Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1364

"I\'m tired."

Yang Ping looked at the frightened three famous saints in the Jianghu. Seeing the frightened expression on their faces, he suddenly gave birth to a sense of sadness. When you are in the Jianghu, you can\'t help yourself. When you are high above, you bully the weak, but you never thought you would be overlooked.

They used to be very powerful. As a great saint and an old great saint expert, they didn\'t know how much blood donation was stained on their hands, which frightened many people. They woke up in the middle of the night, but they became extremely humble because of him.

But there are some things you have to do.

If he doesn\'t do it, Sophie will die.

Looking back at Longcheng, the vast ancient city wall is branded with historical traces. It has remained unchanged for thousands of years and will last forever, because they can live forever without competing with the world. People\'s pursuit of longevity and perfection is the trend of desire, but they still die under desire in the end.


Yang Ping looked at the dying spring thirty Niang. Before that, he still roared and resented, but he looked at him in fear that he would die the next moment. She had no resistance and was slaughtered.

But Yang Ping had no sympathy. When you kill people, you only enjoy the high happiness. Don\'t you think you will die?

The words under the wall are desolate.

Yang Ping naturally wouldn\'t tell these people his inner thoughts, picked up Sophie and stepped into the city wall. Old man Jing looked at the disappeared figure in awe. They breathed a sigh of relief and their backs were cold. They had never been so desperate. They even looked at Yang Ping\'s eyes as if they were looking at God.

Is he really Yang Ping who was killed by the Taoist priest in vain?

The shadowless ghost king didn\'t dare to stay any longer. He slipped away and would never be in Longcheng again. Swear not to provoke Yang Ping all your life. The smile on the fat man\'s face disappeared, replaced by dignified, awed, shook his head, shook his fat body, and left.

Old man Jing looked at the spring thirty Niang lying on the ground. He showed his killing opportunity and wanted to take action, but finally he turned and left. He doesn\'t know whether Yang Ping is watching. If he offends him at this time, the gain is not worth the loss.

Spring thirty Niang got up and looked at the dragon city. She was more and more resentful and dragged her seriously injured body away. Yang Ping\'s kindness did not gain their awakening. Old man Jing and his wife would only fear him, but chunsan Niang hated him even more.

But Yang Ping didn\'t care. As he said, a group of local chickens and dogs.

Young\'s clinic.

After Yang Ping gave her the needle, she activated the wood vitality in her body. Every breath of Sophie\'s body was getting better. When the sunset went down, Sophie could get up and move by herself.

Mu Zihan helped cook. He didn\'t ask much about the mysterious woman brought back by Yang Ping. He cooked chicken soup to make up for her body. Sophie smiled, said thank you, and then looked at her back sitting at the door.

Yang Ping smoked and looked at the sunset, his back mysterious and erratic. Sophie felt unable to understand him at this moment. Yang Ping has changed a lot since he came back. He is no longer the flowery man, but more mature and stable.

"Uncle Yang, it\'s time for dinner."

Xuanxuan came over and pulled Yang Ping\'s sleeve, jokingly said, with big eyes flashing and a smile, and said, "Uncle Yang, will you take me out tonight?"

Yang Ping picked up Xuanxuan and asked with a smile, "what do you want to play?"

Xuanxuan thought for a moment and said, "I\'ve thought about roller coasters."

Mu Zihan was afraid that Xuanxuan would disturb Yang Ping. He hurriedly shouted, "Xuanxuan, come here. Don\'t waste your uncle Yang\'s time. He\'s very busy now. Can we talk about it later?"

Xuanxuan looked disappointed.

"It\'s all right. Will uncle Yang take you to the park in the evening?" Yang Ping stroked Xuanxuan\'s small head and smiled.

Xuanxuan was surprised and said, "really? Uncle Yang can\'t lie to me?"

Yang Ping nodded.

Xuanxuan stretched out her white and tender hand and said, "let\'s not change for a hundred years."

After pulling the hook.

Yang Ping sat on the stool holding Xuanxuan and fed her. The little one sat next to him, looked at a table of delicious food, felt that he had no appetite, and muttered, "these are again. Is there anything I like to eat?"

Mu Zihan said awkwardly, "well... What do you like to eat, aunt, go and buy it tomorrow."

Little bit said a lot of dish names that Mu Zihan didn\'t understand. They were all very precious food. They were priceless in the market, and even the top giants couldn\'t afford it. Mu Zihan was even more embarrassed.

"Don\'t worry about it." Yang Ping didn\'t have a good way. "Do you like to eat or not? This is my home, not yours. If you don\'t want to eat, go to bed."

The little one stared and scolded, "do you have a conscience? I\'m kind enough to help you guard the medical school, but you let me abuse. If it was before, your end would be very sad and motionless?"


Yang Ping asked.

The little one stared at him, but he thought of his miserable situation. He was angry and couldn\'t beat others. He still needed protection. The sky swallowing beast really lost the face of his ancestors. Although angry, he knew how to advance and retreat. The little one hummed, "don\'t beg me next time."

Mu Zihan didn\'t know Xiao Bu Dian\'s identity. He thought he was a child similar to Xuanxuan. He couldn\'t help caring and said, "it\'s all right. Maybe there\'s something you like to eat when aunt goes out to the vegetable market to help you find it. Right?"

Xiaobu directly gave a white eye. If there were Millennium Ganoderma lucidum and Centennial dragon inner pill in the vegetable market, it would have been white in its life.

Yang Ping taught, "how did you treat aunt Mu Zihan? There is no tutor."

Xiao Bu ignited a big fire and gritted his teeth and said, "Yang Ping, I\'m at least the most powerful and noble sky swallowing beast. You should neglect me. You know that other parallel dimensions have to kneel down when they see me. You give you face because you appreciate you. If you\'re insulting me, believe it or not, I\'ll kill you."

Mu Zihan opened his mouth.

Xuanxuan blinked curious eyes.

The younger one is three or four years old, but he speaks in an old age, which is completely beyond expectation. If he doesn\'t look at his age, he is at least an old rogue. He speaks in a rogue and uncomfortable way, but he has a lovely baby face, which really makes people unable to be angry, but he is distressed.

Mu Zihan hugged Xiaobu and said: "was it too miserable at home when you were a child, so you became like this. Don\'t worry, there will be an aunt in the future. Like Xuanxuan, the aunt will treat you as her own daughter."

The little one whined and wanted to protest. But mu Zihan\'s love overflowed, but he didn\'t let go and begged to look at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping patted his head and shook his head. Mu Zihan is too childish. If others hold the sky swallowing beast in their arms, it is estimated that it will be eaten in the next second. Sophie kept staring at the little one and always thought she had seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, Sophie remembered something, pointed to the little one, and her face was very shocked.

Yang Ping shook her head and motioned Sophie not to talk.

Swallowing beast!

Sophie was shocked. She thought she was joking, but now she wants to come. The breath released from the other party scares her. Isn\'t it the terrible breath she felt in the heavenly tomb?

How did this happen?

In the dark, a giant star beast bigger than the void was entrenched. With one mouth, the whole sky was swallowed up, and no one could escape his phagocytosis. Even the Heavenly Master has no resistance in front of the beast swallowing heaven.

Is this the sky swallowing beast that everyone feared in those days?

But why are you with Yang Ping?

Sophie\'s mind turned and she felt confused.