Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1270

Taoist Zun looked at Yang Ping with cold eyes. He had warned before and issued an ultimatum, but Yang Ping wasted his last chance and had to die. Taoist Zun always keeps his word and does what he says. He won\'t let him go.

The handsome man looked at Yang Ping with great interest and didn\'t kill him, but when he looked carefully, there was a disillusionment of life and death in the smiling pupils, just like the indifference of the sky.

The young and beautiful girl smiled and glowed with a strong smell of wood attributes, as if her arrival could awaken the sleeping spring. The strength of wood attribute reaches the extreme. She is a spirit body with wood attribute. It is said that the spirit body with wood attribute is the most difficult to cultivate. She can cultivate to the middle of the sage, and is definitely a genius.

On the other hand, Yang Ping is the weakest of the three. He lost the shelter of the dragon city and immediately exposed himself to the attack. Under normal circumstances, he will die.

"I warned you, but you killed yourself."

The Taoist priest stepped forward and said with a cold smile, "you are as stubborn as your master. You don\'t hit the south wall and don\'t look back. It\'s a pity that you don\'t have a chance to grow."

"He\'s mine." the handsome man followed him and said with a smile, "I came to this world and didn\'t kill anyone. You can\'t rob me."

The young girl yawned, shook her schoolbag, shook her little head and said, "you two grab it. I don\'t need to do it anyway. But if you can\'t kill him with one move, it should be my turn."

The three of them fought for me, but they didn\'t look at Yang Ping at all.

you bet.

The three have proud capital and terrible strength.

Yang Ping\'s face was expressionless. He sensed from his breath that any of the three people in front of him was a peerless enemy. He took out one at random and swept the dragon city. It was an invincible existence. And three people work together, it\'s hard to imagine that such people exist in the world?

But he is fearless and has an invincible heart.

The three did not regard him as an opponent and a turtle in a jar, which should be so, because they were strong enough, their realm was far better than Yang Ping, and everyone\'s identity was terrible.


Tao Zun took the lead. He slapped Yang Ping and was too lazy to talk nonsense to others.


The reason why Taoist Zun is called Taoist Zun is that it has a fate with the Tao. One move is in one form, carries the charm of the Tao, and has extremely strong attack power. With one punch, the sky darkened and startled the will of Longcheng. It seemed that this was not a human fist, but an attack by the way of heaven.

The dark clouds in the sky condensed into a fist, dived down, and burst into amazing flames, just like a fireball.

The Taoist priest inspired the spirits of the heavens and launched a bold attack, showing the style of the Taoist priest. He is worthy of being one of the top people in the world today. Once he took action, he declared Yang Ping\'s death.

The Taoist priest at this moment is invincible.

The handsome man felt the amazing power, narrowed his eyes, and his pupils burst out. He was awe inspiring. If he was himself, what should he do to meet this punch? And how would Yang Ping deal with it? After weighing, he was surprised to find that although he could block it, he would be seriously injured. Of course, this is his own strength, and he has other Maces.

The young and beautiful girl opened her mouth, but she was the calmest one, shaking her head and showing pity. She thought Yang Ping was dead.

Yang Ping faces Jingtian Daoquan with a pale face.

It seems that the extremely terrible Daoquan is not attacking him, but like a spectator who stays out of the matter. In the eyes of the other three, Yang Ping was frightened, forgot to resist and was waiting for death.

The Taoist priest said coldly, "you can\'t take a punch."

At the same time, I don\'t understand why the above asked him to fight, and at the same time, when the three came to Longcheng, one person can blow up Yang Ping, enough to kill him. Do you think much of Yang Ping.

Yang Ping looked at the fire like Taoist boxing and said coldly, "is there anyone else besides you three?"

The Taoist priest fell.

With the momentum of breaking the nine days, Taoist Zun is confident. Even the leaders of Cihang Jingzhai are afraid of this punch. They feel like anti-aircraft shelling mosquitoes. The dignified Taoist is as high as heaven, but it is used to deal with a younger generation.

Although I don\'t know what the above means, daozun will still do it.

Hearing Yang Ping\'s boastful words, daozun three people laughed and said secretly that this person is probably crazy. Aren\'t they enough? Maybe one person is enough to kill him.

"It seems not."

Yang Ping sighed with regret and said softly, "you are strong, really strong enough to kill me. But I have been waiting for a long time, and this day has finally come." take a deep breath, your eyes burst out, your bones, meridians, joints, orifices and acupoints vibrate, thunder everywhere, deafening.


Yang Ping stretched out his hand and shouted, "today I\'ll show you why I can still stand in the dragon city without the shelter of the dragon city."

An ancient Scepter appeared in his hand. Yang Ping\'s face was dignified and roared, "years!"

After seeing the scepter, the Taoist priest was surprised and said, "this scepter is in your hand." then he sneered and shook his head. "It\'s a terrible thing. Give it to me." as soon as the voice fell, he stretched out his hand and wanted to grab it.

The handsome men and young girls saw the greedy color of the scepter and shot one after another.

The handsome man took out a jade flute, opened his mouth and blew out mysterious notes. Then the notes changed. The notes gathered into big hands and grabbed the scepter. The young and beautiful girl smiles with her eyes shining. The power of spring, summer, autumn and winter alternates. A seed falls to the ground. After spring, summer, autumn and winter, it grows into a tall tree with countless tentacles in the depths.

The top of the head is Daoquan, facing the attack of daozun.

Yang Ping clenched the scepter and revealed the killing opportunity. His voice was flickering and magical. He sighed, "you say if we are in the same realm, who can defeat who?"

Tao Zun sneered and hummed, "ignorance."

Handsome men and young girls directly ignore that the realm and strength are eternal, and no one can change it. Let alone Yang Ping, even the king of heaven can\'t deprive it. Yang Ping\'s hypothesis is just a fantasy.

"It\'s time."

Yang Ping looked up and suddenly sighed.

An ominous premonition surged into his heart. Daozun was the first to find it. He looked at the starry sky fiercely and suddenly found that the brightest stars broke out. At the same time, a golden light fell over the treasure Pavilion.

The handsome man and the young girl noticed something bad and retreated one after another to leave.

"It\'s late."

Yang Ping narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "since I dare to wait for you here, I\'m not afraid of you. This move is one and a half of the moves I have gained by understanding the vicissitudes of the years, but it\'s enough to deal with you."

"Five element acupuncture, years!"

The golden light fell, and golden particles penetrated the skin one by one, ignoring the immortal defense of Taoism and entering the body. The handsome man and the young girl looked at Yang Ping in horror and showed incredible eyes.

Taoist Zun lowered his head, looked at his palm and exclaimed, "how is it possible to reverse the years."

Yang Ping looked at the three coldly.

Taoist Zun, handsome men and young girls feel that their realm is declining and their strength is constantly retreating. In the golden light, they suddenly lose contact with the outside and fall into a terrible field.

Years field.

This is Yang Ping\'s acupuncture technique, which he has finally created through countless battles and fields. It can reverse the years and forcibly pull everyone to the same level. In the same realm, Yang Ping ignores everyone and is the strongest.

The Taoist priest turned pale, and the dark way was bad.

The other two looked grave and saw the horror in each other\'s eyes.

Yang Ping could be such a monster and pull the three people from high to the same level. Soon, Tao Zun and Yang Ping were at the same starting line.

With a cold smile, Yang Ping looked very tall at the moment, looked down at the three and said, "how do you feel now?"