Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1362

Spring thirty Niang, old mirror, fat man and shadowless ghost King were born 20 years ago. These four people are famous experts. Although they are not as bright as those amazing talents, they occupy a place. Now they are back in the Jianghu and shocking.

The appearance of the four of them at the city gate made others afraid to appear.

Of course, some people choose to wait and see.

The key to the heavenly tomb set off a greedy frenzy on Sophie.

Seeing that Sophie who was chasing and killing hundreds of miles was to be divided, chun30 Niang was very upset and said, "if you three leave, how about my chun30 Niang owes you?"

Old man Jing smiled and said, "if you leave, I owe you a favor. How about it?"

Spring thirty Niang frowned and felt that old man Jing was extremely annoying. But there\'s nothing we can do. We can\'t escape if we fight. As for fat people laughing and chanting, it seems that it has nothing to do with themselves, but people who know him know that the happier they laugh, the heavier the killing. The shadowless ghost king is the deputy leader of the ghost mountain villa. The ghost mountain villa is a gathering place for killers. Ghosts at home and abroad will be worried when they see the shadowless ghost king. They will also call martial uncle. The most powerful thing about the shadowless ghost king is his assassination strength. He cultivates a set of ghost King lurking skills and can kill his opponent silently. He is the most frightening master among the four.

Sophie sighed in her heart.

The four giants appear. As for whether there are others, it is estimated that they dare not come out. Sophie couldn\'t help looking into the city and whispered. She didn\'t know if he felt it. This time she could only pray that Yang Ping could appear in time. But after sweeping the big four, I can\'t help feeling disappointed. No matter how powerful Yang Ping is, can he deal with the big four and the experts hidden in the dark at the same time?

It\'s hard to estimate.

Sophie has confidence in Yang Ping, but it is also limited.

"Continuing to hide may be the best way. He needs to bear it in order to be surprised in the heavenly tomb. If he sets up an enemy outside and exposes his strength, he probably won\'t do it himself."

Sophie smiled bitterly at the thought.

"Sister, if no one comes to save you, give me something and I\'ll protect you." the fat man smiled at Sophie, waved and said, "come here quickly and I\'ll protect you."

Spring thirty Niang sneered and said, "don\'t lie. You\'re so naughty. Who doesn\'t know. You\'re the most insidious of the four of us. You still want to cheat children."

"Yes, it\'s better to follow me. My mirror has the characteristic of unlimited defense. Even if they attack together, they can\'t break it for a while. So you follow me to ensure safety." the old mirror seduced.

The shadowless ghost king didn\'t speak. He stood beside him silently. The shadow on the ground was long and blurred.

Spring thirty Niang looked at the time slowly passing, but she still didn\'t get what she wanted. She moved in her heart and said, "why don\'t we get it first, and then decide who gets it. Otherwise, others will stare, and the mantis will catch the cicada and the Yellow finch will be behind."

The other three felt reasonable.

"This can be."

Old man Jing looked at Sophie and said, "take out your things, or when I catch you, your life will be worse than death. Now I give you a chance to live. Don\'t you know how to be grateful?"

Sophie gritted her teeth and insisted stubbornly.

She believes in miracles.

The four shook their heads, not because they felt sorry for Sophie, but because they thought things were troublesome. Sophie is nothing but a mole ant in their eyes. The key is how to get the key to the heavenly tomb under the eyes of others.

Sophie didn\'t know what the four thought, but she could only continue to wait for the opportunity.

"Or kill her first?"

The fat man smiled and couldn\'t help reminding him: "ghost king, you\'re good at ghost steps. It\'s no problem to do that."

"I agree."

The mirror old man smiled.

They recommended the shadowless ghost king to fight. One was that he could solve the problem quickly, and the other was that even if the shadowless ghost king got something, the three of them had enough confidence to grab it. The shadowless ghost king is good at assassination. The frontal fight is a little weaker than the three.

The shadowless ghost King snorted coldly, his body flashed and jumped at Sophie.

Sophie felt countless winds blowing and her back was cold. She knew that it was difficult for her to fly in the field of the shadowless ghost king. Even in her heyday, it was difficult to dodge. The three great saints of the spring thirty Niang stand in one direction and form a triangle to prevent the shadowless ghost king from escaping.

The shadowless ghost king didn\'t know what they were going to do. He sneered to himself. Three idiots tried to stop me. Compared with hard power, he may be a little worse, but compared with running away, the three are not his opponents.

Seeing Sophie in front of him, she died in his hand. There was no sorrow or joy on the ghost King\'s face.

Sophie couldn\'t escape. She had to wait to die. She regretted that she was almost right after all. She didn\'t blame Yang Ping. No one could be an enemy of the four saints for her at the same time. This is an extremely foolish move.

The atmosphere is highly solidified.

A lot of eyes look here, ready to move.

The shadowless ghost King\'s eyes were cold, and his palm became a knife. He split into Sophie\'s head. With one blow, Sophie might not be able to live. Spring thirty Niang squints and is ready to rob at any time. The peach blossom field behind him opened, as if a peach mountain appeared. The fat man rubbed his greasy palm with a black light. The mirror mark in the middle of the old man\'s eyebrows flickered.

Sophie closed her eyes, put her hand into her arms, held the warm key and said secretly that her luck was bad. It seemed that she could not enter the heavenly tomb. Her pupils show infinite nostalgia and nostalgia for the world of mortals, but more regret.

"Now look who can save you!"

Spring thirty Niang hated Sophie most. Thinking of that old woman, she moved a strong killing opportunity. Seeing that Sophie was about to die, she couldn\'t help getting excited.

"Every man is innocent and bears his sin."

Old man Jing is still indifferent. As for Sophie\'s life and death, it has nothing to do with him. He only cares about the ownership of the Tianmu key. The fat man narrowed his small eyes and smiled like a wolf in the night. The move of the shadowless ghost King means the withering of Sophie.

But just when they felt that the overall situation had been decided and were ready to rob at any time, a streamer shot out of the gate and hit the ghost King\'s wrist. With a slap, the shadowless ghost King groaned, shook his arm and body, fell to the ground, and then looked at the gate.

Spring thirty Niang and the other two masters stared at the visitor at the same time.

Sophie didn\'t see death coming for a long time. Instead, she heard the painful cry of the shadowless ghost king. She couldn\'t help opening her eyes. She saw a man standing aloof, calm, and relieved that she hadn\'t seen him for a long time.

"You\'re here at last."

Sophie gasped and said bitterly.

"Of course I\'m coming."

He went to the crowd and said with a smile, "if there is no problem, I want to take someone away."

Spring thirty Niang angrily shouted, "boy, what are you? Get away quickly if you know the truth, or you will be killed together."

"Of course I\'m nothing. I\'ll be very unhappy if you embarrass my friends." the visitor shrugged with an innocent face.

Spring thirty Niang laughed and said in a cold voice, "since you want to die, I\'ll help you."

She hit the peach mountain as if she had moved a peach mountain. If you go down again, you will be crushed to pieces. When the peach mountain fell, even the other three people couldn\'t help turning pale and were secretly shocked. If you are facing this move, it is estimated that you should avoid it first.

And the visitor looked at it calmly.

Raise your hand.

Slap it out.


The clear sound echoed in the air. The spring thirty Niang screamed, flew sideways, and then was seriously injured.

The whole city was quiet.

Bared his teeth and smiled, "I\'m sorry I\'m late."