill me. Such scum should have been cleaned up long ago."

Lu was furious and shouted, "you\'re spitting blood."

LV Zhengyang sneered and hummed, "right and wrong are right and wrong. People say. We all saw you commit murder and hurt people. The police will deal with it impartially when they come. Especially you..."

"You said I presided over justice?" Yang Ping looked surprised, came forward to hold LV Zhengyang\'s hand and said with a smile, "Lv Dong really knows the general."

LV Zhengyang was furious and wanted to pull out his arm, but he found that his body could not move. He struggled until his face turned red and his body trembled. He was about to scold and was interrupted by Yang Ping.

"Don\'t thank me. I\'m just killing pests for my name." Yang Ping said with a smile.

LV Zhengyang wants to vomit blood. I thank your sister. You hurt my nephew and want to make friends. No matter how drunk you say smallpox, I\'ll kill you.

"Dong LV, what do you say? You want to fire him? Isn\'t it too cruel?" Yang Ping suddenly looked at LV Xun and said in surprise.

LV Xingfu was startled and looked at his uncle.

LV Zhengyang was furious and roared in his heart. It was you who I wanted to fire... But I found that my throat seemed to be blocked by something. I couldn\'t say it at all, and my body trembled involuntarily. A breath spewed out of my lower abdomen and then out of my mouth.


LV Zhengyang opened his round eyes and looked at Yang Ping in horror. Other shareholders were even more shocked. This means that LV Zhengyang will promise to fire his nephew.

On the surface, LV Zhengyang shook hands with Yang Ping gratefully. Although his expression was a little bad, it was not very abnormal. When he agreed to fire LV Zhengyang, everyone was shocked.

Lu was foolish and shouted, "uncle, I\'m practicing. Why did you fire me?"


LV Xinxing is upset. If even his uncle doesn\'t stand on his side and wants to stay in China Airlines Group, it\'s basically impossible. His uncle is his backer.

"You scum, even your uncle can\'t see it. Alas, director Lu, taking the overall situation into account, knows that you have embezzled more than 700000 yuan of the company\'s office funds, and decides to kill your relatives." Yang Pinglu shook his head with regret.

LV Zhengyang was shocked and looked at Yang Ping in surprise. How did he know about it. LV Xingfu was even more frightened. Only he and his uncle knew about the corruption of funds by taking advantage of his power. Others were in the dark. How did Yang Ping know?

Fierce, LV looked at his uncle. Was it his uncle who betrayed himself?

Lv\'s face kept changing and seemed to be considering options. In the meeting room, other shareholders looked gloomy and stared at LV Zhuo. Their company could accept the struggle, but could not accept corruption.

"Lv Dong took advantage of everyone\'s presence to say the decision to fire his nephew. He was really dignified and admired." Yang Ping sighed with admiration.

LV Zhengyang looked at Yang Ping fiercely. When did I say to fire my nephew? If the elder sister knew that he would not kill me, he wanted to deny it. However, he couldn\'t speak. That annoying gas came out of his lower abdomen and spewed out of his mouth.


LV Zhengyang was startled. Unfortunately, Zhizhi was unable to say anything else. They didn\'t see it. Yang Ping held LV Zhengyang\'s wrist, clicked his acupoints and controlled his body and vocal cords.

LV Zhengyang stared at his uncle and couldn\'t believe he was betrayed. Yes, the new shareholder is coming. It\'s not impossible for his uncle to buy people\'s hearts and kill their relatives. Everyone knows that LV Zhengyang is cruel and cruel. As a nephew, he remembers clearly that even his wife can sell for the sake of interests.

Since you are unkind, don\'t blame me for my injustice.

A voice appeared in the depths of his heart to retaliate against LV Zhengyang. At the moment when LV pursues the idea, he was almost scared to death. When he saw Yang Ping\'s smiling eyes, his head was shocked, but he felt that the strong impact had defeated the psychological defense line, and his eyes were gradually confused.

LV Zhengyang secretly said that it was bad, and an ominous premonition emerged in his heart.

LV Xun\'s eyes flashed fiercely, leaving Yang Ping\'s hatred behind. Now it\'s a critical moment of life and death, showing a cold smile.

"Yes, I embezzled 79 office funds," Lu said with a grin

As soon as this remark came out, the meeting room fell into absolute silence, and other shareholders were not good at looking, so they considered how to deal with LV Xun. Although they are afraid of LV Zhengyang\'s strength, they will not hesitate to fight back if their own interests are hurt.

"But you also know that you ordered all these things." Lu Xun laughed and looked at LV Zhengyang angrily. He looked excited and didn\'t know why. These words seemed to want to say for a long time. "Don\'t think everyone doesn\'t know. You collude with private equity funds and want to short China Airlines Group. Finally, you copy the bottom and completely control China Airlines."


Everyone was surprised and couldn\'t believe it.

China Airlines Group is their painstaking effort. They won\'t have much sympathy for Shen Huahang\'s death, but they have shares in China Airlines Group. If what LV Xingfu said is true, it... Is a betrayal,

LV Zhengyang was anxious and scolded his nephew for being a fool. Didn\'t you see that I couldn\'t speak? He was very disappointed with his nephew\'s behavior. At the same time, he felt the angry eyes of others and said that it was bad.

It is very secret to short China Airlines Group. In addition to knowing some news from my nephew, I didn\'t expect to break the news in front of many shareholders, and the influence can be called an earthquake.

He wanted to explain and calm everyone\'s emotions, but he couldn\'t speak, so he had to worry.

"Oh, Mr. LV, it\'s wrong to do this. It\'s so insidious to short China Airlines Group." Yang Ping smiled, but his eyes flashed a strange way. I didn\'t expect that Lv\'s pursuit of the waste can surprise people.

LV Zhengyang wanted to scold Yang Ping, but the extremely disgusting smell came again. With a grunt, he spewed out a word that made everyone cold.


LV Zhengyang\'s heart is cold. Other things admit that there is no problem and should be under control. However, if he admits that he betrayed China Airlines Group, he will become everyone\'s sworn enemy.

Feeling the disdain and angry eyes of the people, LV Zhengyang wanted to kill Yang Ping. The bastard held his hand and made him unable to speak. It was too much deception.

"Uncle, if you want to fire me, I don\'t want to do it for a long time!" Lv Xingfu didn\'t know what medicine he took. Every word made LV Xingfu want to die. "In the company, you eat meat, I can\'t even drink soup. 790000. In the end, I got 30000, and all the rest went into your pocket."

"I bear the curse, you get the benefit."

"Grandpa and grandma died early. My mother spent all her money for you to go to college, but unlike you, she\'s a white eyed wolf. My girlfriend in college broke up with me. Don\'t think I don\'t know the reason. He did it because he had an affair with you."

The more they said, the more shocking it was. They didn\'t expect that LV Zhengyang and LV Zhufu had such an excellent story.

Yang Ping was more surprised and sounded with interest. Zhu Xi was still in shock. The situation changed so fast that she couldn\'t respond for a moment. She could only listen to the story.

The story is absolutely wonderful.

LV pursued a look of resentment, gritted his teeth and said, "you robbed my woman and pulled me into the company. I thought you were so guilty. Unexpectedly, you just used me. I do all the shady things, but you are a good man. You have won the favor of many people over the years. I didn\'t do that for you?"

Pointing to Shen Jie, LV smiled and disdained: "his sister was kidnapped. Did you come forward to help solve it?"

Shen Jie\'s body shook and frowned.

Lu Xun smiled and said sarcastically, "you idiot, I told me to do the last kidnapping. You don\'t think there are so many kidnappings in the world. He has to do everything to get your support."

Shen Jie was pale and looked at LV Zhengyang blankly. He had to help LV Zhengyang attack Zhu Xi, just to repay his kindness, but he didn\'t expect the other party\'s wolf ambition.

LV Zhengyang\'s eyes were dull and things exceeded expectations.

No one expected that the board of directors prepared to give Zhu Xi power would become a wonderful righteous killing.

Yang Ping opened LV Zhengyang\'s hand, smiled and winked at Zhu Xi.

LV Zhengyang can speak, but he is speechless.