Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1367

The space is not big. It is filled with red candles and altars. Each altar actually keeps bright red blood. Each red candle is in full bloom and burning. The flame of the red candle is not red, but strange green. There is no wind in the space, but the flame of the red candle is shaking and may be extinguished at any time.

Yang Ping stared at the memorial tablet and wanted it.

The space temperature drops instantaneously.

Yang Ping\'s face remained unchanged and said, "come out and save me one by one."

"Hey, young people are so arrogant now that they don\'t know how to be ashamed when they enter the Jedi." the voice came from the flame on the red candle, on which stood a looming figure, making the flame turn strange green, like a ghost fire.

A figure appeared on each red candle, separated by tens of thousands, and no real trace could be found.

"He is the descendant of wujialing. Naturally, he is powerful. We are all local chickens and dogs." a cold voice came from the hole, and then a shadow spread to Yang Ping\'s feet.


The void vibrated, the space fell dust, and a loud sound was deafening. Then the wall above his head pierced, and a thin figure fell to the ground. Where he passed, the soil sank one after another, and even the rocks would melt.

"Wujialing has long disappeared. What descendants do you have? If it was in those years, even if you had something to do with wujialing, we\'d turn around and leave, but today is different from the past. You\'ll die miserably."

The thin figure disdained.

Red candle, shadow, thin monkey.

The strength of these three people is incomparably strong. They are even more terrible than the general Mahatma and even the leader of the hanging temple. Each of them is a giant. The space sends out ripples. They can\'t bear the pressure of the three people, but they can be controlled within a certain range. It can be seen that the three people are stable in the Mahatma realm.

Only the holy places above the second rate can have such a stable realm. Although they are in the middle stage, they are more terrible than the general later stage. Red candle, shadow and thin monkey are good at different fields, but together, they condense a breath of heaven. This is why Tao Chengqi has the confidence to challenge Yang [email protected] ^^$

Unfortunately, they underestimated Yang Ping.

When Yang Ping came back from the surrounding world, he had already formed an invincible trend. He glanced at the three people and said faintly: "just three separate bodies also want to stop me. I don\'t know whether to live or die."

The red candle shouted, "boy, don\'t be too arrogant. The three of us work together, not to mention the saint. Even the great saint will be killed. Go and get a saint. Even if he is powerful, kneel down and lead him to death."

Shadow Jie smiled and said, "why do you talk so much nonsense with him? Just refine it directly. It\'s good to be a saint puppet."

The thin monkey said, "you are all cruel, but I am kind. I\'m going to stew him into a pot of soup. I want to see how the people of wujialing taste?"! $*!

The three did not regard Yang Ping as a threat, and arranged a set of array in space. If Yang Ping wants to rush out, he must surpass the three of them, or it will be in vain. Yang Ping ignored the three people, but looked at the spirit position in the altar, which is where the will of the dragon city lies.

His purpose is to capture Longcheng will.

"Which of you is from incense Valley?"

Yang Ping stared at the spirit tablet and always felt strange. The strength of Longcheng\'s will was not strong, but he had no skills. The real body was very difficult to find. He was known as the immortal body, but he felt a very familiar breath in the space. This breath existed in his mind and was difficult to distinguish for a time.

He didn\'t do it immediately. His mental power had searched the space long ago, but he didn\'t find the whereabouts of Longcheng\'s will. But he is absolutely sure that the will of the dragon city is in the space. Is it hidden by using special skills?

The red candle said coldly, "I\'m from incense burning valley. Why, do you want to beg for mercy?"

Yang Ping said casually, "where are you two?"

Shadow disdained: "you are not qualified to let me report myself."

The thin monkey interrupted, "he\'s a deadly scholar in Tengwang Pavilion. The first one is Taiyuan King Kong in incense valley. As for me, I\'ll just repair one and make some food."

Red candle angrily said, "thin monkey, are you crazy? Why tell him your identity."

The thin monkey said with a smile, "anyway, he\'s a dead man. If you don\'t say it, that\'s it. You both have great power to rely on. I have a hard life and can only run errands in the Jianghu. So when someone dies later, I want the body."

The shadow said in a deep voice: "who doesn\'t know your name of the great saint of Hunyuan? You have the origin of earth attribute, practice to the extreme, and find another way. Where there is earth, you can escape. The great saint of Hunyuan is not blown out."

When the thin monkey saw that they reported his name, his eyes were gloomy. These two people have no good intentions. Considering that after failure, if they find someone, he is the best one to retaliate. But the thought just got up and the thin monkey was shocked.

Why are you still considering the future when you are absolutely sure to kill Yang Ping? Is it redundant.

Yang Ping suddenly said, "I\'m bound to win the will of the dragon city. You three, the burning incense Valley, stay. The other two can go. I don\'t kill innocent people indiscriminately."


The three laughed and looked at Yang Ping ironically.

This young man, I don\'t know where his self-confidence comes from, even overlooking them. If the leader of the super holy land comes over, maybe the three of them completely obey, because they have that strength and status. As for Yang Ping, a dying man is still boasting.


Yang Ping shook his head and said, "in that case, all three of you should stay."

The red candle took the lead. The green candle made a sharp cry, and the sound waves turned into a spiritual hypnosis, trying to control Yang Ping\'s body. It can be said that red candle is good at spiritual attack. His light of red candle, also known as the light of vanity, is an extremely powerful expert in the spiritual cultivation of incense burning valley.

The light of the red candle fell on Yang Ping and turned into strands of bondage and trapped his body. When an expert in the same realm meets the light of red candle, he should also retreat.

The shadow moves at the same time and turns into layers of figures in the space. That\'s the shadow\'s separation technique. Each separation technique makes the opponent unpredictable. There is no dead corner attack at 360 degrees. You can defend indiscriminately, but there will always be a weakness. Shadow attack is to find the last weakness and kill your opponent.

The thin monkey was very direct. He patted his chest and roared up to the sky. A huge ape shadow appeared behind him, as if it could shake the sky and the earth. Hunyuan great sage cultivates the strongest defense of earth attribute, but his strength is also extremely terrible. He cultivates the flesh body. King Kong is not bad. He can kill his opponent without magic.

The thin monkey punched and broke through the void.

Facing the attack of Sanming\'s terrible master, Yang Ping looked as usual and didn\'t feel the slightest pressure. He had an illusion that even the great saint of Sanming seemed to be like that.

Powerful, but too weak.

This is invincible.

No matter how good you are, I have enough confidence to beat you.


The spirit in the center of the altar trembled. Yang Ping smiled and said, "you are here."