Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1358

How could the red sun Dharma King surrender to Yang Ping? No matter in terms of seniority or strength, he was not weaker than his opponent. He felt that Yang Ping was talking big and disdained to say: "Today\'s young people expand when they have some skills. When I entered China with the leader, I saw too many talents, and I don\'t know how many fell. Now the Chinese talents wither. Apart from the powerful points in the holy land, nothing else is worth mentioning. What qualifications do you have for me to surrender?"

If other people were present, they would be shocked. A hundred years ago, when the tantric sect invaded China, the leader of the tantric sect was invincible with 3000 disciples. The red sun Dharma king was one of the 3000 disciples. Although he was not the top, he was definitely ranked top. Where to take Yang Ping seriously, even Mr. Hong of the military despised him.

See the mountains, see the earth hills, but so.

See the sea, see the stream, it\'s not worth mentioning.

The red sun Dharma King moved the real fire, his essence, Qi and spirit suddenly changed, emitting a breath of the sky on the big day, the surrounding temperature suddenly increased, and the chaotic impact of air particles produced terrible energy, which almost tore the void.

He stood in it, like the Tathagata of the sun, and the realm began to rise to a terrible level. From the middle realm of the great saint to the limit of the great saint, he was only one step away from the imprisonment of the Heavenly Lord.

Red rays of light burst from the chakras in his body, and a big sun hung over his head. He had no sorrow, no joy and compassion for heaven and man. This is the real strength of the red sun Dharma king, and there are many hidden battles with Mr. Hong.

Yang Ping\'s words deeply stimulated him. How can the dignity of the Dharma king be defiled by mortals.

The red sun Dharma King struck in the air like a Buddha coming, and the void wriggled. A fiery red palm appeared on the top of his head out of thin air, and then fell indifferently and ruthlessly. The palm did not arrive, but the surrounding void was crushed by the palm, and the terrible void cracks turned into extremely ferocious evil ghosts, screaming beside him.

Even the void can be shattered.

Not to mention the human body.

Yang Ping seems to have no feeling. His reaction is a beat slower than the attack. This beat is enough to distinguish life and death when the master decides.

Big sun god palm!

The red sun Dharma King\'s palm fell, shrouded the area, shattered the void and blocked the way back. His eyes burst out cold killing opportunities. When he saw Yang Ping stunned, he thought he was frightened by him and sneered at him. He thought you were so powerful. That\'s all. It\'s just a rumor that he didn\'t die when attacked by the Taoist priest. It\'s just a rumor to resist magic.

It\'s sad that Chinese people are arrogant and can\'t change for a hundred years.

The red sun Dharma King couldn\'t help being excited when he saw Yang Ping submerged in the palm of the great sun god. Although he showed his full strength, he still felt proud. You know, Yang Ping\'s name is not small. After killing him, his reputation is enough to revive the Jianghu.


The red sun Dharma king stood with his hands down, shook his head and said, "it\'s too weak."

The sky was covered with dust.

There is a palm print in the place where Yang Ping is located, which is several meters deep, the edge is cracked, and the gravel slides. How do you think, Yang Ping will die.

In the red sun, the Dharma king was about to turn around, and his face looked ugly.

Yang Ping stood steadily in front of him, just three meters away, but he didn\'t notice it. The red sun Dharma King hurried back and stared at his opponent with suspicion. He saw the attack just now clearly. Yang Ping was suppressed by the palm of the great sun god. Why was he safe?

What the hell?

The red sun Dharma king said in a deep voice, "you can avoid my big sun god\'s palm, which shows that you have strong escape ability, but you are really far from me. My way is that you can\'t hit thousands of miles, and no one can kill me!"

"But your luck will not be so good next." the red sun Dharma king showed his killing thoughts and said something in his mouth.


Six word truth!

The red sun Dharma king didn\'t want to have a long dream. He used the six character mantra to kill Yang Ping. The six character mantra is a unique skill of the secret school and has the power of heaven. In those days, the first leader spread the six character mantra and beat all the invincible hands in the world. Even if all the experts in the Central Plains shot, it was still suppressed.

The red sun Dharma King\'s understanding of the six character mantra is better than his younger martial brother. He doesn\'t know how strong and arrogant he is. He reaches the extreme of MoO\'s understanding. He spits out a mantra, as if to summon reincarnation and let death come. Black runes penetrate through the void and attach to him. Yang Ping has nothing to do and looks calm.

"See how you resist!"

The red sun Dharma King smiled grimly and said in a cold voice, "it doesn\'t mean you\'re so lucky this time!"

"Big sun god palm second move!"

The six character mantra trapped Yang Ping, the palm of the Great Sun God fell, and the red sun Dharma King started to kill. I don\'t know how many opponents he killed and achieved his current position. Although he was in a bad mood when he first entered the Dragon City, it didn\'t hinder his determination to kill Yang Ping.

This time, Yang Ping must die.

A sigh came out of his mouth when the sun god\'s palm fell. Yang Ping shook his head and said, "I hate killing, but I have to kill. I\'m kind enough, but you want to die."

The red sun Dharma King\'s face was ugly and shouted, "you\'re not ashamed. It depends on how you die."

The six character mantra was bound, and a black light broke out. Yang Ping\'s shoulders shook. The mantra was bound to the critical point, and then crushed by an invincible force. The mantra bound Huacheng\'s petals withered in the air. At this time, the big sun god palm came to the top of his head. Yang Ping pointed in the air, and the big sun god palm was like cotton, pierced by the golden light, and then invisible.

Step by step.

Yang Ping came to the red sun Dharma king, grabbed his neck and said calmly, "No."


The red sun Dharma King stared and his pupils were full of incredible. He could not dream that he would die in Longcheng and Yang Ping, and he was still so easy to be killed.

Yang Ping twisted off the neck of the red sun Dharma king. His palm was golden and shrouded his whole body. The power in the red sun Dharma king kept pouring in. Soon, he turned into smoke and dispersed in the air. Yang Ping absorbed all his strength and shook his head and left.

The red sun Dharma King guessed the beginning, but could not guess the end.

He was strangled in the long street before he even had time to hit him. His body turned into air. He didn\'t attract much attention when he came to Longcheng and didn\'t notice when he died. He seemed to be a wisp of air coming from the north and going south.

No matter how powerful a man is, he is only a yellow earth after death.

Yang Ping killed the red sun Dharma king. His face was neither sad nor happy. He hated fighting and killing more. But every time he wanted a quiet life, someone always bumped into him. Don\'t they realize the value of life until they die?

"I just want to bring Zhu Xi out of the heavenly tomb. Why do you force each other?" Yang Ping sighed.

Back to the hospital.

Mu Zihan woke up and sat on the sofa with Xuanxuan. Xiaobit\'s red face said unhappy, because Mu Zihan tried to make her obedient by teasing children. It\'s unreasonable that the magnificent sky swallowing beast is treated as a child, which simply defiles the dignity of the highest level of life in the universe. If Mu Zihan hadn\'t been Yang Ping\'s friend, he would have swallowed her with his mouth.

"Where are the people?"

When Yang Ping walked into the clinic, all three of them focused on him. Mu Zihan smiled happily, while Xuanxuan asked for a bag, which was even more exaggerated, shouting that she wanted to kill him.

"She\'s still in the room, but she\'s awake. She doesn\'t want to eat."

Yang Ping saved the king and put him in the clinic. After killing the red sun Dharma king, he hurried back for fear that the clinic would be attacked.

"I\'ll have a look."

Yang Ping went up to the second floor and saw Wang sitting by the bed in a daze.