Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1303

Today, there are few people who dare to ignore the majesty of the devil king, despise the teaching of the devil door teacher, and even despise the world. Li Zhi is one of them, because one and two knowledge were too powerful in those years. They are peerless figures who can be called together with Lei Feng. Even decades later, people still remember their legends.

However, the experts on the north peak did not take Li zhishou seriously at all. The voice echoed in the mountain, so that the experts watching the battle could hear it clearly and were all in an uproar. They looked at the north peak one after another. They could only find no trace of the voice owner except the clouds and cold wind. He came from the void, integrated into the void and became invisible.

Li zhishou, a legend of the magic gate, had never thought he had been hiding in Peach Blossom Island. As a teacher of the demon king, he was destroyed by humanity and his face was calm. But others did not think so. Looking at the rickety old man in Beifeng, they were shocked.

On the West Peak, the flower is the medium, stunned, the body trembles violently, showing an incredible color. He knew that there was a mysterious old man on Taohua island. He didn\'t expect it to be the grandmaster. Although in that era, when one was overwhelmed, the magic gate could still become one of the three holy places, relying on the personal strength of Li zhishou.

Few people can realize that there are few experts who can shine in that era, and fewer people can stand at the top of the world. However, Li zhishou is the most dazzling one. Even if Lei Feng dominates the world and achieves invincible achievements, Li zhishou still has a place.

The real body of the heavenly king did not show, and the two teachers and disciples could not come. However, Li zhishou still stayed in China, which was enough to look up to heaven and earth.

The demon king heard that the people of Beifeng despised him. With a cold hum, he disappeared from his place and appeared in Beifeng. He said, "Hua is not talented. Although he has not made a mentor\'s achievement, he is also a number one person. You despise me. Let me see your ability. What qualifications do you have to despise me."

Li zhishou smiled and didn\'t speak.

A long sigh.

A figure appeared on the north peak, vaguely like fog and clouds, and then slowly became clear. It turned into a handsome man with a folding fan in his hand. He was wearing a green shirt and shaking the folding fan. He had the temperament of a romantic and elegant scholar. His star eyes were bright, and the devil\'s unhappy expression was reflected in his pupils. He said, "Li zhishou, is this your apprentice? He was very angry."

Li zhishou said with a smile, "exactly."

The handsome young man nodded, shook his head and said, "it\'s just ordinary."

The devil\'s eyes flashed and said coldly, "you make me unhappy."

The handsome young man looked at the demon king with a smile and said, "if you don\'t use the power of the sword of the underworld, do you believe my three moves can defeat you?"

The devil was very angry, but he soon recovered his calm and said faintly, "it\'s useless to say more."

"Heaven devil fist!"

The demon king made a move to gather the power of the demons in the sky. Behind him, it seemed as if there was a magic map of heaven, and countless dark stars appeared. The spirit of sacrifice appeared on the stars, constantly pouring into the body and gathering on the fist.

As soon as the fist opens, the heavens are at your feet.

So Tianmo boxing came and fell on the head of the handsome young man. Between breathing, no one had reaction time, because Tianmo boxing attacked not the body, but the heart, but the soul.

The soul bears the heaven devil fist, and there are no five people in the world.

Li zhishou looked at him quietly and didn\'t plan to shoot, but his eyes looked at the handsome man and was ready to shoot at any time. If he looked carefully, it wasn\'t because Tianmo Shenquan was too terrible and would kill his opponent. It seemed that he was worried that his opponent would accidentally kill the demon king.

If you know the teacher\'s mind, you may spit blood. Tianmo Shenquan is one of his most terrible unique skills.

Holy fist.

Broken heart.

This move is many times stronger than the heart sword invincible of the genius sword heart of the sword Pavilion. If the heart sword invincible is just a babe learning words, then Tianmo Shenquan is a peerless master who has trained martial arts. The two are not at the same level at all.

The people in the fist know that it\'s terrible, and the people outside the fist don\'t notice it.

But fists come and go quickly.

One punch and disappeared.

The devil\'s pupil contracted and fell to the ground. Instead of continuing to attack, he worshipped the handsome young man and said, "I\'ve seen you, master."

The handsome young man smiled, but did not continue to despise the devil. He stood with his hands down, looked at Nanfeng and Dongfeng and said, "I don\'t know if those two will appear?"

Li zhishou said, "probably come back."

The handsome young man shook his head and said, "I\'m sure I\'ll come. This is a good opportunity to choose disciples. If Taoist Zun defeats Yang Ping, it\'s estimated that the yuan world will have an earthquake. What a good seedling. Who doesn\'t want to monopolize it."

When Li zhishou heard the yuan world, his eyes twinkled and said with a smile, "it seems that you haven\'t been very good in the yuan world. If you can\'t, you can come back here. At least you can respect, not weaker than me."

The handsome young man laughed, shook his head and said, "forget it. You had no choice but to come back from the yuan world and didn\'t really experience the beauty of the yuan world. Believe me, if you stayed in the yuan world for more than three months, you wouldn\'t say that. The aura of the yuan world is 100 times that of here, and you can see the direction of progress. It\'s almost a dead end here."

Li zhishou was indifferent.

The demon king was shocked and looked at the handsome young man inconceivably. He couldn\'t imagine the origin of each other. He has tried to think highly of the status of handsome young people, comparable to the level of teachers, but now it seems that the other party may have a bigger background.

Yuan Jie, where is it?

Why have you never heard the teacher mention it?

It sounds like the teacher has been to the yuan world, but he has to come back here. What happened that year?

Too many questions came to his mind. The demon king looked at his unfathomable teacher and saw the superfluous emotion in his eyes for the first time. It was a feeling of nostalgia, exclamation and sadness.

"However, when I look at you, your strength has not retreated, but has become more and more powerful. I can\'t see through you now. Powerful, it\'s really powerful. I thought that there was no one in the universe other than Lei Feng who could be invincible in the world of mortals. I didn\'t expect you to not only follow his path, but also find another way."

The handsome young man sighed.

Li zhishou shook his head and looked at the center. Even at the decisive battle, he whispered, "people think invincible is the most difficult, but no one knows that the most difficult thing is self. I\'m not as good as Lei Feng. He does better than me."

"Nonsense, there are several wives. You are devoted to practicing Taoism. If I were your wife, I would get rid of you, but you have a good daughter." the handsome young man laughed and scolded.

The devil was even more shocked.

When did the teacher have a daughter? Why never heard of it?

The demon king felt that the teacher was mysterious and great.

"Here we are."

The handsome young man looked at the center and suddenly said.

The demon king looked up, surprised in his heart, and then showed a dignified man. Dimly, one person appears at the top of the mountain like a big day in the sky. His temperament affects the surrounding magnetic field, as if the whole Mengshan is mixed around him. He is the center of Mengshan. No, he is not only the center of Mengshan, but also the center of mountains and rivers.

Very strong.

For the first time, the demon king saw the powerful spirit revealed by Taoist Zun. Although it was not directly released, everyone noticed that countless people at the foot of the mountain were watching the war, all of them took a breath of air conditioning, their hearts were greatly impacted, and an invincible seed appeared.

Tao Zun is invincible in their hearts.

How can such a person overcome?

The demon king\'s face was dignified, the flower was the medium, his expression varied, and he was amazed. The Tianting scholar on the West Peak had closed his eyes and entered the country. Suddenly he opened his eyes and burst into ejaculation. He said softly, "he went further. I don\'t know if Yang Ping has a chance to survive."

If Yang Ping could escape from Taoist Zun before, but Taoist Zun went further, could he still live?

This is almost everyone\'s idea.

And now, what about Yang Ping?