Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1376

Zhu Xi\'s face became cold. She was trapped in the Optimus column, sometimes frowning and sometimes sighing, because the small space continued to absorb her vitality. When the small space grew to the size of the Optimus column, Zhu Xi\'s death was.

Swallowing Zhu Xi\'s constitution and seizing the right of Tianmu is the plan of a handsome man.

However, as a descendant of Tianmu old man, Zhu Xi has absolute control over Tianmu. Even if he has a special identity, it takes time and opportunity to jump out of the cage. The opening of the heavenly tomb gave him a great opportunity.

"You\'ve said these words many times. There\'s no need to tell me again."

Zhu Xi responded indifferently without panic.

The handsome man sneered and hummed, "it\'s true this time. If you don\'t believe it, I can show you something." with a big hand, a picture appeared in front of him. In the deepest part of the heavenly tomb, a house appeared in front of him. Mu Zihan, Xuanxuan and Sophie looked anxious, but they couldn\'t find a way to leave. But the sky swallowing beast is not among them. I don\'t know where to go.

When Zhu Xi saw Mu Zihan, her pretty face changed greatly and she lost her voice and said, "you\'re mean!"

The handsome man smiled and said, "despicability is my pass. You forget that I am synonymous with despicability. Zhu Xi, give up. I can give you a chance to reunite with Yang Ping."

Zhu Xi bit her lips, eyes with water, almost wanted to promise, but soon recovered her calm and said faintly: "I will resist to the end!"

The handsome man\'s face was gloomy and hummed: "I don\'t know what\'s good or bad. When the tomb opens, it\'s your time to die. I don\'t want face. If it weren\'t for the old thing, I would have broken through and become a world. Do I still need to be trapped in the tomb as a puppet?"

His face was ferocious. The handsome man seemed to have boundless hatred when talking about Tianmu old man. He said in a cold voice: "when I leave here, I will give Tianmu old man a big surprise and let him know that Tianwang is not invincible."

Zhu Xi pretended to be calm and said with a sneer: "just because you are a tomb spirit, you also want to betray your master. I don\'t know where you borrowed your strength, but you don\'t think you can count it in the master\'s realm? You are just a chess piece for the fighting of great powers. When you succeed, you will die."

The handsome man turned pale and uncertain.

He also doubted whether the master of the dark place was using him to Fu Nan heavenly king, but he had no choice. In another hundred years, he would completely disappear, and the heavenly tomb would form a new tomb spirit, which had nothing to do with him. It means that he disappeared completely.

How could the tomb spirit allow himself to disappear, so he prepared for the last fight.

"You can enjoy the treatment here."

The handsome man snorted coldly and turned away.

In the Optimus column, the dark force kept swallowing Zhu Xi\'s vitality. If it was someone else, even the God, who suffered the pain of deprivation in space, he couldn\'t bear it. It is no longer secular pain, but the burning of the spiritual world.

But Zhu Xi carried it and didn\'t beg for mercy.

Its strong willpower is moving.

Zhu Xi clenched her teeth and her forehead was sweating. The tomb spirit urged the power of Tianmu to devour her at all costs. The heavenly tomb claims to be able to bury the tombs of all worlds. As long as time is enough, not to mention Zhu Xi, the heavenly king can also devour it.

"No one will save you!"

The tomb spirit laughed coldly in the space and said, "if it was in the past, maybe someone could fight in, but now... In the era when the heavenly king is not visible, the heavenly tomb is invincible. I am invincible too!"

Zhu Xi said indifferently, "don\'t waste your efforts."

"So strong."

The words of the tomb spirit completely disappeared, but the power swallowed by the Optimus column became stronger. Zhu Xi supported her hard and her head was sleepy. However, she reminded herself that she could not sleep, otherwise everyone who entered the heaven tomb would be finished.

"Yang Ping, don\'t come in!"

Zhu Xi bit Bei\'s teeth and reluctantly resisted by missing Yang Ping. If Yang Ping wants to come in, she will definitely die. No one knows the horror of the heavenly tomb better than her. Tao Zun is strong enough. The Taoist priest was holding an unparalleled artifact. He had no resistance in front of Zhu Xi and almost disappeared. It can be seen that the power of the heavenly tomb, once used, is even more terrible than an artifact.

But in history, only the king of Southern heaven has ever used the heavenly tomb.

Zhu Xi didn\'t know that outside the Optimus column, in the mysterious swallowing space, there was a hole, an 18 storey heavenly tomb, and a palm print penetrated the 18 storey from the first floor. Although it has been repaired over time, there are still traces.

A palm print runs through the heavenly tomb!

What a power!

Zhu Xi regained her mind and continued to fight against the swallowing power of space.

"Yang Ping, don\'t come here!"

The power of the soul radiated out and constantly penetrated the heavenly tomb to warn Yang Ping. Unfortunately, the heavenly tomb is known as burying thousands of boundaries, and the power of the soul cannot leave.


"Zhu Xi!"

Yang Ping woke up with a start from his dream. His head was sweating and his face was ugly. He had a dream. It was a nightmare. I dreamed that Zhu Xi was locked in a mysterious space. She was in great pain and suffered unimaginable pain all the time.

And he heard Zhu Xi\'s call.

"Don\'t come to me!"

This is the only thing Zhu Xi can say, but it is precisely because of this sentence that Yang Ping is more determined to save Zhu Xi.

"You suffer for me. How can I ignore you?"

Yang Ping gritted his teeth.

He lives in a hotel. Since the clinic disappeared as a whole, he almost couldn\'t control the hostility in his body. Fortunately, his cultivation has soared and his strength is better than before. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome for the hostility to break out and be completely possessed.

Take a bath and relax.

Yang Ping sat on the bed, thinking about the nightmare.

The nightmare was so real that he suspected it was a dream. Yang Ping\'s mental strength is strong enough not to be invaded by nightmares unless it is real.

Mysterious space.

Zhu Xi suffered.

Yang Ping clenched his fist, his pupils flashed coldly, and said secretly, "no matter who it is, don\'t let me touch it, I will return all the pain to you thousands of times."

"Sophie is gone. It seems that she can only look for the heavenly tomb by herself. However, no one has mentioned the entrance of the heavenly tomb so far. Everyone is waiting and thinks that following Yang Ping can find the entrance of the heavenly tomb."

Yang Ping thought about the way to enter the heavenly tomb.

Sophie said that entering the heavenly tomb requires a key, and Mu Zihan is the key. The sky swallowing beast should have a deep relationship with the heavenly tomb, but this guy also disappeared. Behind the scenes, a huge palm shrouded him. The black hand controlled everything and forced him into the abyss step by step.

It\'s very uncomfortable, but Yang Ping can\'t find who the other party is.

He thought of a pair of cold eyes in the nightmare, high above, looking down with mockery. Yang Ping doesn\'t like this feeling very much, but he doesn\'t even know who he is. He has an impulse to spit blood on cotton.

"Tianmu, Tianmu, how do you get in?"

Pacing back and forth in the room, at present, the only thing related to the heavenly tomb is the dragon city will. Unfortunately, this guy broke down and directly entered the colorful channel for revenge


Colorful channel!

Yang Ping thought of the colorful passage full of danger. As soon as he gritted his teeth and said in secret, he couldn\'t, so he passed through the passage.