Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1282

Did I let you go?

Jianxin feels that he has given Yang Ping face. Although Yang Ping shows great strength, as the top demon genius in the Jianghu, only a few people can compare with him. His pupils twinkle with cold eyes and look at Yang Ping.

"What else do you want?"

The heart of the sword whispered.

No one has ever dared to speak to him like this. Knowing that he has given in, he has to press step by step. Even some old monsters have to give him face and face the sword Pavilion.

Yang Ping said, "he defiled my woman with his tongue. What do you say?"

Jianxin smiled angrily and hummed, "he is dead now. Do you want to kill me?"

Yang Ping, carrying his hands like a pine in the wind and rain, faced the sky and said indifferently, "I said that any woman who insults me will die. But you shouldn\'t come forward. I hate people who don\'t distinguish right from wrong."

Jian Xin\'s face was blue and black. He held it tightly. It was obvious that he was on the edge of explosion. But soon, he turned around, his eyes were indifferent, and his state of mind recovered in an instant.

Yang Ping nodded secretly. This son can make a great reputation in the Jianghu. His mental cultivation is really strong. If he was himself in the past, he might be afraid of three points, but now... With a smile, Yang Ping said casually: "leave your heart sword and you can leave."

The heart of the sword is furious. Rao has good psychological quality, but the heart sword is his life weapon. He is not afraid of bullets and power. He relies on a heart sword. The heart sword is invincible, the heart of the sword is clear, and the unity of man and sword is achieved.

No one in the world dares to let him leave his heart sword so presumptuously. Doesn\'t Yang Ping think he can compare with the leaders of the three super holy places such as Cihang Jingzhai?

Ha ha, with a cold smile.

The sword heart said in a cold voice, "you deceive people too much. I want you to fight with the Taoist priest and live a narrow life before you are free. Don\'t think I\'m afraid of you."

Yang Ping is destined to make an example of others. One Li niansheng is not enough, but also a sword heart. If everyone wants to harass and despise themselves, how to live in three days is very annoying. The heart of the sword is the best touchstone.

"You don\'t want to say it a second time."

Yang Ping said indifferently.


The heart of the sword laughed wildly and said in a cold voice, "the heart sword you want depends on whether you have the ability to take it. Don\'t think you can be arrogant when you are promoted to a saint. There are people outside of people, and there are days outside of heaven."

"Boast that I\'m not as good as you." Yang Ping said calmly.


The sword\'s heart gave a loud cry, which caused the storm and thunder, made the strong people around look here quickly, and finally found something shocking. Before Li Nian was born to be provocative, many people had been secretly observing and wanted to see Yang Ping\'s jokes. Li niansheng is a disciple of Jiange and the younger martial brother of Jianxin. He has a high status and can run amok in the Jianghu. If Yang Ping wants to deal with Li niansheng, he must estimate the strength of Jianxin and Jiange. Unexpectedly, Yang Ping trampled Li niansheng to death and overbearing let the heart of the sword leave the heart sword, which is equal to chiguoguo\'s face. Jianxin certainly won\'t agree.

A war is imminent.

The spectators around took a breath of air conditioning and couldn\'t help getting restless.

The sword heart duel between the genius of a generation of peerless demons and the recently famous Yang Ping will inevitably lead to a battle between dragons and tigers. I didn\'t expect that there would be a good play to see before Yang Ping\'s decisive battle with daozun died.

Riverside Pavilion.

A group of experts from the Jianghu looked here and discussed who was higher and who was lower.

One of the elders shook his head and said, "Yang Ping has to face daozun in three days, but it\'s too irrational to dare to provoke Jianxin now. Jianxin has rarely shot in recent years, but his strength is unpredictable. He became a saint at the age of 19 and sealed the sword. Up to now, no one knows how good his swordsmanship is. Once he comes out of the sword, he will break the sky and cut the sky in half."

The speaker is a famous expert in the Jianghu. He comes from Jiuxiang sect. Jiuxiang sect was a big sect in the capital. After decades of precipitation, it has become more and more thick. There are many experts in the sect. The old man is the deputy head of Jiuxiang sect, Bing Lao.

"Binglao, who do you think will win this victory?" a young man couldn\'t help but wonder. Others looked at binglao eagerly. The people present were binglao with the highest generation and the strongest strength, reaching the realm of Asia saint.

"Well..." old Bing pondered, and laughed when the people were impatient, "In my opinion, the sword heart should be stronger. Yang Ping grew up in Longcheng and is said to be the descendant of the immortal medical sect. However, the immortal medical sect was not the opponent of the sword Pavilion in its heyday. Moreover, the immortal medical sect is gone. The resources obtained by the sword heart are far better than Yang Ping, and the time when the sword heart became holy is far better than Yang Ping, so I think the sword heart may solve Yang Ping within 100 moves."

"Oh, that\'s a pity. Yang Ping has to fight with Taoist Zun. I\'m looking forward to seeing Taoist Zun fight." the young man regretted.

Old Bing smiled and disdained: "although Yang Ping is very strong, he is not at the same level as Taoist Zun at all. You don\'t know the strength of Taoist Zun. According to the sect leader, Taoist Zun has reached the acme of human beings. He can move mountains and fill the sea with his hands and feet, which is a great existence beyond mortals. Saints are like mole ants in front of Taoist Zun."

Everyone took a breath.

I didn\'t expect that old Bing had such a high evaluation of Taoist Zun. They usually didn\'t have the concept of heavenly Zun and didn\'t know how powerful the heavenly Zun was. But after listening to old Bing, they knew the horror of Taoist Zun and mourned for Yang Ping.

Old Bing shook his head and said, "if Yang Ping doesn\'t challenge Taoist Zun, he may be able to compete with him in 20 or 30 years, but now... It\'s not at the same level at all. But it\'s also right. He knows that he is not the opponent of Taoist Zun, and he can also know the heart of the sword before."

The crowd nodded.

It seems to them that Yang Ping is overestimating his strength. It is foolish to challenge Tao. Now he is dueling with the heart of the sword. He is digging his own grave.

A kilometer away.

In the Regal villa.

The two masters from the Holy Land looked at the Bank of the Luoshui river. When they reached their realm, they could see clearly one kilometer apart. They felt the two peerless breath filled the air and couldn\'t help but be shocked.

A middle-aged man in a Zhongshan suit has a cold face and a breath like a dragon. One of them is the mountain uncle of the demon sect.

"Shanbo, it\'s interesting for Yang Ping to fight with Jianxin." the middle-aged man smiled and sighed, "Yang Ping is too arrogant. Jianxin is the same as a young lady in the Jianghu, and his strength must be higher than him. Instead of asking for help, Yang Ping provokes Jianxin. Young people are too confident."

Shanbo thought of the momentum of the outbreak of the treasure Pavilion. He was awe inspiring. He didn\'t agree with the views of the middle-aged people. He shook his head and said, "you don\'t understand the horror of Yang Ping. At that time, he looked at Taoist Zun and I happened to be present. Yang Ping\'s strength was immeasurable and not weaker than Taoist Zun."

The middle-aged man turned pale and exclaimed, "how is it possible?"

Although he had never seen Taoist Zun, he was very clear that the level of Taoist Zun was terrible. The sage was basically a local chicken and tile dog in front of the heavenly Zun. Only when he was as strong as the princess of the magic gate could he resist, but he could only escape and it was almost impossible to defeat him.

"Here we go."

Shanbo still wanted to speak. Suddenly, his face looked at the Bank of Luoshui river.

The heart of the sword is coming.