Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1268

A slap fell from the sky and approached slowly in the expression that the visitor was still eager to die. The master of incense burning Valley, who was arrogant and domineering before, was scared to death at the moment. It was clear that Yang Ping\'s attack was very slow. He looked like a snail in his eyes, but his body didn\'t listen to him and watched his hands fall.

Smelling the threat of death, the other party roared, "incense burning!"

The most powerful incense burning skill of the incense Valley can turn the Qi strength in the body into an extremely terrible flame and burn the void. It is said that the valley master of the incense Valley killed two great saint peak experts in one breath when he was still in the civil war. The bodies of the two top experts spontaneously ignited and turned into ashes.

The master of incense burning Valley tried his best and shouted, "boy, let you taste the taste of burning yourself!"

Yang Ping looked at him coldly.

There was a red flame in front of him. He wanted to enter his body. Incense burning was a prefectural perfect ancient martial arts. It was very powerful, but Yang Ping took it lightly. He had seen even the most powerful ancient martial arts, not to mention incense burning.

The master of burning incense valley was overjoyed when he saw the flame. As long as he killed Yang Ping, his palm would naturally disperse. He was very confident in the ancient martial arts of burning incense Valley and kept sneering in his heart.

The red flame came in front of him, and Yang Ping opened her mouth and inhaled it into her body.

Burning incense Valley looks dull and scared to death. He roars in his heart. How can it be? It\'s my life flame. He dares to swallow it. Isn\'t he afraid of death?

But Yang Ping did swallow it without causing any harm.

Slap down.

With a click, his head was slapped and pressed directly into his neck. He became a headless corpse. In this way, his body sank to the ground, and there was a hole in front of him, the size of his head, but I don\'t know how deep it was.

A slap.

The great saint died.

Yang Ping said lightly, "those who insult me will die."

From now on, whoever annoys me again will bear the consequences.

A voice came out from the treasure Pavilion and spread all over the dragon city. Yang Ping slapped a great saint with a slap and announced to the outside that even without the protection of the power of the Dragon City, I am still high above the world and can\'t be provoked by you.

Countless people\'s eyes sucked cold air. The great sage expert of incense burning Valley used incense burning technique and was slapped to death. What kind of strength is this? Who came out that Yang Ping is only a saint?

Yang Ping glanced, as if he had seen through every place in Longcheng.

Every expert who has the strength to explore only feels that his back is cold and doesn\'t dare to look at him. Then he hides his breath obediently for fear of being locked by mental power. Yang Ping doesn\'t even pay attention to the first-class holy land, let alone other places.

Castle Peak cemetery.

The old man of Tianmu took back his eyes and shook his head and said, "it took many days to understand. His understanding is bad enough, but his temperament is very similar to them, but slightly different. Different ways, different temperament."

"Zhu Xi."

The old man of Tianmu didn\'t look back. He knew that Zhu Xi was standing at the door of the hut. He seemed to feel the wolf smoke essence of Longcheng and said, "you can go back."

Zhu Xi opened her mouth and looked at the old man in surprise.

The Tianmu old man said, "it\'s no use for you to stay with me now. Yang Ping needs your help. But let me ask you one more question, are you willing to sacrifice yourself for Yang Ping?"

Zhu Xi bit her lips and said firmly, "yes."

The old man of Tianmu asked again, "are you familiar with the art I taught you?"

Zhu Xi bowed her head and said, "familiar."

Old Tianmu clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Good. I hope it can be made up this time. After the golden age, 3000 physique disappeared, and now they reappear one by one, symbolizing a turning point. I can\'t see through this turning point, and no one can see through it. All the old monsters are laying out, depending on who can laugh last. Yang Ping is the one selected by the master and you are the one selected by me. I hope you won\'t disappoint me."

Zhu Xi knelt down and said respectfully, "master, I will never forget your kindness."

If Yang Ping is here, she will be shocked. Zhu Xi has become an apprentice of Tianmu old man. Although Tianmu old man only left a chess piece to help Yang Ping, this identity is enough to kill many holy land leaders.

The most important thing is Zhu Xi\'s resources. There is no coercion.

The reason why Zhu Xi didn\'t die was that the Tianmu old man had the grace to recreate and let her see a different world. In fact, another purpose in Zhu Xi\'s heart was to follow Yang Ping\'s footsteps. They were not in the same world and could never be together. She thought that Yang Ping chose Mingzhu because Mingzhu was a person in the Jianghu and she was just an ordinary person. Zhu Xi didn\'t want to hold back , this is a great opportunity.

These days, Zhu Xi has already thought about it.

Tianmu old man also knows what she thinks, but he still accepts disciples. You know, Tianmu old man doesn\'t have many true disciples, some of whom have long died. Zhu Xi is estimated to be his closing disciple, but he can\'t help feeling sorry in the face of this favorite closing female disciple.

The old man of Tianmu breathed a sigh, his eyes were faint, saw through the cosmic stars, and sighed, "is it time to leave?"

Zhu Xi was shocked again and said in a trembling voice: "master, what do you want..."

The old man of Tianmu looked at Zhu Xi and said with a bitter smile, "master can\'t stay in this world for too long. He will leave soon. You still need to go on your own in the future. So before you leave, can you promise master a request?"

Zhu Xi hurriedly said, "master, please say that as long as the disciples can do it, they will do their best."

The old man of Tianmu showed a sad expression.

Seeing his lonely expression, Zhu Xi felt even worse.

Coughing, old Tianmu whispered, "aren\'t you the boss of China Airlines Group? The sister I arranged last time was good. Can you make an appointment for me before I leave?"

Zhu Xi was stunned, and then her face was cold.

But seeing the old man\'s embarrassed expression and dodging eyes, Zhu Xi understood no matter how stupid he was. He was just sympathetic and wanted to date Ma Weiwei. Zhu Xi looked unhappy and pressed her anger.

Tianmu old man said with a smile: "well... You don\'t have to be the one before, as long as you have the same body... Don\'t look at me like this. I\'m very pure. Do you understand?"

"I have a rest."

Zhu Xi turned to the hut.

Tianmu old man shouted, "Dear disciple, although you and my teachers and disciples have very shallow feelings, only a few days, but time doesn\'t mean everything. Why don\'t you make an appointment for me?"


The door of the hut was closed, and Zhu Xi was obviously very angry.

The old man of Tianmu touched his nose and shrugged his shoulders and said, "even if you don\'t help me, can\'t you win a hairy girl by virtue of my name as the first girl picking expert in the city? How can you despise me."

When Zhu Xi entered the hut, the old man of Tianmu complained, and his face immediately changed dignified.

The stars over the dragon city are particularly bright. Countless big stars are comparable to the bright moon. The stars fall over the city and illuminate the whole city as if it were day, but there are wisps of evil in the starlight, eroding the ordinary people living in the city.

Cold hum, the old man of Tianmu wants to stop.

"Taoist friend, this is a mortal thing. Why bother?" an old monk appeared in the cemetery, his hands folded and his eyebrows looked down.

Old Tianmu\'s eyes flashed and said coldly, "old bald donkey, you dare to appear. Aren\'t you afraid to really kill you?"

It\'s the northern heavenly king.

"I came here just to chat with my Taoist friends." the old monk said with no sorrow or joy on his face.

Old man Tianmu turned his eyes and said, "dare you!"